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Created October 23, 2016 20:01
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class Qemu < Formula
desc "x86 and PowerPC Emulator"
homepage ""
head "", :branch => "qemu-hypervisor-framework"
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "libtool" => :build
depends_on "jpeg"
depends_on "libpng" => :recommended
depends_on "gnutls"
depends_on "glib"
depends_on "pixman"
depends_on "vde" => :optional
depends_on "sdl" => :optional
depends_on "gtk+" => :optional
depends_on "libssh2" => :optional
fails_with :gcc_4_0 do
cause "qemu requires a compiler with support for the __thread specifier"
fails_with :gcc do
cause "qemu requires a compiler with support for the __thread specifier"
# 3.2MB working disc-image file hosted on upstream's servers for people to use to test qemu functionality.
resource "armtest" do
url ""
sha256 "4b4c2dce4c055f0a2adb93d571987a3d40c96c6cbfd9244d19b9708ce5aea454"
def install
ENV["LIBTOOL"] = "glibtool"
args = %W[
# Cocoa and SDL/GTK+ UIs cannot both be enabled at once.
if build.with?("sdl") || build.with?("gtk+")
args << "--disable-cocoa"
args << "--enable-cocoa"
args << (build.with?("vde") ? "--enable-vde" : "--disable-vde")
args << (build.with?("sdl") ? "--enable-sdl" : "--disable-sdl")
args << (build.with?("gtk+") ? "--enable-gtk" : "--disable-gtk")
args << (build.with?("libssh2") ? "--enable-libssh2" : "--disable-libssh2")
system "./configure", *args
system "make", "V=1", "install"
test do
assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-i386 --version")
resource("armtest").stage testpath
assert_match "file format: raw", shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-img info arm_root.img")
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