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Created April 27, 2023 07:26
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matchMaybe :: forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec (Maybe a)
matchMaybe Toml.BiMap {forward, backward} key = Toml.Codec input output
input :: Toml.TomlEnv (Maybe a)
input toml = case HashMap.lookup key (Toml.tomlPairs toml) of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just anyVal -> pure <$> Toml.whenLeftBiMapError key (backward anyVal) pure
output :: Maybe a -> Toml.TomlState (Maybe a)
output Nothing = pure Nothing
output (Just a) = do
anyVal <- Toml.eitherToTomlState $ forward a
Just a <$ modify (insertKeyAnyVal key anyVal)
-- Using match
-- >>> Toml.decode (match Toml._ZonedTime "time") ""
-- Left [KeyNotFound ("time" :| [])]
-- >>> Toml.decode (match Toml._ZonedTime "time") "time = 1"
-- Left [BiMapError ("time" :| []) (WrongValue (MatchError {valueExpected = TZoned, valueActual = Integer 1}))]
-- >>> Toml.decode (match Toml._ZonedTime "time") "time = \"some text\""
-- Left [BiMapError ("time" :| []) (WrongValue (MatchError {valueExpected = TZoned, valueActual = Text "some text"}))]
-- >>> Toml.decode (match Toml._ZonedTime "time") "time = '2022-08-22T10:38:45Z'"
-- Left [BiMapError ("time" :| []) (WrongValue (MatchError {valueExpected = TZoned, valueActual = Text "2022-08-22T10:38:45Z"}))]
-- >>> Toml.decode (match Toml._ZonedTime "time") "time = 2022-08-22T10:38:45Z"
-- Right 2022-08-22 10:38:45 +0000
-- Using match and dioptional
-- >>> Toml.decode (Toml.dioptional $ match Toml._ZonedTime "time") ""
-- Right Nothing
-- >>> Toml.decode (Toml.dioptional $ match Toml._ZonedTime "time") "time = 1"
-- Right Nothing
-- >>> Toml.decode (Toml.dioptional $ match Toml._ZonedTime "time") "time = \"some text\""
-- Right Nothing
-- >>> Toml.decode (Toml.dioptional $ match Toml._ZonedTime "time") "time = '2022-08-22T10:38:45Z'"
-- Right Nothing
-- >>> Toml.decode (Toml.dioptional $ match Toml._ZonedTime "time") "time = 2022-08-22T10:38:45Z"
-- Right (Just 2022-08-22 10:38:45 +0000)
-- Using matchMaybe
-- >>> Toml.decode (matchMaybe Toml._ZonedTime "time") ""
-- Right Nothing
-- >>> Toml.decode (matchMaybe Toml._ZonedTime "time") "time = 1"
-- Left [BiMapError ("time" :| []) (WrongValue (MatchError {valueExpected = TZoned, valueActual = Integer 1}))]
-- >>> Toml.decode (matchMaybe Toml._ZonedTime "time") "time = \"some text\""
-- Left [BiMapError ("time" :| []) (WrongValue (MatchError {valueExpected = TZoned, valueActual = Text "some text"}))]
-- >>> Toml.decode (matchMaybe Toml._ZonedTime "time") "time = '2022-08-22T10:38:45Z'"
-- Left [BiMapError ("time" :| []) (WrongValue (MatchError {valueExpected = TZoned, valueActual = Text "2022-08-22T10:38:45Z"}))]
-- >>> Toml.decode (matchMaybe Toml._ZonedTime "time") "time = 2022-08-22T10:38:45Z"
-- Right (Just 2022-08-22 10:38:45 +0000)
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