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/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -Didea.launcher.port=7535 -Didea.launcher.bin.path=/home/andreas/programs/IntelliJ/bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/deploy.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/ext/cldrdata.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/ext/dnsns.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/ext/jaccess.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/ext/nashorn.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/ext/sunec.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/ext/sunpkcs11.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/ext/zipfs.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/javaws.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/jce.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/jfr.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/jfxswt.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/jsse.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/management-agent.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/plugin.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/resources.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/rt.jar:/home/andreas/development/dl4j/dl4j-0.4-examples/target/classes:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/deeplearning4j/deeplearning4j-nlp/0.4-rc3.9-SNAPSHOT/deeplearning4j-nlp-0.4-rc3.9-20160417.233710-524.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/apache/lucene/lucene-analyzers-common/5.3.1/lucene-analyzers-common-5.3.1.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/apache/lucene/lucene-core/5.3.1/lucene-core-5.3.1.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/apache/lucene/lucene-queryparser/5.3.1/lucene-queryparser-5.3.1.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/apache/lucene/lucene-queries/5.3.1/lucene-queries-5.3.1.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/apache/lucene/lucene-sandbox/5.3.1/lucene-sandbox-5.3.1.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/deeplearning4j/deeplearning4j-scaleout-akka/0.4-rc3.9-SNAPSHOT/deeplearning4j-scaleout-akka-0.4-rc3.9-20160417.233640-530.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/dataformat/jackson-dataformat-yaml/2.5.1/jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.5.1.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/javax/ws/rs/ com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain org.deeplearning4j.examples.convolution.LenetMnistExample
o.d.e.c.LenetMnistExample - Load data....
o.d.e.c.LenetMnistExample - Build model....
o.n.j.c.CudaEnvironment - Devices found: 1
o.n.j.a.i.AtomicAllocator - Starting device GC for device: 0
o.n.j.a.c.ContextPool - Creating new context...
o.n.j.a.c.ContextPool - Creating new stream for device [0]...
o.n.j.a.c.ContextPool - Creating new cuBLAS handle for device [0]...
o.n.j.a.c.ContextPool - Creating new stream for device [0]...
o.d.e.c.LenetMnistExample - Train model....
Setting max grid size to [8]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
Kernel h: [2], w: [2]; Col h: [4], w: [4]; Stride x: [2], y: [2]; Height: [8], Width: [8], Depth: [50], N: [204800], Samples: [64]
CUDA error at /home/andreas/development/dl4j/libnd4j/blas/cuda/ code=77(<unknown>) "cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream)"
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't allocate [HOST] memory: 32
at org.nd4j.jita.memory.impl.CudaDirectProvider.malloc(
at org.nd4j.jita.handler.impl.CudaZeroHandler.alloc(
at org.nd4j.jita.allocator.impl.AtomicAllocator.allocateMemory(
at org.nd4j.jita.allocator.impl.AtomicAllocator.allocateMemory(
at org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.buffer.BaseCudaDataBuffer.<init>(
at org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.buffer.CudaIntDataBuffer.<init>(
at org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.buffer.CudaIntDataBuffer.<init>(
at org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.buffer.factory.CudaDataBufferFactory.createInt(
at org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j.createBuffer(
at org.nd4j.linalg.api.shape.Shape.createShapeInformation(
at org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.BaseNDArray.<init>(
at org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.BaseNDArray.<init>(
at org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.JCublasNDArray.<init>(
at org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.JCublasNDArrayFactory.create(
at org.nd4j.linalg.factory.BaseNDArrayFactory.create(
at org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j.create(
at org.nd4j.linalg.factory.BaseNDArrayFactory.valueArrayOf(
at org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j.valueArrayOf(
at org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.ops.executioner.JCudaExecutioner.exec(
at org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.BaseNDArray.sum(
at org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer.backpropGradient(
at org.deeplearning4j.nn.multilayer.MultiLayerNetwork.calcBackpropGradients(
at org.deeplearning4j.nn.multilayer.MultiLayerNetwork.backprop(
at org.deeplearning4j.nn.multilayer.MultiLayerNetwork.computeGradientAndScore(
at org.deeplearning4j.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer.gradientAndScore(
at org.deeplearning4j.optimize.solvers.StochasticGradientDescent.optimize(
at org.deeplearning4j.optimize.Solver.optimize(
at org.deeplearning4j.examples.convolution.LenetMnistExample.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(
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