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Created July 12, 2017 13:52
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PREFIX wp: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?metabolite1Label ?metabolite2Label ?mass1 ?mass2 WITH {
SELECT ?metabolite1 ?metabolite2 WHERE {
?pathwayItem wdt:P2410 "WP706";
wdt:P2888 ?pwIri.
?pathway dc:identifier ?pwIri.
?interaction rdf:type wp:Interaction;
wp:participants ?wpmb1, ?wpmb2;
dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway.
FILTER (?wpmb1 != ?wpmb2)
?wpmb1 wp:bdbWikidata ?metabolite1.
?wpmb2 wp:bdbWikidata ?metabolite2.
} AS %metabolites WHERE {
INCLUDE %metabolites.
?metabolite1 wdt:P2067 ?mass1.
?metabolite2 wdt:P2067 ?mass2.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
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