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Last active November 25, 2021 17:59
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Save andreagrioni/60147546d9ef5d8a7af73e971bc73c90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#' generate volcano plots with EnanchedVolcano
#' @table a tibble in the format limma::topTable
#' @coef the coeffincient to be filtered
#' @img_dir save image to directory
#' @fdr_threshold the max FDR allowed to color targets
#' @save bool (def. TRUE)
make_volcano <- function(table, coef, img_dir, fdr_threshold=0.1, save=TRUE) {
# filter for coefficient
table %>%
dplyr::filter(coeff == coef) -> tmp
# set title
title = glue::glue("{coef} | candidate biomarkers")
# set filename
img_filename = glue::glue("{coef}.volcano.png")
# set imgpath
imgpath = fs::path(img_dir, img_filename)
# set lables to show
show_lab = tmp %>%
# filter by FRD
dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val <= fdr_threshold) %>%
# pull labels
# sett total names
names_lab = tmp %>%
# do volcano with EnhancedVolcano
toptable = tmp,
lab = names_lab,
x = 'logFC',
y = 'P.Value',
selectLab = show_lab,
pCutoffCol = "adj.P.Val",
pCutoff = fdr_threshold,
FCcutoff = 0,
legendLabels = c("NS", "NS", "NS", "sign"),
col = c("grey", "grey", "grey", "red")
) -> figure_
if (save) {
# set filename
img_filename = glue::glue("{coef}.volcano.png")
# set imgpath
imgpath = fs::path(img_dir, img_filename)
ggplot2::ggsave(imgpath, plot=figure_)
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