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Last active April 22, 2019 14:26
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  • Save andr3medeiros/4faef40e2c0a714011dd2a50fb562e88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andr3medeiros/4faef40e2c0a714011dd2a50fb562e88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Transform full lodash imports into imports for separated modules
const glob = require('glob');
const fs = require('fs');
// Find file(s)
glob('*/**/*.+(js|jsx)', (err, files) => {
if (err) { throw err; }
console.log(`Found ${files.length} files to check...`);
files.forEach(item => {
// Read file
const content = fs.readFileSync(item, 'utf8');
let newContent = content;
const requireRegex = /const\s*_\s*=\s*require\(['"]lodash['"]\);*\n/gi;
const required = content.match(requireRegex);
const oneLinerRegex = /import\s*\{[(\w),\s]+\}\s*from\s*['"]lodash['"];*\n/gi;
const oneLiner = content.match(oneLinerRegex);
const importAllRegex = /import\s*_\s*from\s*['"]lodash['"];*\n/gi;
const allImported = content.match(importAllRegex);
if (!allImported && !oneLiner && !required) return;
if (oneLiner) {
let main = oneLiner[0].replace(/import\s*\{/, '');
main = main.replace(/\}\s*from\s*['"]lodash[/'"]\w*;*/, '');
const matches = main.match(/\w+/gi);
matches.forEach(match => {
newContent = `import ${match} from 'lodash/${match}';\n${newContent}`;
newContent = newContent.replace(oneLinerRegex, '');
const underscoreMatches = content.match(/_\.\w+/gi);
if ((allImported || required) && underscoreMatches && underscoreMatches.length) {
const repeatedMatches = [];
underscoreMatches.forEach(dirtyMatch => {
const match = dirtyMatch.replace('_.', '');
if (repeatedMatches.some(repeatedMatch => repeatedMatch === match)) return;
newContent = `import ${match} from 'lodash/${match}';\n${newContent}`;
underscoreMatches.forEach(dirtyMatch => {
const match = dirtyMatch.replace('_.', '');
newContent = newContent.replace(dirtyMatch, match);
newContent = newContent.replace(importAllRegex, '');
newContent = newContent.replace(requireRegex, '');
console.log(item + ' changed');
fs.writeFile(item, newContent, 'utf8', writeFileError => console.error(writeFileError));
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