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""" | |
Download WFS | |
Download Shapefile DETER | |
Copyright 2020 TerraBrasilis | |
Usage: | |
download-deter-data.py | |
Options: | |
no have | |
Disclaimer. | |
This is an example, therefore, we do not implement all error handling or cover all | |
problems related to the download process. | |
It is highly recommended that you improve and adapt this code to your specifics. | |
If you run this script in the same directory on the same day, the output file will be replaced. | |
Before start, read the tecnical posts into our Blog. | |
https://terrabrasilis.dpi.inpe.br/categoria/conteudo-tecnico/ | |
""" | |
import requests, os, io | |
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth | |
from datetime import datetime | |
from xml.etree import ElementTree as xmlTree | |
class DownloadWFS: | |
""" | |
Define configurations on instantiate. | |
First parameter: user, The user name used to authentication on the server. | |
Second parameter: password, The password value used to authentication on the server. | |
To change the predefined settings, inside the constructor, edit the | |
parameter values in accordance with the respective notes. | |
""" | |
def __init__(self,user=None,password=None): | |
""" | |
Constructor with predefined settings. | |
The start date is set by manually changing the value of the START_DATE parameter, below. | |
The end date is automatically detected in the machine's calendar. | |
The next filter on the states, uses the UF parameter and the | |
values are the acronyms of the state names, like PA or AM. | |
Important note: If the range used to filter is very wide, the number of resources | |
returned may be greater than the maximum limit allowed by the server. | |
In this case, this version has been prepared for pagination and the shapefile is | |
downloaded in parts. | |
""" | |
# warning: before change the time interval, pay attention into notes on constructor. | |
self.START_DATE="2023-01-01" | |
self.END_DATE=datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') | |
self.UF=None | |
self.WORKSPACE_NAME="deter-amz" | |
# To change the desired layer, change the following value. | |
# The public layer "deter_amz" or the controled layer "deter_amz_auth" | |
self.LAYER_NAME="deter_amz" | |
# The output file name (layer_name_start_date_end_date) | |
self.OUTPUT_FILENAME="{0}_{1}_{2}".format(self.LAYER_NAME,self.START_DATE,self.END_DATE) | |
self.AUTH=None | |
if user and password: | |
self.AUTH=HTTPBasicAuth(user, password) | |
def __buildBaseURL(self): | |
host="terrabrasilis.dpi.inpe.br" | |
url="https://{0}/geoserver/{1}/{2}/wfs".format(host,self.WORKSPACE_NAME,self.LAYER_NAME) | |
return url | |
def __buildQueryString(self, OUTPUTFORMAT=None): | |
""" | |
Building the query string to call the WFS service. | |
The parameter: OUTPUTFORMAT, the output format for the WFS GetFeature operation described | |
in the AllowedValues section in the capabilities document. | |
<ows:Parameter name="outputFormat"> | |
<ows:AllowedValues> | |
<ows:Value>application/gml+xml; version=3.2</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>GML2</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>KML</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>SHAPE-ZIP</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>application/json</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>application/vnd.google-earth.kml xml</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>csv</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>gml3</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>gml32</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>json</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1</ows:Value> | |
<ows:Value>text/xml; subtype=gml/3.2</ows:Value> | |
</ows:AllowedValues> | |
</ows:Parameter> | |
To change defined filters and discover more possibilities | |
you should learn more about WFS standard and how to filter using CQL. | |
https://www.ogc.org/standards/wfs | |
""" | |
# Filters example (by date interval and uf) | |
CQL_FILTER="view_date BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}'".format(self.START_DATE,self.END_DATE) | |
if self.UF: CQL_FILTER="{0} AND uf='{1}'".format(CQL_FILTER,self.UF) | |
# WFS parameters | |
REQUEST="GetFeature" | |
VERSION="2.0.0" | |
# if OUTPUTFORMAT is changed, check the output file extension within the get method in this class. | |
exceptions="text/xml" | |
# define the output projection. We use the layer default projection. (Geography/SIRGAS2000) | |
srsName="EPSG:4674" | |
# the layer definition | |
TYPENAME="{0}:{1}".format(self.WORKSPACE_NAME,self.LAYER_NAME) | |
allLocalParams=locals() | |
allLocalParams.pop("self",None) | |
PARAMS="&".join("{}={}".format(k,v) for k,v in allLocalParams.items()) | |
return PARAMS | |
def __xmlRequest(self, url): | |
root=None | |
if self.AUTH: | |
