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Last active December 14, 2015 21:55
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  • Save andreasplesch/2e4a5ebd583ac7d33ce0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andreasplesch/2e4a5ebd583ac7d33ce0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
displacement texture along normal for commonsurfaceshader
// ==UserScript==
// @name normalDisplacement
// @namespace aplesch
// @description normal displacement for CommonSurfaceShader
// @version 0.31
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
* X3DOM JavaScript Library
* (C)2009 Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt, Germany
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL
* Based on code originally provided by
* Philip Taylor:
* Generate the final Shader program
x3dom.shader.DynamicShader = function(gl, properties)
this.program = gl.createProgram();
var vertexShader = this.generateVertexShader(gl, properties);
var fragmentShader = this.generateFragmentShader(gl, properties);
gl.attachShader(this.program, vertexShader);
gl.attachShader(this.program, fragmentShader);
// optional, but position should be at location 0 for performance reasons
gl.bindAttribLocation(this.program, 0, "position");
return this.program;
* Generate the vertex shader
x3dom.shader.DynamicShader.prototype.generateVertexShader = function(gl, properties)
var shader = "";
* Generate dynamic attributes & uniforms & varyings
//Default Matrices
shader += "uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;\n";
shader += "uniform mat4 modelViewProjectionMatrix;\n";
if(properties.POSCOMPONENTS == 3) {
shader += "attribute vec3 position;\n";
} else if(properties.POSCOMPONENTS == 4) {
shader += "attribute vec4 position;\n";
//IG stuff
if(properties.IMAGEGEOMETRY) {
shader += "uniform vec3 IG_bboxMin;\n";
shader += "uniform vec3 IG_bboxMax;\n";
shader += "uniform float IG_coordTextureWidth;\n";
shader += "uniform float IG_coordTextureHeight;\n";
shader += "uniform vec2 IG_implicitMeshSize;\n";
for( var i = 0; i < properties.IG_PRECISION; i++ ) {
shader += "uniform sampler2D IG_coords" + i + "\n;";
if(properties.IG_INDEXED) {
shader += "uniform sampler2D IG_index;\n";
shader += "uniform float IG_indexTextureWidth;\n";
shader += "uniform float IG_indexTextureHeight;\n";
//PG stuff
if (properties.POPGEOMETRY) {
shader += "uniform float PG_precisionLevel;\n";
shader += "uniform float PG_powPrecision;\n";
shader += "uniform vec3 PG_maxBBSize;\n";
shader += "uniform vec3 PG_bbMin;\n";
shader += "uniform vec3 PG_bbMaxModF;\n";
shader += "uniform vec3 PG_bboxShiftVec;\n";
shader += "uniform float PG_numAnchorVertices;\n";
shader += "attribute float PG_vertexID;\n";
if(properties.LIGHTS) {
if(properties.NORMALMAP && properties.NORMALSPACE == "OBJECT") {
//do nothing
} else {
shader += "varying vec3 fragNormal;\n";
shader += "uniform mat4 normalMatrix;\n";
if(properties.IMAGEGEOMETRY) {
shader += "uniform sampler2D IG_normals;\n";
} else {
if (properties.NORCOMPONENTS == 2) {
if (properties.POSCOMPONENTS != 4) {
shader += "attribute vec2 normal;\n";
} else if (properties.NORCOMPONENTS == 3) {
shader += "attribute vec3 normal;\n";
//Init Colors. In the vertex shader we do not compute any color so
//is is safe to ignore gamma here.
