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Last active January 23, 2016 19:48
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// ==UserScript==
// @name GeoLOD
// @namespace aplesch
// @description GeoLOD for x3dom (no mm)
// @version 0.21
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
/** @namespace x3dom.nodeTypes */
* X3DOM JavaScript Library
* (C)2009 Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt, Germany
* (C)2016 Andreas Plesch, Waltham, MA, U.S.A
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL
/* ### GeoLOD ### */
//official derivation, is not a real grouping node since it may not have children, only url references
* Constructor for GeoLOD
* @constructs x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoLOD
* @x3d 3.3
* @component Geospatial
* @status experimental
* @extends x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DLODNode
* @param {Object} [ctx=null] - context object, containing initial settings like namespace
* @classdesc The GeoLOD node provides a terrain-specialized form of the LOD node.
* It is a grouping node that specifies two different levels of detail for an object using a tree structure, where 0 to 4 children can be specified, and also efficiently manages the loading and unloading of these levels of detail.
function (ctx) {, ctx);
* The geoSystem field is used to define the spatial reference frame.
* @var {x3dom.fields.MFString} geoSystem
* @range {["GD", ...], ["UTM", ...], ["GC", ...]}
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoLOD
* @initvalue ['GD','WE']
* @field x3d
* @instance
this.addField_MFString(ctx, 'geoSystem', ['GD', 'WE']);
* The rootUrl and rootNode fields provide two different ways to specify the geometry of the root tile.
* You may use one or the other. The rootNode field lets you include the geometry for the root tile directly within the X3D file.
* @var {x3dom.fields.MFString} rootUrl
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoLOD
* @initvalue []
* @field x3d
* @instance
this.addField_MFString(ctx, 'rootUrl', []);
* When the viewer enters the specified range, this geometry is replaced with the contents of the four children files defined by child1Url through child4Url.
* The four children files are loaded into memory only when the user is within the specified range. Similarly, these are unloaded from memory when the user leaves this range.
* @var {x3dom.fields.MFString} child1Url
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoLOD
* @initvalue []
* @field x3d
* @instance
this.addField_MFString(ctx, 'child1Url', []);
* When the viewer enters the specified range, this geometry is replaced with the contents of the four children files defined by child1Url through child4Url.
* The four children files are loaded into memory only when the user is within the specified range. Similarly, these are unloaded from memory when the user leaves this range.
* @var {x3dom.fields.MFString} child2Url
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoLOD
* @initvalue []
* @field x3d
* @instance
this.addField_MFString(ctx, 'child2Url', []);
* When the viewer enters the specified range, this geometry is replaced with the contents of the four children files defined by child1Url through child4Url.
* The four children files are loaded into memory only when the user is within the specified range. Similarly, these are unloaded from memory when the user leaves this range.
* @var {x3dom.fields.MFString} child3Url
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoLOD
* @initvalue []
* @field x3d
* @instance
this.addField_MFString(ctx, 'child3Url', []);
* When the viewer enters the specified range, this geometry is replaced with the contents of the four children files defined by child1Url through child4Url.
* The four children files are loaded into memory only when the user is within the specified range. Similarly, these are unloaded from memory when the user leaves this range.
* @var {x3dom.fields.MFString} child4Url
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoLOD
* @initvalue []
* @field x3d
* @instance
this.addField_MFString(ctx, 'child4Url', []);
//this.addField_SFVec3d(ctx, 'center', 0, 0, 0);
* The level of detail is switched depending upon whether the user is closer or farther than range length base units from the geospatial coordinate center.
* @var {x3dom.fields.SFFloat} range
* @range [0, inf]
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoLOD
* @initvalue 10
* @field x3d
* @instance
this.addField_SFFloat(ctx, 'range', 10);
* @var {x3dom.fields.SFString} referenceBindableDescription
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoLOD
* @initvalue []
* @field x3dom
* @instance
this.addField_SFString(ctx, 'referenceBindableDescription', []);
* The geoOrigin field is used to specify a local coordinate frame for extended precision.
* @var {x3dom.fields.SFNode} geoOrigin
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoLOD
* @initvalue x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DChildNode
* @field x3d
* @instance
this.addField_SFNode('geoOrigin', x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoOrigin);
* The rootUrl and rootNode fields provide two different ways to specify the geometry of the root tile. The rootUrl field lets you specify a URL for a file that contains the geometry.
* @var {x3dom.fields.SFNode} rootNode
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoLOD
* @initvalue x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DChildNode
* @field x3d
* @instance
//this.addField_SFNode('rootNode', x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DChildNode);
//MFNode per spec. but this makes the custom SFNodes below impossible
this.addField_MFNode('rootNode', x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DChildNode);
* The center field is a translation offset in the local coordinate system that specifies the centre of the LOD node for distance calculations. The level of detail is switched depending upon whether the user is closer or farther than range length base units from the geospatial coordinate center. The center field should be specified as described in 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates.
