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Created December 20, 2021 09:28
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A backtracking solver for the Mondrian puzzle in Haskell (purely declaratively, list-based, no arrays)
-- | The Mondrian puzzle.
-- <>
-- Task: place on a 8x8 board (64 squares) tiles of sizes
-- * 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x5 (15 squares occupied)
-- * 2x2, 2x3, 2x4, 2x5 (28 squares)
-- * 3x3, 3x4 (21 squares)
-- Strategy:
-- * Solve by backtracking.
-- * Put down tiles in order of decreasing size (largest tiles first).
-- * Keep list of tile placements (rectangular area occupied by tile).
-- * Enumerate possible placements of next tile, iterate them.
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List ((\\), nub, sortBy)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
boardWidth :: Int
boardWidth = 8
boardHeight :: Int
boardHeight = 8
-- | A tile is characterized by its size.
-- Tiles can be placed horizontally or vertically, so the pairs are ordered @(smaller, larger)@.
type Tile = (Int,Int)
type Tiles = [Tile]
allTiles :: Tiles
allTiles =
[ (3,4), (3,3)
, (2,5), (2,4), (2,3), (2,2)
, (1,5), (1,4), (1,3), (1,2), (1,1)
-- | If we mean a tile in a certain orientation, we speak of /oriented tile/.
type OrientedTile = Tile
-- | A position is the left-upper corner of the placed tile,
-- starting with 0.
type Position = (Int,Int)
-- | A placement is a rectangular area occupied by a tile.
type Placement = (Position, OrientedTile)
-- | Possible placements of a oriented tile on the empty board.
tilePositions :: OrientedTile -> [Position]
tilePositions (width, height) =
[ (left, top) | left <- [0..boardWidth-width], top <- [0..boardHeight-height] ]
-- | Possible placements of a tile, considering both orientations.
tilePlacements :: Tile -> [Placement]
tilePlacements tile =
[ (position, orientedTile)
| orientedTile <- nub [ tile, swap tile ]
, position <- tilePositions orientedTile
-- | A (partial) solution is a list of non-overlapping placements.
type Placements = [Placement]
type PartialSolution = Placements
type Solution = PartialSolution
-- | Do two stripes, given by starting coordinate and length, overlap?
overlap1d :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Bool
overlap1d (s1,l1) (s2,l2) = or
[ s1 <= s2 && s2 < s1 + l1 -- first stripe contains second start coordinate
, s2 <= s1 && s1 < s2 + l2 -- second stripe contains first start coordinate
-- | Do two areas overlap?
-- n-dimensional cubes overlap if they overlap in /every/ dimension.
overlap :: Placement -> Placement -> Bool
overlap ((l1,t1), (w1,h1)) ((l2,t2), (w2,h2)) = and
[ overlap1d (l1,w1) (l2,w2)
, overlap1d (t1,h1) (t2,h2)
-- | Possible placements of a tile so that it does not overlap with existing placements.
possiblePlacements :: Tile -> PartialSolution -> Placements
possiblePlacements tile solution =
filter (\ placement -> not $ any (overlap placement) solution)
$ tilePlacements tile
-- | Complete a partial solution by placing the remaining tiles.
-- This is a naive backtracking solver.
solveInOrder :: Tiles -> PartialSolution -> [Solution]
solveInOrder [] solution = return solution
solveInOrder (tile : tiles) solution = do
placement <- possiblePlacements tile solution
solveInOrder tiles (placement : solution)
-- A variant that reorders unused tiles by their placement possibilities,
-- so that tiles with fewer possibilities are placed first.
-- No noticeable speed up on the examples below.
solveByLeastPlacements :: Tiles -> PartialSolution -> [Solution]
solveByLeastPlacements [] solution = return solution
solveByLeastPlacements tiles solution = do
placement <- placements
solveByLeastPlacements restTiles (placement : solution)
-- Get tile with least number of possible placements.
(tile, placements) : tilePlacements =
sortBy (compare `on` length . snd) $
map (\ tile -> (tile, possiblePlacements tile solution)) tiles
restTiles :: Tiles
restTiles = map fst tilePlacements
solve = solveInOrder
-- * Puzzles
-- | A puzzle is a partial solution that waits to be completed.
type Puzzle = PartialSolution
solvePuzzle :: Puzzle -> [Solution]
solvePuzzle placements = solve remainingTiles placements
remainingTiles = (allTiles \\ setTiles) \\ map swap setTiles
setTiles = map snd placements
-- Puzzle 1:
-- left ->
-- t . . . . . . x .
-- o . . . . . . x .
-- p . . . . . . * .
-- . . . . . . * .
-- | . . . . . . * .
-- v . . x . . . . .
-- . . . . . . . .
-- . . . . . . . .
puzzle1 = zip [(2,5), (6,0), (6,2)]
[(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
-- | Puzzle 1 has exactly 1 solution.
-- >>> solutions1
-- [[((3,2),(1,4)),((7,0),(1,5)),((2,6),(2,2)),((0,5),(2,3)),((0,0),(4,2)),((4,0),(2,5)),((0,2),(3,3)),((4,5),(4,3)),((2,5),(1,1)),((6,0),(1,2)),((6,2),(1,3))]]
solutions1 = solvePuzzle puzzle1
-- Puzzle 2:
-- left ->
-- t x . . x x . . .
-- o x . . . . . . .
-- p x * . . . . . .
-- . . . . . . . .
-- | . . . . . . . .
-- v . . . . . . . .
-- . . . . . . . .
-- . . . . . . . .
puzzle2 = flip zip [(1,1), (2,1), (1,3)]
[(1,2), (3,0), (0,0)]
-- | Puzzle 2 has exactly 1 solution.
-- >>> solutions2
-- [[((2,7),(4,1)),((2,2),(1,5)),((1,0),(2,2)),((3,1),(2,3)),((6,4),(2,4)),((0,3),(2,5)),((3,4),(3,3)),((5,0),(3,4)),((1,2),(1,1)),((3,0),(2,1)),((0,0),(1,3))]]
solutions2 = solvePuzzle puzzle2
-- Puzzle 3:
-- left ->
-- t x . . . . . . .
-- o x . . . . . . .
-- p x . . . . . . .
-- . . . . . . x x
-- | . . . . . . . .
-- v . . x . . . . .
-- . . . . . . . .
-- . . . . . . . .
puzzle3 = [ ((0,0), (1,3)), ((6,3), (2,1)), ((2,5), (1,1)) ]
-- | Puzzle 3 has exactly 1 solution.
-- >>> solutions3
-- [[((1,2),(1,4)),((0,3),(1,5)),((1,6),(2,2)),((6,0),(2,3)),((6,4),(2,4)),((1,0),(5,2)),((3,5),(3,3)),((2,2),(4,3)),((0,0),(1,3)),((6,3),(2,1)),((2,5),(1,1))]]
solutions3 = solvePuzzle puzzle3
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