if(properties.VERTEXCOLOR) {
if(properties.IMAGEGEOMETRY) {
shader += "uniform sampler2D IG_colors;\n";
if(properties.COLCOMPONENTS == 3) {
shader += "varying vec3 fragColor;\n";
} else if(properties.COLCOMPONENTS == 4) {
shader += "varying vec4 fragColor;\n";
} else {
if(properties.COLCOMPONENTS == 3) {
shader += "attribute vec3 color;\n";
shader += "varying vec3 fragColor;\n";
} else if(properties.COLCOMPONENTS == 4) {
shader += "attribute vec4 color;\n";
shader += "varying vec4 fragColor;\n";
if(properties.TEXTURED || properties.CSSHADER) {
shader += "varying vec2 fragTexcoord;\n";
if(!properties.SPHEREMAPPING) {
if(properties.IMAGEGEOMETRY) {
shader += "uniform sampler2D IG_texCoords;\n";
} else if (!properties.IS_PARTICLE) {
shader += "attribute vec2 texcoord;\n";
shader += "uniform mat4 texTrafoMatrix;\n";
if(properties.NORMALMAP && properties.NORMALSPACE == "TANGENT" && !x3dom.caps.STD_DERIVATIVES) {
x3dom.debug.logWarning("Your System doesn't support the 'OES_STANDARD_DERIVATIVES' Extension. " +
"You must set tangents and binormals manually via the FloatVertexAttribute-Node " +
"to use normal maps");
shader += "attribute vec3 tangent;\n";
shader += "attribute vec3 binormal;\n";
shader += "varying vec3 fragTangent;\n";
shader += "varying vec3 fragBinormal;\n";
if(properties.CUBEMAP) {
shader += "varying vec3 fragViewDir;\n";
shader += "uniform mat4 viewMatrix;\n";
if (properties.DISPLACEMENTMAP) {
shader += "uniform sampler2D displacementMap;\n";
shader += "uniform float displacementFactor;\n";
shader += "uniform float displacementWidth;\n";
shader += "uniform float displacementHeight;\n";
shader += "uniform float displacementAxis;\n";
if (properties.DIFFPLACEMENTMAP) {
shader += "uniform sampler2D diffuseDisplacementMap;\n";
shader += "uniform float displacementFactor;\n";
shader += "uniform float displacementWidth;\n";
shader += "uniform float displacementHeight;\n";
shader += "uniform float displacementAxis;\n";
if (properties.MULTIDIFFALPMAP || properties.MULTIVISMAP) {
shader += "attribute float id;\n";
shader += "varying float fragID;\n";
if (properties.IS_PARTICLE) {
shader += "attribute vec3 particleSize;\n";
//Lights & Fog
if(properties.LIGHTS || properties.FOG || properties.CLIPPLANES){
shader += "uniform vec3 eyePosition;\n";
shader += "varying vec4 fragPosition;\n";
if(properties.FOG) {
shader += "varying vec3 fragEyePosition;\n";
//Bounding Boxes
if(properties.REQUIREBBOX) {
shader += "uniform vec3 bgCenter;\n";
shader += "uniform vec3 bgSize;\n";
shader += "uniform float bgPrecisionMax;\n";
if(properties.REQUIREBBOXNOR) {
shader += "uniform float bgPrecisionNorMax;\n";
if(properties.REQUIREBBOXCOL) {
shader += "uniform float bgPrecisionColMax;\n";
if(properties.REQUIREBBOXTEX) {
shader += "uniform float bgPrecisionTexMax;\n";
* Generate main function
shader += "void main(void) {\n";
* Start of special Geometry switch
if(properties.IMAGEGEOMETRY) {
if(properties.IG_INDEXED) {
shader += "vec2 halfPixel = vec2(0.5/IG_indexTextureWidth,0.5/IG_indexTextureHeight);\n";
