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Last active July 14, 2018 09:08
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Create your first connected light using Arduino Ethernet
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
/* ------------------ */
/* ------------------ */
char* deviceId = "<DEVICE-ID>"; // * set your device id (will be the MQTT client username)
char* deviceSecret = "<DEVICE-SECRET>"; // * set your device secret (will be the MQTT client password)
char* outTopic = "devices/<DEVICE-ID>/set"; // * MQTT channel where physical updates are published
char* inTopic = "devices/<DEVICE-ID>/get"; // * MQTT channel where lelylan updates are received
char* clientId = "<CLIENT-ID>"; // * set a random string (max 23 chars, will be the MQTT client id)
/* ------------ */
/* ------------ */
/* Server settings */
byte server[] = { 178, 62, 108, 47 }; // MQTT server address
/* Sample payload published to lelylan */
/* The id is the status property id of the basic light /*
/* */
char* payloadOn = "{\"properties\":[{\"id\":\"518be5a700045e1521000001\",\"value\":\"on\"}]}";
char* payloadOff = "{\"properties\":[{\"id\":\"518be5a700045e1521000001\",\"value\":\"off\"}]}";
/* Ethernet configuration */
byte mac[] = { 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xBA, 0xAC, 0xAE, 0x12 };
EthernetClient ethClient;
/* MQTT communication */
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length); // subscription callback
PubSubClient client(server, 1883, callback, ethClient); // mqtt client
/* Pins configuration */
int inPin = 2; // button
int outPin = 4; // led
/* Button and led logics */
int state = HIGH; // current state of the output pin
int reading; // current reading from the input pin
int previous = LOW; // previous reading from the input pin
long time = 0; // the last time the output pin was toggled
long debounce = 200; // the debounce time, increase if the output flickers
/* arduino setup */
void setup() {
Serial.print("Connected with IP: ");
lelylanConnection(); // MQTT server connection
pinMode(inPin, INPUT); // button pin setup
pinMode(outPin, OUTPUT); // led pin setup
/* arduino loop */
void loop() {
char* value;
reading = digitalRead(inPin); // read the button state
// if the input just went from LOW and HIGH and we've waited long enough to ignore
// any noise on the circuit, toggle the output pin and remember the time
if (reading == HIGH && previous == LOW && millis() - time > debounce) {
if (state == LOW) {
Serial.println("[PHYSICAL] Led turned on");
state = HIGH;
} else {
Serial.println("[PHYSICAL] Led turned off");
state = LOW;
time = millis();
// effectively update the light status
digitalWrite(outPin, state);
previous = reading;
/* MQTT server connection */
void lelylanConnection() {
// add reconnection logics
if (!client.connected()) {
// connection to MQTT server
if (client.connect(clientId, deviceId, deviceSecret)) {
Serial.println("[PHYSICAL] Successfully connected with MQTT");
lelylanSubscribe(); // topic subscription
/* MQTT publish */
void lelylanPublish(char* value) {
if (value == "on")
client.publish(outTopic, payloadOn); // light on
client.publish(outTopic, payloadOff); // light off
/* MQTT subscribe */
void lelylanSubscribe() {
/* Receive Lelylan message and confirm the physical change */
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
// copu the payload content into a char*
char* json;
json = (char*) malloc(length + 1);
memcpy(json, payload, length);
json[length] = '\0';
// update the physical status and confirm the executed update
if (String(payloadOn) == String(json)) {
Serial.println("[LELYLAN] Led turned on");
state = HIGH;
} else {
Serial.println("[LELYLAN] Led turned off");
state = LOW;
digitalWrite(outPin, state);
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I'm sorry, but that code is not good. There's so many flaws with it that it just cannot work. You need to learn some of the basics about C programming, like constant pointers versus non-constant pointers, and comparing C strings. There are some bits there that are just "what?!?!"

void lelylanPublish(char* value) {

Why on earth pass a char pointer for what is effectively a boolean state?!

if (value == "on")

That is NOT how you compare C strings!


That's a char array literal being passed to a variable pointer. Idiotic at best.

if (String(payloadOn) == String(json)) {

Oh... my... GOD! WHY?!?!

It all shows a severe basic lack of understanding of how to program in C and is symptomatic of the severe problems with much of the public code in the Arduino community.

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