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Last active January 25, 2016 21:48
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Save andreasplesch/4b2742e6260cde371c31 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name VolumeData
// @namespace aplesch
// @description adjust steps for ray casting
// @version 0.13
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
/** @namespace x3dom.nodeTypes */
* MEDX3DOM JavaScript Library
* (C)2011 Vicomtech Research Center,
* Donostia - San Sebastian
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL.
* Based on code originally provided by
/* ### X3DVolumeDataNode ### */
defineClass(x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DShapeNode, // changed inheritance!
* Constructor for X3DVolumeDataNode
* @constructs x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DVolumeDataNode
* @x3d x.x
* @component VolumeRendering
* @status experimental
* @extends x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DShapeNode
* @param {Object} [ctx=null] - context object, containing initial settings like namespace
* @classdesc (Abstract) class for volume data.
function (ctx) {, ctx);
* Specifies the size of of the bounding box for the volume data.
* @var {x3dom.fields.SFVec3f} dimensions
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DVolumeDataNode
* @initvalue 1,1,1
* @field x3dom
* @instance
this.addField_SFVec3f(ctx, 'dimensions', 1, 1, 1);
* The voxels field is an ImageTextureAtlas node containing the volume data.
* @var {x3dom.fields.SFNode} voxels
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DVolumeDataNode
* @initvalue x3dom.nodeTypes.Texture
* @field x3dom
* @instance
this.addField_SFNode('voxels', x3dom.nodeTypes.Texture);
//this.addField_MFNode('voxels', x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DTexture3DNode);
//this.addField_SFBool(ctx, 'swapped', false);
//this.addField_SFVec3f(ctx, 'sliceThickness', 1, 1, 1);
* Allow to locate the viewpoint inside the volume.
* @var {x3dom.fields.SFBool} allowViewpointInside
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DVolumeDataNode
* @initvalue true
* @field x3dom
* @instance
this.addField_SFBool(ctx, 'allowViewpointInside', true)
//Neccesary for counting the textures which are added on each style, number of textures can be variable
this._textureID = 0;
this._first = true;
this._styleList = [];
this.surfaceNormalsNeeded = false;
this.normalTextureProvided = false;
this.fragmentPreamble = "#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\n" +
" precision highp float;\n" +
"#else\n" +
" precision mediump float;\n" +
getTextureSize: function(texture) {
var size = { w: 0, h: 0, valid: false };
var texBag = this._webgl ? this._webgl.texture : null;
var t, n = (texture && texBag) ? texBag.length : 0;
for (t=0; t<n; t++) {
if (texture == texBag[t].node && texBag[t].texture) {
size.w = texBag[t].texture.width;
size.h = texBag[t].texture.height;
if (size.w && size.h) {
size.valid = true;
return size;
//Common vertex shader text for all volume data nodes
vertexShaderText: function(needEyePosition){
var shader =
"attribute vec3 position;\n"+
"uniform vec3 dimensions;\n"+
"uniform mat4 modelViewProjectionMatrix;\n"+
"varying vec4 vertexPosition;\n"+
"varying vec4 pos;\n";
if(x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DLightNode.lightID>0 || (needEyePosition===true)){
shader += "uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;\n"+
"varying vec4 position_eye;\n";
shader += "\n" +
"void main()\n"+
" vertexPosition = modelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);\n";
if(x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DLightNode.lightID>0 || (needEyePosition===true)){
shader += " position_eye = modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);\n";
shader +=
" pos = vec4((position/dimensions)+0.5, 1.0);\n"+
" gl_Position = vertexPosition;\n"+
return shader;
defaultUniformsShaderText: function(numberOfSlices, slicesOverX, slicesOverY, needEyePosition){
var uniformsText =
"uniform sampler2D uVolData;\n"+
"uniform vec3 dimensions;\n"+
"uniform vec3 offset;\n"+
"uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;\n"+
"uniform mat4 modelViewMatrixInverse;\n"+