shader += "vec2 IG_texCoord = vec2(position.x*(IG_implicitMeshSize.x/IG_indexTextureWidth), position.y*(IG_implicitMeshSize.y/IG_indexTextureHeight)) + halfPixel;\n";
shader += "vec2 IG_indices = texture2D( IG_index, IG_texCoord ).rg;\n";
shader += "halfPixel = vec2(0.5/IG_coordTextureWidth,0.5/IG_coordTextureHeight);\n";
shader += "IG_texCoord = (IG_indices * 0.996108948) + halfPixel;\n";
} else {
shader += "vec2 halfPixel = vec2(0.5/IG_coordTextureWidth, 0.5/IG_coordTextureHeight);\n";
shader += "vec2 IG_texCoord = vec2(position.x*(IG_implicitMeshSize.x/IG_coordTextureWidth), position.y*(IG_implicitMeshSize.y/IG_coordTextureHeight)) + halfPixel;\n";
shader += "vec3 temp = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n";
shader += "vec3 vertPosition = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n";
for(var i=0; i<properties.IG_PRECISION; i++) {
shader += "temp = 255.0 * texture2D( IG_coords" + i + ", IG_texCoord ).rgb;\n";
shader += "vertPosition *= 256.0;\n";
shader += "vertPosition += temp;\n";
shader += "vertPosition /= (pow(2.0, 8.0 * " + properties.IG_PRECISION + ".0) - 1.0);\n";
shader += "vertPosition = vertPosition * (IG_bboxMax - IG_bboxMin) + IG_bboxMin;\n";
if(properties.LIGHTS) {
shader += "vec3 vertNormal = texture2D( IG_normals, IG_texCoord ).rgb;\n";
shader += "vertNormal = vertNormal * 2.0 - 1.0;\n";
if(properties.VERTEXCOLOR) {
if(properties.COLCOMPONENTS == 3) {
shader += "fragColor = texture2D( IG_colors, IG_texCoord ).rgb;\n";
} else if(properties.COLCOMPONENTS == 4) {
shader += "fragColor = texture2D( IG_colors, IG_texCoord ).rgba;\n";
if(properties.TEXTURED || properties.CSSHADER) {
shader += "vec4 IG_doubleTexCoords = texture2D( IG_texCoords, IG_texCoord );\n";
shader += "vec2 vertTexCoord;";
shader += "vertTexCoord.r = (IG_doubleTexCoords.r * 0.996108948) + (IG_doubleTexCoords.b * 0.003891051);\n";
shader += "vertTexCoord.g = (IG_doubleTexCoords.g * 0.996108948) + (IG_doubleTexCoords.a * 0.003891051);\n";
} else {
shader += "vec3 vertPosition =;\n";
if (properties.POPGEOMETRY) {
//compute offset using bounding box and test if vertPosition <= PG_bbMaxModF
shader += "vec3 offsetVec = step(vertPosition / bgPrecisionMax, PG_bbMaxModF) * PG_bboxShiftVec;\n";
//coordinate truncation, computation of current maximum possible value
//PG_vertexID currently mimics use of gl_VertexID
shader += "if ((PG_precisionLevel <= 2.0) || PG_vertexID >= PG_numAnchorVertices) {\n";
shader += " vertPosition = floor(vertPosition / PG_powPrecision) * PG_powPrecision;\n";
shader += " vertPosition /= (65536.0 - PG_powPrecision);\n";
shader += "}\n";
shader += "else {\n";
shader += " vertPosition /= bgPrecisionMax;\n";
shader += "}\n";
//translate coordinates, where PG_bbMin := floor(bbMin / size)
shader += "vertPosition = (vertPosition + offsetVec + PG_bbMin) * PG_maxBBSize;\n";
else if(properties.REQUIREBBOX) {
shader += "vertPosition = bgCenter + bgSize * vertPosition / bgPrecisionMax;\n";
if(properties.LIGHTS) {
if(properties.NORCOMPONENTS == 2) {
