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Created January 19, 2017 18:56
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A plugin for Vue.JS to help beginners
# Only works on named components
# Vue.use( require('src/plugins/trace') )
# npm install -g coffee-script
# coffee -bc
css = (color = 'black') -> "
background: #{color};
font-weight: bold;
color: white;
hookFunction = (message) ->
if (component = @$
console.log "#{@_uid}) #{component} %c #{message} ", css()
hooksLogger = {}
for hook in [
'beforeDestroy', 'destroyed',
'beforeMount', 'mounted',
'activated', 'deactivated'
hooksLogger[hook] = hookFunction hook
wrapFunction = (func, message, color) ->
console.log "#{@_uid}) #{message}", css color
func.apply @, arguments
wrapObject = (object, message, color) ->
for key, value of object when typeof value is 'function'
object[key] = wrapFunction value, "#{message} %c #{key} ", color
wrappedAlready = Symbol 'Trace plugin has been applied to this object already'
markAsWrapped = (object) ->
return if !object? or wrappedAlready of object
object[wrappedAlready] = true
methodsLogger = (prop, color) ->
beforeCreate: ->
object = @$options[prop]
if markAsWrapped object
if (component = @$
wrapObject object, "#{component} - #{prop}", color
module.exports =
install: (Vue, options) ->
Vue.mixin methodsLogger 'computed', 'green'
Vue.mixin methodsLogger 'methods', 'blue'
Vue.mixin methodsLogger 'watch', 'red'
Vue.mixin hooksLogger
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