* @var {x3dom.fields.SFVec3f} center
* @memberof x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoLOD
* @initvalue 0,0,0
* @field x3d
* @instance
// loosely based on LOD implementation
this.addField_SFVec3f(ctx, "center", 0, 0, 0);
this._eye = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0, 0, 0); //from X3DLODNode
this._x3dcenter = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0, 0, 0);
this._child1added = false;
this._child2added = false;
this._child3added = false;
this._child4added = false;
this._rootNodeLoaded = true;
this._childUrlNodes = new x3dom.fields.MFNode(x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DChildNode);
collectDrawableObjects: function(transform, drawableCollection, singlePath, invalidateCache, planeMask, clipPlanes)
if (singlePath && (this._parentNodes.length > 1))
singlePath = false;
if (singlePath && (invalidateCache = invalidateCache || this.cacheInvalid()))
planeMask = drawableCollection.cull(transform, this.graphState(), singlePath, planeMask);
if (planeMask <= 0) {
// at the moment, no caching here as children may change every frame
singlePath = false;
this.visitChildren(transform, drawableCollection, singlePath, invalidateCache, planeMask, clipPlanes);
visitChildren: function(transform, drawableCollection, singlePath, invalidateCache, planeMask, clipPlanes)
var i=0, n=0, cnodes, cnode;
var mat_view = drawableCollection.viewMatrix;
var center = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0, 0, 0); // eye
center = mat_view.inverse().multMatrixPnt(center);
//transform eye point to the LOD node's local coordinate system
this._eye = transform.inverse().multMatrixPnt(center);
var len = this._x3dcenter.subtract(this._eye).length();
//TODO: preload when close = 0.9 * range
//- just load but do not add to drawables
//- then at range just add to drawable
//TODO: unload inlines if out of range and after (configurable) timeout (1 minute?)
// - loaded = false and childurlnodes = null, childurlnodes = new mfnode should suffice ?
if (len > this._vf.range) {
if(!this._rootNodeLoaded) {
this._rootNodeLoaded = true;
//rootNode already has rootUrl node if empty, see nodeChanged()
cnodes = this._cf.rootNode.nodes;
else {
if (!this._child1added) {
this._child1added = true;
if (!this._child2added) {
this._child2added = true;
if (!this._child3added) {
this._child3added = true;
if (!this._child4added) {
this._child4added = true;
if (this._rootNodeLoaded) {
this._rootNodeLoaded = false;
//never null rootNode (?)
cnodes = this._childUrlNodes.nodes;
n = cnodes.length;
//probably not necessary to check if there are any child nodes
if (n && cnodes)
var childTransform = this.transformMatrix(transform);
/* not in original LOD, may work for GeoLOD as well
if (x3dom.nodeTypes.ClipPlane.count > 0) {
var localClipPlanes = [];
for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
if ( (cnode = this._childNodes[j]) ) {
if (x3dom.isa(cnode, x3dom.nodeTypes.ClipPlane) && cnode._vf.on && cnode._vf.enabled) {
localClipPlanes.push({plane: cnode, trafo: childTransform});
clipPlanes = localClipPlanes.concat(clipPlanes);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if ( (cnode = cnodes[i]) ) {
cnode.collectDrawableObjects(childTransform, drawableCollection, singlePath, invalidateCache, planeMask, clipPlanes);
addInlineChild: function(url)
//check if url empty
var inline = this.newInlineNode(url);
newInlineNode: function(url)
var inline = new x3dom.nodeTypes.Inline();
inline._vf.url = url;
inline._nameSpace = this._nameSpace; // pass on nameSpace
//inline.initDone = false; // these need to be initialized?
//inline.count = 0;
//inline.numRetries = x3dom.nodeTypes.Inline.MaximumRetries;
x3dom.debug.logInfo("add url: " + url);
inline.nodeChanged(); //is necessary and loads the inline scene
return inline;
getVolume: function()
var vol = this._graph.volume;
//below may not apply for GeoLOD
if (!this.volumeValid() && this._vf.render)
var child, childVol;
// use childUrlNodes ?
for (var i=0, n=this._childNodes.length; i<n; i++)
if (!(child = this._childNodes[i]) || child._vf.render !== true)
childVol = child.getVolume();
if (childVol && childVol.isValid())
vol.extendBounds(childVol.min, childVol.max);
return vol;
nodeChanged: function() {
//this._needReRender = true;
//do geo-conversion
var coords = new x3dom.fields.MFVec3f();
this._x3dcenter = x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoCoordinate.prototype.GEOtoX3D(this._vf.geoSystem,this._cf.geoOrigin, coords)[0];
//only rootNodes are ever shapes; childUrls have their own rootNodes
//append rootnode field with inline rooturl if empty
if (!this._cf.rootNode.nodes.length) {
var inline = this.newInlineNode(this._vf.rootUrl);
fieldChanged: function(fieldName) {
//this._needReRender = true;
if (fieldName == "render" || fieldName == "range") {
if (fieldname == "center") {
var coords = new x3dom.fields.MFVec3f();
this._x3dcenter = x3dom.nodeTypes.GeoCoordinate.prototype.GEOtoX3D(this._vf.geoSystem,this._cf.geoOrigin, coords)[0];
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