"varying vec4 vertexPosition;\n"+
"varying vec4 pos;\n";
if(x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DLightNode.lightID>0 || (needEyePosition===true)){
uniformsText += "varying vec4 position_eye;\n";
for(var l=0; l<x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DLightNode.lightID; l++) {
uniformsText += "uniform float light"+l+"_On;\n" +
"uniform float light"+l+"_Type;\n" +
"uniform vec3 light"+l+"_Location;\n" +
"uniform vec3 light"+l+"_Direction;\n" +
"uniform vec3 light"+l+"_Color;\n" +
"uniform vec3 light"+l+"_Attenuation;\n" +
"uniform float light"+l+"_Radius;\n" +
"uniform float light"+l+"_Intensity;\n" +
"uniform float light"+l+"_AmbientIntensity;\n" +
"uniform float light"+l+"_BeamWidth;\n" +
"uniform float light"+l+"_CutOffAngle;\n" +
"uniform float light"+l+"_ShadowIntensity;\n";
uniformsText +=
"const float Steps = 120.0;\n"+
"const float numberOfSlices = "+ numberOfSlices.toPrecision(5)+";\n"+
"const float slicesOverX = " + slicesOverX.toPrecision(5) +";\n"+
"const float slicesOverY = " + slicesOverY.toPrecision(5) +";\n";
return uniformsText;
texture3DFunctionShaderText: "vec4 cTexture3D(sampler2D vol, vec3 volpos, float nS, float nX, float nY)\n"+
" float s1,s2;\n"+
" float dx1,dy1;\n"+
" float dx2,dy2;\n"+
" vec2 texpos1,texpos2;\n"+
" s1 = floor(volpos.z*nS);\n"+
" s2 = s1+1.0;\n"+
" dx1 = fract(s1/nX);\n"+
" dy1 = floor(s1/nY)/nY;\n"+
" dx2 = fract(s2/nX);\n"+
" dy2 = floor(s2/nY)/nY;\n"+
" texpos1.x = dx1+(volpos.x/nX);\n"+
" texpos1.y = dy1+(volpos.y/nY);\n"+
" texpos2.x = dx2+(volpos.x/nX);\n"+
" texpos2.y = dy2+(volpos.y/nY);\n"+
" return mix( texture2D(vol,texpos1), texture2D(vol,texpos2), (volpos.z*nS)-s1);\n"+
normalFunctionShaderText: function(){
if (this.surfaceNormalsNeeded){
return "vec4 getNormalFromTexture(sampler2D sampler, vec3 pos, float nS, float nX, float nY) {\n"+
" vec4 n = (2.0*cTexture3D(sampler, pos, nS, nX, nY)-1.0);\n"+
" return vec4(normalize(, length(;\n"+
"vec4 getNormalOnTheFly(sampler2D sampler, vec3 voxPos, float nS, float nX, float nY){\n"+
" float v0 = cTexture3D(sampler, voxPos + vec3(offset.x, 0, 0), nS, nX, nY).r;\n"+
" float v1 = cTexture3D(sampler, voxPos - vec3(offset.x, 0, 0), nS, nX, nY).r;\n"+
" float v2 = cTexture3D(sampler, voxPos + vec3(0, offset.y, 0), nS, nX, nY).r;\n"+
" float v3 = cTexture3D(sampler, voxPos - vec3(0, offset.y, 0), nS, nX, nY).r;\n"+
" float v4 = cTexture3D(sampler, voxPos + vec3(0, 0, offset.z), nS, nX, nY).r;\n"+
" float v5 = cTexture3D(sampler, voxPos - vec3(0, 0, offset.z), nS, nX, nY).r;\n"+
" vec3 grad = vec3(v0-v1, v2-v3, v4-v5)*0.5;\n"+
" return vec4(normalize(grad), length(grad));\n"+
return "";
defaultLoopFragmentShaderText: function(inlineShaderText, inlineLightAssigment, initializeValues){
initializeValues = typeof initializeValues !== 'undefined' ? initializeValues : ""; //default value, empty string
var shaderLoop = "void main()\n"+
" vec3 cam_pos = vec3(modelViewMatrixInverse[3][0], modelViewMatrixInverse[3][1], modelViewMatrixInverse[3][2]);\n"+
" vec3 cam_cube = cam_pos/dimensions+0.5;\n"+
" vec3 dir = normalize(;\n";
shaderLoop +=
" float cam_inside = float(all(bvec2(all(lessThan(cam_cube, vec3(1.0))),all(greaterThan(cam_cube, vec3(0.0))))));\n"+
" vec3 ray_pos = mix(, cam_cube, cam_inside);\n";
shaderLoop += " vec3 ray_pos =;\n";
shaderLoop +=
" vec4 accum = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"+
" vec4 sample = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"+
" vec4 value = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"+
" float cont = 0.0;\n"+
" vec3 step_size = dir/Steps;\n";
//Light init values
shaderLoop +=
" vec3 ambient = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"+
" vec3 diffuse = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"+
" vec3 specular = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"+
" vec4 step_eye = modelViewMatrix * vec4(step_size, 0.0);\n"+
" vec4 positionE = position_eye;\n"+
" float lightFactor = 1.0;\n";
shaderLoop += " float lightFactor = 1.2;\n";
shaderLoop += initializeValues+
" float opacityFactor = 10.0;\n"+
" float t_near;\n"+
" float t_far;\n"+
" for(float i = 0.0; i < Steps; i+=1.0)\n"+
" {\n"+
