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Created June 25, 2012 10:19
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SAGA-C++ example
void work (int jobno, saga::session s, saga::job::service js)
saga::url bfast_base_dir ("s");
std::stringstream ss;
ss << jobno;
std::string id = ss.str ();
std::string workdir = bfast_base_dir.get_path () + "/tmp/run/" + id;
saga::filesystem::directory basedir (s, bfast_base_dir);
basedir.make_dir (workdir);
saga.job.Description jd;
jd.set_attribute (saga::job::executable, "$BFAST_DIR/bin/bfast");
jd.set_attribute (saga::job::working _directory, workdir);
jd.set_attribute (saga::job::description_cpu_count, "1");
jd.set_attribute (saga::job::description_wall_time_limit, "5");
std::vector vec;
vec.push_back ("BFAST_DIR=" + bfast_base_dir.get_path ());
jd.set_vector_attribute (saga::job::description_environment, vec);
vec.clear ();
vec.push_back ("match");
vec.push_back ("-A 1");
vec.push_back ("-r $BFAST_DIR/data/small/reads_5K/reads.10.fastq");
vec.push_back ("-f $BFAST_DIR/data/small/reference/hg_2122.fa");
jd.set_vector_attribute (saga::job::description_arguments, vec);
saga::job::job myjob = js.create_job (jd)
std::cout << "Job #" << jobno << " started with ID " << myjob.get_jobid ()
<< "and working directory: " << workdir << std::endl;
std::cout << "Job #" << jobno << " with ID " << myjob.get_jobid ()
<< " finished (RC: " << myjob.get_attribute ("Exitcode")
<< ". Output available in: " << workdir << std::endl;
catch ( const saga::exception & ex )
std::cerr << "An error occurred during job execution: " %
<< ex.get_message () << std::endl;
exit (-1);
int main ()
saga::url execution_host ("pbs+ssh://");
saga.context ctx;
ctx.set_attribute ("type" = "ssh");
ctx.set_attribute ("userid" = "oweidner"); // like 'ssh username@host ...'
ctx.set_attribute ("userkey" = "/Users/oweidner/.ssh/rsa_work"); // like ssh -i ...'
saga.session session;
session.add_context (ctx);
saga.job.service js (s, execution_host);
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
work (i, session, js);
return 0;
void work (int jobno, saga::session s, saga::job::service js)
saga::url bfast_base_dir ("s");
std::stringstream ss;
ss << jobno;
std::string id = ss.str ();
std::string workdir = bfast_base_dir.get_path () + "/tmp/run/" + id;
saga::filesystem::directory basedir (s, bfast_base_dir);
basedir.make_dir (workdir);
saga.job.Description jd;
jd.set_attribute (saga::job::executable, "$BFAST_DIR/bin/bfast");
jd.set_attribute (saga::job::working _directory, workdir);
jd.set_attribute (saga::job::description_cpu_count, "1");
jd.set_attribute (saga::job::description_wall_time_limit, "5");
std::vector vec;
vec.push_back ("BFAST_DIR=" + bfast_base_dir.get_path ());
jd.set_vector_attribute (saga::job::description_environment, vec);
vec.clear ();
vec.push_back ("match");
vec.push_back ("-A 1");
vec.push_back ("-r $BFAST_DIR/data/small/reads_5K/reads.10.fastq");
vec.push_back ("-f $BFAST_DIR/data/small/reference/hg_2122.fa");
jd.set_vector_attribute (saga::job::description_arguments, vec);
saga::job::job myjob = js.create_job (jd)
std::cout << "Job #" << jobno << " started with ID " << myjob.get_jobid ()
<< "and working directory: " << workdir << std::endl;
std::cout << "Job #" << jobno << " with ID " << myjob.get_jobid ()
<< " finished (RC: " << myjob.get_attribute ("Exitcode")
<< ". Output available in: " << workdir << std::endl;
catch ( const saga::exception & ex )
std::cerr << "An error occurred during job execution: " %
<< ex.get_message () << std::endl;
exit (-1);
int main ()
saga::url execution_host ("pbs+ssh://");
saga.context ctx;
ctx.set_attribute ("type" , "ssh");
ctx.set_attribute ("userid" , "oweidner"); // like 'ssh username@host ...'
ctx.set_attribute ("userkey", "/Users/oweidner/.ssh/rsa_work"); // like ssh -i ...'
saga.session session;
session.add_context (ctx);
saga.job.service js (s, execution_host);
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
work (i, session, js);
return 0;
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