if (properties.POSCOMPONENTS == 4) {
// (theta, phi) encoded in low/high byte of position.w
shader += "vec3 vertNormal = vec3(position.w / 256.0); \n";
shader += "vertNormal.x = floor(vertNormal.x) / 255.0; \n";
shader += "vertNormal.y = fract(vertNormal.y) * 1.00392156862745; \n"; //256.0 / 255.0
else if (properties.REQUIREBBOXNOR) {
shader += "vec3 vertNormal = vec3(normal.xy, 0.0) / bgPrecisionNorMax;\n";
shader += "vec2 thetaPhi = 3.14159265358979 * vec2(vertNormal.x, vertNormal.y*2.0-1.0); \n";
shader += "vec4 sinCosThetaPhi = sin( vec4(thetaPhi, thetaPhi + 1.5707963267949) ); \n";
shader += "vertNormal.x = sinCosThetaPhi.x * sinCosThetaPhi.w; \n";
shader += "vertNormal.y = sinCosThetaPhi.x * sinCosThetaPhi.y; \n";
shader += "vertNormal.z = sinCosThetaPhi.z; \n";
} else {
if (properties.NORMALMAP && properties.NORMALSPACE == "OBJECT") {
//Nothing to do
} else {
shader += "vec3 vertNormal = normal;\n";
if (properties.REQUIREBBOXNOR) {
shader += "vertNormal = vertNormal / bgPrecisionNorMax;\n";
if (properties.POPGEOMETRY) {
shader += "vertNormal = 2.0*vertNormal - 1.0;\n";
shader += "fragColor = color;\n";
if(properties.REQUIREBBOXCOL) {
shader += "fragColor = fragColor / bgPrecisionColMax;\n";
if( (properties.TEXTURED || properties.CSSHADER) && !properties.SPHEREMAPPING) {
if (properties.IS_PARTICLE) {
shader += "vec2 vertTexCoord = vec2(0.0);\n";
else {
shader += "vec2 vertTexCoord = texcoord;\n";
if (properties.REQUIREBBOXTEX) {
shader += "vertTexCoord = vertTexCoord / bgPrecisionTexMax;\n";
* End of special Geometry switch
if(properties.LIGHTS) {
if ((properties.DISPLACEMENTMAP || properties.DIFFPLACEMENTMAP) && !properties.NORMALMAP) {
//Map-Tile Size
shader += "float dx = 1.0 / displacementWidth;\n";
shader += "float dy = 1.0 / displacementHeight;\n";
//Get the 4 Vertex Neighbours
if (properties.DISPLACEMENTMAP)
shader += "float s1 = texture2D(displacementMap, vec2(vertTexCoord.x - dx, 1.0 - vertTexCoord.y)).r;\n"; //left
shader += "float s2 = texture2D(displacementMap, vec2(vertTexCoord.x, 1.0 - vertTexCoord.y - dy)).r;\n"; //bottom
shader += "float s3 = texture2D(displacementMap, vec2(vertTexCoord.x + dx, 1.0 - vertTexCoord.y)).r;\n"; //right
shader += "float s4 = texture2D(displacementMap, vec2(vertTexCoord.x, 1.0 - vertTexCoord.y + dy)).r;\n"; //top
else if (properties.DIFFPLACEMENTMAP)
shader += "float s1 = texture2D(diffuseDisplacementMap, vec2(vertTexCoord.x - dx, 1.0 - vertTexCoord.y)).a;\n"; //left
shader += "float s2 = texture2D(diffuseDisplacementMap, vec2(vertTexCoord.x, 1.0 - vertTexCoord.y - dy)).a;\n"; //bottom
shader += "float s3 = texture2D(diffuseDisplacementMap, vec2(vertTexCoord.x + dx, 1.0 - vertTexCoord.y)).a;\n"; //right
shader += "float s4 = texture2D(diffuseDisplacementMap, vec2(vertTexCoord.x, 1.0 - vertTexCoord.y + dy)).a;\n"; //top
//Coeffiecent for smooth/sharp Normals
shader += "float coef = displacementFactor;\n";
//Calculate the Normal
shader += "vec3 calcNormal;\n";
shader += "if (displacementAxis == 0.0) {\n"; //X