" value = cTexture3D(uVolData, ray_pos, numberOfSlices, slicesOverX, slicesOverY);\n"+
" value = value.rgbr;\n";
shaderLoop += " vec4 gradEye = getNormalFromTexture(uSurfaceNormals, ray_pos, numberOfSlices, slicesOverX, slicesOverY);\n";
shaderLoop += " vec4 gradEye = getNormalOnTheFly(uVolData, ray_pos, numberOfSlices, slicesOverX, slicesOverY);\n";
shaderLoop += " vec4 grad = vec4((modelViewMatrix * vec4(, 0.0)).xyz, gradEye.a);\n";
shaderLoop += inlineShaderText;
shaderLoop += inlineLightAssigment;
shaderLoop +=
//Composite the volume sample
" sample.a = value.a * opacityFactor * (1.0/Steps);\n"+
" sample.rgb = value.rgb * sample.a * lightFactor;\n"+
" accum.rgb += (1.0 - accum.a) * sample.rgb;\n"+
" accum.a += (1.0 - accum.a) * sample.a;\n"+
//Advance the current ray position
" += step_size;\n";
shaderLoop +=" positionE += step_eye;\n";
shaderLoop +=
//Early ray termination and Break if the position is greater than <1, 1, 1>
" if(accum.a >= 1.0 || ray_pos.x < 0.0 || ray_pos.y < 0.0 || ray_pos.z < 0.0 || ray_pos.x > 1.0 || ray_pos.y > 1.0 || ray_pos.z > 1.0)\n"+
" break;\n"+
" }\n"+
" gl_FragColor = accum;\n"+
return shaderLoop;
/** @namespace x3dom.nodeTypes */
* MEDX3DOM JavaScript Library
* (C)2011 Vicomtech Research Center,
* Donostia - San Sebastian
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL.
* Based on code originally provided by
/* ### VolumeData ### */
* Constructor for VolumeData
* @constructs x3dom.nodeTypes.VolumeData
* @x3d x.x
* @component VolumeRendering
* @status experimental
* @extends x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DVolumeDataNode
* @param {Object} [ctx=null] - context object, containing initial settings like namespace
* @classdesc The VolumeData node specifies a non-segmented volume data to be rendered with a volume rendering style.
function (ctx) {, ctx);
* Specifies the render style to be applied on the volume data.
* @var {x3dom.fields.SFNode} renderStyle
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.VolumeData
* @initvalue x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DVolumeRenderStyleNode
* @field x3dom
* @instance
this.addField_SFNode('renderStyle', x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DVolumeRenderStyleNode);
this.vrcMultiTexture = new x3dom.nodeTypes.MultiTexture(ctx);
this.vrcVolumeTexture = null;
this.vrcSinglePassShader = new x3dom.nodeTypes.ComposedShader(ctx);
this.vrcSinglePassShaderVertex = new x3dom.nodeTypes.ShaderPart(ctx);
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFragment = new x3dom.nodeTypes.ShaderPart(ctx);
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldBackCoord = new x3dom.nodeTypes.Field(ctx);
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldVolData = new x3dom.nodeTypes.Field(ctx);
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldOffset = new x3dom.nodeTypes.Field(ctx);
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldDimensions = new x3dom.nodeTypes.Field(ctx);
initializeValues: function() {
var initialValues ="";
if(this._cf.renderStyle.node.initializeValues != undefined){
initialValues += this._cf.renderStyle.node.initializeValues();
return initialValues;
styleUniformsShaderText: function(){
var styleUniformsText = this._cf.renderStyle.node.styleUniformsShaderText();
this.surfaceNormalsNeeded = true;
if(this._cf.renderStyle.node._cf.surfaceNormals && this._cf.renderStyle.node._cf.surfaceNormals.node != null){
styleUniformsText += "uniform sampler2D uSurfaceNormals;\n"; //Neccessary when gradient is provided
this.normalTextureProvided = true;
this.surfaceNormals = this._cf.renderStyle.node._cf.surfaceNormals.node;
}else if(x3dom.isa(this._cf.renderStyle.node, x3dom.nodeTypes.OpacityMapVolumeStyle)){ //OpacityMap does not use surface normals
this.surfaceNormalsNeeded = false;
this.normalTextureProvided = false;
return styleUniformsText;
styleShaderText: function(){
var styleText = "";
if(this._cf.renderStyle.node.styleShaderText != undefined){
styleText += this._cf.renderStyle.node.styleShaderText();
return styleText;
inlineStyleShaderText: function(){
return this._cf.renderStyle.node.inlineStyleShaderText();
lightAssigment: function(){
return this._cf.renderStyle.node.lightAssigment();
