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Created November 4, 2022 18:01
get country borders from planet-latest.osm.pbf openstreetmap export using osmium into a geojson file
# on a Mac: brew install osmium-tool
# get relations with boundary=administrative tag, use -t to throw away unneeded tag info
# (otherwise a bunch of unneeded objects remain)
osmium tags-filter -t -o bound.osm.pbf planet-latest.osm.pbf r/boundary=administrative
# same, but filtering futher for admin_level=2
osmium tags-filter -t -o admin_level_2.osm.pbf bound.osm.pbf r/admin_level=2
#convert to geojson for further processing
osmium export admin_level_2.osm.pbf -o admin_level_2.geojson
# note: disputed territories might be a part of _both_ countries in this dataset.
# note2: this ran in a couple of minutes (for the whole planet!) on a machine with an M1 Pro processor.
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