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Created March 13, 2012 00:29
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Coding Rails apps with VIM

VIM and Ruby on Rails

Just use this with GVim or MacVim.

Installed plugins

NERDtree File-browser sidebar/drawer
rails.vim add lots of rail’s specific helpers
dbext.vim allow direct database interaction from within vim
syntastic.vim do automatic syntax checking on file-save
vcs integrate with version management systems like git, svn
snipMate text mate like snippet system, also see snippets for some example snippets
delimitMate autocomplete braces
conque_term integrate interactive terminals into vim
Oh my ZSH! ain’t a vim plugin, but a good shell is an important first step

Helpful shortcuts

  • Don’t forget the visual mode (v)
  • Don’t forget the Visual Block mode strg+v to delete blocks of code
Command Description
:Rextract move selected view code into a partial and include the partial at this place
:Rgenerate call the different generators, this can be very slow!
:R, :A jump to related files
gf goto file that contains the definition of the symbol under the cursor
:ConqueTerm rails c Create a new vim buffer with an interactive rails console in it

DB-Interaction stuffs

Command Description
:DBDescribeTable “tablename” describes table
:DBSelectFromTable “tablename” formated “select * from table”

Default .vimrv configuration file

set digraph	        " support for languages that I acutally cannot input on my keyboard
    set nocompatible        " I don't care about vi-backwards compatiblity
    color scheme slate      " I use this colorscheme on mac, maybe I should add one
  	  			                " separation to use another one on linux (also I should
  		  		                " the used fonts somewhere)
    set expandtab			      " who likes tabs anyways?
    set tabstop=2			      " two spaces for a tab
    set cindent             " automatically indent new lines

    " search stuff
    set hlsearch			      " highlight all found search results
    set ignorecase			    " searches should be case-insensitive
    set smartcase			      " except when the search contains upper characters

    " GUI options
    set guioptions-=T		    " Don't need no toolbar
    set scrolloff=5			    " always show at least 5 after the scroll line

    " miniBufExplorer related stuff
    let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavArrows = 1     " Allow usage of strg+arrows for split navigation
    let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim = 1
    let g:miniBufExplMapCTabSwitchBufs = 1
    let g:miniBufExplUseSingleClick = 1         " React on single click within buffer explorer

    " font stuff
    set guifont=Monaco:h12

    " ruby debug
    let g:ruby_debugger_progname = 'mvim'

    autocmd FileType cucumber compiler cucumber | setl makeprg=cucumber\ \"%:p\"
    autocmd FileType ruby
       \ if expand('%') =~# '_test\.rb$' |
       \   compiler rubyunit | setl makeprg=testrb\ \"%:p\" |
       \ elseif expand('%') =~# '_spec\.rb$' |
       \   compiler rspec | setl makeprg=rspec\ \"%:p\" |
       \ else |
       \   compiler ruby | setl makeprg=ruby\ -wc\ \"%:p\" |
       \ endif
    autocmd User Bundler
       \ if &makeprg !~ 'bundle' | setl makeprg^=bundle\ exec\  | endif
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