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Created March 26, 2015 05:54
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import System.Random
import Control.Monad.Random
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import Data.Map.Lazy (Map)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable as T
-- for the moment consider this a constant
max_speed = 2
data Headway = Headway Int | ClearHeadway
-- this is to fix what getRandom returns
getRandomDouble :: RandomGen g => Rand g Double
getRandomDouble = getRandom
data Vehicle = Vehicle Int
deriving (Show)
getSpeed (Vehicle speed) = speed
newVehicle = Vehicle 0
updateSpeed (Vehicle speed) ClearHeadway = Vehicle safe_speed
safe_speed = min (speed + 1) max_speed
updateSpeed (Vehicle speed) (Headway h) = Vehicle safe_speed
safe_speed = min (speed + 1) $ min max_speed h
randomUpdateSpeed (Vehicle speed) ClearHeadway = do
let safe_speed = min (speed + 1) max_speed
x <- getRandomDouble
let new_speed = if x < 0.5 then max (safe_speed - 1) 0 else safe_speed
return (Vehicle new_speed)
randomUpdateSpeed (Vehicle speed) (Headway h) = do
let safe_speed = min (speed + 1) $ min max_speed h
x <- getRandomDouble
let new_speed = if x < 0.5 then max (safe_speed - 1) 0 else safe_speed
return (Vehicle new_speed)
type IntMap = Map Int
data Lane = Lane (IntMap Vehicle) (IntMap Int) Int
deriving (Show)
newLane = Lane vehicles positions 0
vehicles = Map.singleton 0 newVehicle
positions = Map.singleton 0 0
-- this doesn't check that canInsert lane returns true
pushVehicle (Lane vehicles positions first_vehicle) vehicle =
Lane new_vehicles new_positions new_first_vehicle
new_vehicles = Map.insert new_first_vehicle vehicle vehicles
new_positions = Map.insert new_first_vehicle 0 positions
new_first_vehicle = first_vehicle - 1
headway (Lane _ _ _) 0 = ClearHeadway
headway (Lane _ positions _) i = Headway (x - y)
Just x = Map.lookup (i + 1) positions
Just y = Map.lookup i positions
canInsert (Lane _ positions first_vehicle) = k /= 0
Just k = Map.lookup first_vehicle positions
originUpdate :: RandomGen g => Lane -> Rand g Lane
originUpdate lane = case canInsert lane of
True -> do
x <- getRandomDouble
return $ if x > 0.5 then pushVehicle lane newVehicle else lane
False -> return lane
bulkUpdate :: RandomGen g => Lane -> Rand g Lane
bulkUpdate lane@(Lane vehicles positions first_vehicle) = do
new_vehicles <- Map.traverseWithKey (\i v -> randomUpdateSpeed v (headway lane i)) vehicles
let update_position i p = p + (getSpeed $ fromJust $ Map.lookup i new_vehicles)
let new_positions = Map.mapWithKey update_position positions
return $ Lane new_vehicles new_positions first_vehicle
parallelUpdate:: RandomGen g => Lane -> Rand g Lane
parallelUpdate lane = do
-- there should be a way to just write this as a composition right?
l1 <- originUpdate lane
l2 <- bulkUpdate l1
return l2
-- this is what is missing and I can't figure out
-- stream = iterate parallelUpdate newLane
-- compute n = take n $ map someAnalisysProcedure $ stream
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