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Created December 15, 2013 14:53
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Save andreadipersio/7973881 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Some scratch code I wrote time ago to get amazon product information through Product Advertisement API. Use as a starting point.
package amazon
import (
var Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`amazon\.(.*)?[dp|gp|o|detail].*\/(\w{10})?\/.*$`)
type Config struct {
Regions []string
AccessTag string
AccessKeyId string
SecretAccessKey string
type Amazon struct {
Config Config
RequestUrl *url.URL
RegionHost string
Timestamp time.Time
ItemId string
EmbedData struct {
Title string
func (x *Amazon) GetRegionHost() string {
host := x.RequestUrl.Host
getRegionDomain := func() string {
for _, region := range x.Config.Regions {
if strings.HasSuffix(host, region) {
return region
return ""
regionDomain := getRegionDomain()
if regionDomain == "" {
return ""
fullDomain := fmt.Sprint("", regionDomain)
return fullDomain
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/*<ProductName>/dp/ASIN-VALUE-HERE */
func (x *Amazon) GetItemId() string {
if x.ItemId != "" {
return x.ItemId
path := x.RequestUrl.Path
findItemId := func() string {
matches := Regexp.FindSubmatch([]byte(path))
if len(matches) < 2 {
return ""
return string(matches[1])
return findItemId()
func (x *Amazon) Sign(body string) string {
secret := x.Config.SecretAccessKey
getHmac := func() []byte {
h := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(secret))
return h.Sum(nil)
getBase64 := func(in []byte) string {
enc := base64.StdEncoding
return enc.EncodeToString(in)
byteSignature := getHmac()
return string(getBase64(byteSignature))
func (x *Amazon) GetTimestamp() string {
return x.Timestamp.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
func (x *Amazon) GetEndpointQueryString() string {
qsValues := [][]string {[]string{"AWSAccessKeyId", x.Config.AccessKeyId},
[]string{"AssociateTag", x.Config.AccessTag},
[]string{"Condition", "All"},
[]string{"IdType", "ASIN"},
[]string{"ItemId", x.GetItemId()},
[]string{"Operation", "ItemLookup"},
[]string{"ResponseGroup", url.QueryEscape("Images,ItemAttributes,Offers")},
[]string{"Service", "AWSECommerceService"},
[]string{"Timestamp", url.QueryEscape(x.GetTimestamp())},
[]string{"Version", "2011-08-01"}}
qsPairs := []string{}
for _, pair := range qsValues {
qsPairs = append(qsPairs, (strings.Join(pair, "=")))
qsStr := strings.Join(qsPairs, "&")
return qsStr
func (x *Amazon) GetSignature() string {
body := fmt.Sprintf("GET\n%s\n/onca/xml\n", x.GetRegionHost()) + x.GetEndpointQueryString()
return x.Sign(body)
func (x *Amazon) GetEndpoint() *url.URL {
signatureSafeValue := url.QueryEscape(x.GetSignature())
signature := "Signature=" + signatureSafeValue
fullUrl := "http://" + x.GetRegionHost() + "/onca/xml?" + x.GetEndpointQueryString() + "&" + signature
if pUrl, err := url.Parse(fullUrl); err != nil {
return nil
} else {
return pUrl
return nil
type ItemAttribute struct {
Title string
Author []string
Brand string
FormattedPrice string `xml:"ListPrice>FormattedPrice"`
type Item struct {
DetailPageURL string `xml:"Item>DetailPageURL"`
ItemAttributes []ItemAttribute `xml:"Item>ItemAttributes"`
LargeImage string `xml:"Item>LargeImage>URL"`
type Items struct {
Items []Item `xml:"Items"`
func (x *Amazon) ParseXML(body []byte) Items {
var items Items
if err := xml.Unmarshal(body, &items); err != nil {
return Items{}
return items
type AmazonResults struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
Author []string `json:"authors"`
FormattedPrice string `json:"formatted_price"`
LargeImage string `json:"large_image"`
func (x *Amazon) Fetch() string {
pUrl := x.GetEndpoint()
resp, err := http.Get(pUrl.String())
if err != nil {
return ""
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return ""
items := x.ParseXML(body)
if len(items.Items) < 1 {
return ""
item := items.Items[0]
if len(item.ItemAttributes) < 0 {
return ""
attrs := item.ItemAttributes[0]
var authors []string
if attrs.Author != nil {
authors = attrs.Author
} else {
authors = []string{attrs.Brand}
jsonData := AmazonResults{attrs.Title, authors, attrs.FormattedPrice, item.LargeImage}
if result, err := json.Marshal(&jsonData); err == nil {
return string(result)
return ""
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