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  • Save andre-merzky/6054780 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import os
import sys
import saga
import getpass
USERNAME = os.environ.get('USER')
def main():
# Your ssh identity on the remote machine
ctx = saga.Context("ssh")
ctx.user_id = "sagatut"
session = saga.Session()
# session.add_context(ctx)
# Create a job service object that represent the local machine.
# The keyword 'fork://' in the url scheme triggers the 'shell' adaptor
# which can execute jobs on the local machine as well as on a remote
# machine via "ssh://hostname".
js = saga.job.Service("slurm+ssh://%s" % REMOTE_HOST, session=session)
# describe our job
jd = saga.job.Description()
# Next, we describe the job we want to run. A complete set of job
# description attributes can be found in the API documentation.
jd.environment = {'MYOUTPUT':'"Hello from SAGA"'}
jd.executable = '/bin/echo'
jd.arguments = ['$MYOUTPUT']
jd.queue = "normal"
jd.project = "TG-MCB090174"
jd.output = "/tmp/mysagajob-%s.stdout" % USERNAME
jd.error = "/tmp/mysagajob-%s.stderr" % USERNAME
# Create a new job from the job description. The initial state of
# the job is 'New'.
myjob = js.create_job(jd)
# Check our job's id and state
print "Job ID : %s" % (
print "Job State : %s" % (myjob.state)
print "\n...starting job...\n"
# Now we can start our job.
print "Job ID : %s" % (
print "Job State : %s" % (myjob.state)
print "\n...waiting for job...\n"
# wait for the job to either finish or fail
print "Job State : %s" % (myjob.state)
print "Exitcode : %s" % (myjob.exit_code)
outfilesource = 'sftp://%s/tmp/mysagajob-%s.stdout' % (REMOTE_HOST, USERNAME)
outfiletarget = "file://%s/" % os.getcwd()
out = saga.filesystem.File(outfilesource, session=session)
print "Staged out %s to %s (size: %s bytes)" % (outfilesource, outfiletarget, out.get_size())
return 0
except saga.SagaException, ex:
# Catch all saga exceptions
print "An exception occured: (%s) %s " % (ex.type, (str(ex)))
# Trace back the exception. That can be helpful for debugging.
print " \n*** Backtrace:\n %s" % ex.traceback
return -1
if __name__ == "__main__":
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