//Obtain the light equation from the render style child node
lightEquationShaderText: function(){
return this._cf.renderStyle.node.lightEquationShaderText();
// nodeChanged is called after subtree is parsed and attached in DOM
nodeChanged: function()
// uhhhh, manually build backend-graph scene-subtree,
// therefore, try to mimic depth-first parsing scheme
if (!this._cf.appearance.node)
var i;
this.addChild(new x3dom.nodeTypes.Appearance());
// create shortcut to volume data set
this.vrcVolumeTexture = this._cf.voxels.node;
this.vrcVolumeTexture._vf.repeatS = false;
this.vrcVolumeTexture._vf.repeatT = false;
this.vrcMultiTexture._nameSpace = this._nameSpace;
this.vrcMultiTexture.addChild(this.vrcVolumeTexture, 'texture');
// textures from styles
if (this._cf.renderStyle.node.textures) {
var styleTextures = this._cf.renderStyle.node.textures();
for (i = 0; i<styleTextures.length; i++)
this.vrcMultiTexture.addChild(styleTextures[i], 'texture');
//Update child node private properties
// here goes the volume shader
this.vrcSinglePassShaderVertex._vf.type = 'vertex';
this.vrcSinglePassShaderVertex._vf.url[0]=this.vertexShaderText(x3dom.isa(this._cf.renderStyle.node, x3dom.nodeTypes.RadarVolumeStyle));
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFragment._vf.type = 'fragment';
var shaderText = "";
if (x3dom.isa(this._cf.renderStyle.node, x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode)) {
shaderText += this.fragmentPreamble+
this.defaultUniformsShaderText(this.vrcVolumeTexture._vf.numberOfSlices, this.vrcVolumeTexture._vf.slicesOverX, this.vrcVolumeTexture._vf.slicesOverY)+
this.defaultLoopFragmentShaderText(this.inlineStyleShaderText(), this.lightAssigment(), this.initializeValues());
shaderText += this._cf.renderStyle.node.fragmentShaderText(
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFragment._vf.url[0]= shaderText;
this.vrcSinglePassShader.addChild(this.vrcSinglePassShaderVertex, 'parts');
this.vrcSinglePassShader.addChild(this.vrcSinglePassShaderFragment, 'parts');
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFragment.nodeChanged(); = 'uVolData';
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldVolData._vf.type = 'SFInt32';
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldVolData._vf.value = this._textureID++; = 'dimensions';
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldDimensions._vf.type = 'SFVec3f';
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldDimensions._vf.value = this._vf.dimensions; = 'offset';
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldOffset._vf.type = 'SFVec3f';
this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldOffset._vf.value = "0.01 0.01 0.01"; //Default initial value
this.vrcSinglePassShader.addChild(this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldVolData, 'fields');
this.vrcSinglePassShader.addChild(this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldDimensions, 'fields');
this.vrcSinglePassShader.addChild(this.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldOffset, 'fields');
//Take volume texture size for the ComposableRenderStyles offset parameter
this.offsetInterval = window.setInterval((function(aTex, obj) {
return function() {
x3dom.debug.logInfo('[VolumeRendering][VolumeData] Looking for Volume Texture size...');
var s = obj.getTextureSize(aTex);
obj.vrcSinglePassShaderFieldOffset._vf.value = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(1.0/(s.w/aTex._vf.slicesOverX), 1.0/(s.h/aTex._vf.slicesOverY), 1.0/aTex._vf.numberOfSlices);
x3dom.debug.logInfo('[VolumeRendering][VolumeData] Volume Texture size obtained');
})(this.vrcVolumeTexture, this), 1000);
var ShaderUniforms = this._cf.renderStyle.node.uniforms();
for (i = 0; i<ShaderUniforms.length; i++)
this.vrcSinglePassShader.addChild(ShaderUniforms[i], 'fields');
if (!this._cf.geometry.node) {
this.addChild(new x3dom.nodeTypes.Box());
this._cf.geometry.node._vf.solid = false;
this._cf.geometry.node._vf.hasHelperColors = false;
this._cf.geometry.node._vf.size = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(
this._vf.dimensions.x, this._vf.dimensions.y, this._vf.dimensions.z);
// workaround to trigger field change...
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