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Last active June 23, 2024 13:27
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Microsoft.Data.SqlClient retry logic
// SQL server connection string
using Dapper;
using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient;
var cs = "Server=.\\test;Database=Northwind;Trusted_Connection=True;";
// Define the retry logic parameters
var options = new SqlRetryLogicOption()
// Tries 5 times before throwing an exception
NumberOfTries = 5,
// Preferred gap time to delay before retry
DeltaTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
// Maximum gap time for each delay time before retry
MaxTimeInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20),
TransientErrors = new List<int> { -1, -2, 0, 109, 233, 997, 1222, 10060, -2146232060, 596 }
// Create a retry logic object
SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider = SqlConfigurableRetryFactory.CreateExponentialRetryProvider(options);
provider.Retrying += (object s, SqlRetryingEventArgs e) =>
int attempts = e.RetryCount + 1;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
Console.WriteLine($"attempt {attempts} - current delay time:{e.Delay} \n");
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
if (e.Exceptions[e.Exceptions.Count - 1] is SqlException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"{e.Exceptions[e.Exceptions.Count - 1].Message}\n");
// It is not a good practice to do time-consuming tasks inside the retrying event which blocks the running task.
// Use parallel programming patterns to mitigate it.
if (e.RetryCount == provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries - 1)
Console.WriteLine("This is the last chance to execute the command before throwing the exception.");
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter when you're ready:");
Console.WriteLine("continue ...");
var connection = new SqlConnection(cs);
// Assumes that connection is a valid SqlConnection object
// Set the retry logic provider on the connection instance
connection.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
// Establishing the connection will retry if a transient failure occurs.
await connection.OpenAsync();
var sql = "SELECT * FROM Customers";
var list = await connection.QueryAsync<Customer>(sql);
foreach (var item in list)
Console.WriteLine($"customer {item.CustomerID} {item.ContactName}");
record Customer(string CustomerID, string ContactName, string City);
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