shader += "calcNormal = vec3((s1 - s3) * coef, -5.0, (s2 - s4) * coef);\n";
shader += "} else if(displacementAxis == 1.0) {\n"; //Y
shader += "calcNormal = vec3((s1 - s3) * coef, -5.0, (s2 - s4) * coef);\n";
shader += "} else {\n"; //Z
shader += "calcNormal = vec3((s1 - s3) * coef, -(s2 - s4) * coef, 5.0);\n";
shader += "}\n";
//normalized Normal
shader += "calcNormal = normalize(calcNormal);\n";
shader += "fragNormal = (normalMatrix * vec4(calcNormal, 0.0)).xyz;\n";
else if (properties.NORMALMAP && properties.NORMALSPACE == "OBJECT") {
//Nothing to do
shader += "fragNormal = (normalMatrix * vec4(vertNormal, 0.0)).xyz;\n";
if(properties.TEXTURED || properties.CSSHADER){
if(properties.CUBEMAP) {
shader += "fragViewDir = (viewMatrix[3].xyz);\n";
} else if (properties.SPHEREMAPPING) {
shader += " fragTexcoord = 0.5 + fragNormal.xy / 2.0;\n";
} else if(properties.TEXTRAFO) {
shader += " fragTexcoord = (texTrafoMatrix * vec4(vertTexCoord, 1.0, 1.0)).xy;\n";
} else {
shader += " fragTexcoord = vertTexCoord;\n";
if (properties.POPGEOMETRY && x3dom.debug.usePrecisionLevelAsTexCoord === true)
// remap texCoords to texel middle with w = 16 and tc' := 1 / (2 * w) + tc * (w - 1) / w
shader += "fragTexcoord = vec2(0.03125 + 0.9375 * (PG_precisionLevel / 16.0), 1.0);";
if(properties.NORMALMAP && properties.NORMALSPACE == "TANGENT" && !x3dom.caps.STD_DERIVATIVES) {
shader += "fragTangent = (normalMatrix * vec4(tangent, 0.0)).xyz;\n";
shader += "fragBinormal = (normalMatrix * vec4(binormal, 0.0)).xyz;\n";
//Lights & Fog
if(properties.LIGHTS || properties.FOG || properties.CLIPPLANES){
shader += "fragPosition = (modelViewMatrix * vec4(vertPosition, 1.0));\n";
if (properties.FOG) {
shader += "fragEyePosition = eyePosition -;\n";
//Vertex ID's
if (properties.MULTIDIFFALPMAP) {
shader += "fragID = id;\n";
if (properties.DISPLACEMENTMAP) {
shader += "vertPosition += normalize(vertNormal) * texture2D(displacementMap, vec2(fragTexcoord.x, 1.0-fragTexcoord.y)).r * displacementFactor;\n";
else if (properties.DIFFPLACEMENTMAP)
shader += "vertPosition += normalize(vertNormal) * texture2D(diffuseDisplacementMap, vec2(fragTexcoord.x, 1.0-fragTexcoord.y)).a * displacementFactor;\n";
shader += "gl_Position = modelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(vertPosition, 1.0);\n";
//Set point size
if (properties.IS_PARTICLE) {
shader += "float spriteDist = (gl_Position.w > 0.000001) ? gl_Position.w : 0.000001;\n";
shader += "float pointSize = floor(length(particleSize) * 256.0 / spriteDist + 0.5);\n";
shader += "gl_PointSize = clamp(pointSize, 2.0, 256.0);\n";
else {
shader += "gl_PointSize = 2.0;\n";
shader += "}\n";
var vertexShader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
gl.shaderSource(vertexShader, shader);
if(!gl.getShaderParameter(vertexShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)){
x3dom.debug.logInfo("VERTEX:\n" + shader);
x3dom.debug.logError("VertexShader " + gl.getShaderInfoLog(vertexShader));
return vertexShader;
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