response=requests.get(url, auth=self.AUTH) | |
else: | |
response=requests.get(url) | |
if response.ok: | |
xmlInMemory = io.BytesIO(response.content) | |
tree = xmlTree.parse(xmlInMemory) | |
root = tree.getroot() | |
return root | |
def __getServerLimit(self): | |
""" | |
Read the data download service limit via WFS | |
""" | |
url="{0}?{1}".format(self.__buildBaseURL(),"service=wfs&version=2.0.0&request=GetCapabilities") | |
# the default limit on our GeoServer | |
serverLimit=100000 | |
XML=self.__xmlRequest(url) | |
if XML.tag is not None and '{http://www.opengis.net/wfs/2.0}WFS_Capabilities'==XML.tag: | |
for p in XML.findall(".//{http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1}Operation/[@name='GetFeature']"): | |
dv=p.find(".//{http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1}Constraint/[@name='CountDefault']") | |
serverLimit=dv.find('.//{http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1}DefaultValue').text | |
return int(serverLimit) | |
def __countMaxResult(self): | |
""" | |
Read the number of lines of results expected in the download using the defined filters. | |
""" | |
url="{0}?{1}".format(self.__buildBaseURL(), self.__buildQueryString()) | |
url="{0}&{1}".format(url,"resultType=hits") | |
numberMatched=0 | |
XML=self.__xmlRequest(url) | |
if XML.tag is not None and '{http://www.opengis.net/wfs/2.0}FeatureCollection'==XML.tag: | |
numberMatched=XML.find('[@numberMatched]').get('numberMatched') | |
return int(numberMatched) | |
def __pagination(self): | |
# get server limit and count max number of results | |
sl=self.__getServerLimit() | |
rr=self.__countMaxResult() | |
# define the start page number | |
pagNumber=1 | |
# define the start index of data | |
startIndex=0 | |
# define the attribute to sort data | |
sortBy="gid" | |
# using the server limit to each download | |
count=sl | |
# pagination iteraction | |
while(startIndex<rr): | |
paginationParams="&count={0}&sortBy={1}&startIndex={2}".format(count,sortBy,startIndex) | |
self.__download(paginationParams,pagNumber) | |
startIndex=startIndex+count | |
pagNumber=pagNumber+1 | |
def __download(self, pagination="startIndex=0", pagNumber=1): | |
url="{0}?{1}&{2}".format(self.__buildBaseURL(), self.__buildQueryString(), pagination) | |
dir_name=os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) | |
# the extension of output file is ".zip" because the OUTPUTFORMAT is defined as "SHAPE-ZIP" | |
output_file="{0}/{1}_part{2}.zip".format(dir_name, self.OUTPUT_FILENAME, pagNumber) | |
if self.AUTH: | |
response=requests.get(url, auth=self.AUTH) | |
else: | |
response=requests.get(url) | |
if response.ok: | |
with open(output_file, 'wb') as f: | |
f.write(response.content) | |
else: | |
print("Download fail with HTTP Error: {0}".format(response.status_code)) | |
def get(self): | |
self.__pagination() | |
# end of class | |
# To call without credentials (uses the public layer name) | |
down=DownloadWFS() | |
# To call with credentials (needs change the layer name) | |
# down=DownloadWFS("user","pass") | |
# Call download | |
down.get() |
Olá Wanderson, tudo certo, espero que com você também.
Este código não está bom com relação ao tratamento de exceções.
O problema está sendo gerado por uma alteração no nome dos atributos publicados na camada WFS em questão.
Troque o atributo "date" por "view_date" que o problema deve ser resolvido.
Vou corrigir o exemplo.
Abraço, André
Olá Wanderson, veja a última revisão do código para identificar exatamente o local da alteração.
Grato pelo interesse, André
Boa Noite André, tudo ótimo?
Excelente dica!!! Funcionou perfeitamente.
Muitíssimo obrigado pela ajuda.
Boa tarde Andre, tudo bom?
Saberia dizer se mudaram a tag?...eu tinha pego a versão com a view_date (CQL_FILTER="view_date BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}'".format(self.START_DATE,self.END_DATE) porém esta dando novamente o erro de AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'tag'
Muito obrigado pela ajuda.
Olá Wanderson,
Acredito que tenha relação com as instabilidades do serviço. Tivemos muitas quedas/desligamentos de energia especialmente em 07/09 e 13/09.
Testei aqui e continua funcionando.
Como informado no cabeçalho do script, os tratamentos de possíveis falhas precisam ser melhorados/adaptados.
Sugiro que você inclua a verificação de validade do membro "tag" do objeto "XML". Há necessidade em dois pontos, linha 156 e 172.
Tente usar assim:
if XML.tag is not None and
Incluí isso ao código, basta conferir.
Mas ainda não é o ideal, já que a execução irá continuar, utilizando os valores default para os limites. Caso o problema seja com o serviço remoto, irá parar mais à frente.
Abraço, André
Boa tarde Andre, tudo bom?
Excelente dica! Funcionou perfeitamente.
Muitissimo obrigado pela ajuda.
Wanderson Santos
Boa tarde André, tudo bom?
Recentemente estou passou esse erro que não consigo solucionar:
Teria alguma ideia de como solucionar esse problema?