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andreburgaud / node.js
Last active November 18, 2019 15:32
Bash and JS script allowing to start Node with defined options (i.e. harmony) and custom command and properties.
// Published under the MIT License -
// Installation:
// 1 - Copy both and node.js in a directory included in your system PATH
// 2 - Ensure that both scripts are executable (chmod +x node.js
// Usage:
// 1 - Invoke node.js in a terminal to start the shell
// 2 - Type .help to list the REPL commands available
andreburgaud /
Created April 8, 2018 04:17
Shell script to watch and reload Aqueduct on MacOS (requires fswatch
#! /bin/sh
# MIT License (
# Script to watch and reload Aqueduct ( on Mac OS.
# Requires fswatch ( brew install fswatch
# The server will automatically reload upon modification of dart files in lib directory
# To start development server: execute this script in an Aqueduct project folder.
# To quit: type CTRL+C in the terminal used to run the script.
andreburgaud / hh.erl
Created July 4, 2017 02:57
FutureLearn - Functional Programming in Erlang 3.5 - Higher-order functions in practice
andreburgaud / text.erl
Created July 2, 2017 06:22
FutureLearn - Functional Programming in Erlang 2.25 - Text Processing
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Text Processing exercise from Functional Programming in Erlang 2.25
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Compiled and tested with Erlang/OTP 20.0
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% To execute tests in the Erlang shell:
andreburgaud / consolidations.erl
Created June 29, 2017 04:10
FutureLearn - Functional Programming in Erlang 2.18 - Consolidation: functions over lists
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% join
andreburgaud / pal.erl
Last active June 28, 2017 19:21
FutureLearn - Functional Programming in Erlang 2.15 - Palindrome
%% alph_nums filter outs punctuation or non printable characters.
alpha_nums([]) -> [];
alpha_nums([X|Xs]) when X >= $A andalso X =< $z ->
alpha_nums([X|Xs]) when X >= $0 andalso X =< $9 ->
alpha_nums([_|Xs]) ->
andreburgaud / nub.erl
Created June 28, 2017 16:11
FutureLearn - Functional Programming in Erlang 2.12 - The 'nub' function
%% Helper to add element to list with no duplicate elements.
add(X, []) -> [X];
add(X, [Y|Uniqs]) when X == Y -> [Y|Uniqs];
add(X, [Y|Uniqs]) -> [Y|add(X, Uniqs)].
%% Helper to create a list of unique elements.
uniqs([],Uniqs) -> Uniqs;
andreburgaud / take.erl
Created June 28, 2017 15:16
FutureLearn - Functional Programming in Erlang 2.11 - Where do I begin?
%% Take with direct recursion
-spec take(integer(), [T]) -> [T].
take(_, []) -> []; % handles case where N > length(Xs)
take(0, _) -> [];
take(N, [X|Xs]) when N > 0 -> [X | take(N-1, Xs)].
test_take() ->
andreburgaud / transform.erl
Last active June 28, 2017 05:17
FutureLearn - Functional Programming in Erlang 2.9 - Constructing lists with recursive functions
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Double
double([]) -> [];
double([X|Xs]) -> [2*X | double(Xs)].
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Evens
andreburgaud / product.erl
Created June 27, 2017 04:14
FutureLearn - Functional Programming in Erlang 2.6 - Functions over lists
%% sum implementation with direct recursion (per the video)
sum([]) -> 0;
sum([X|Xs]) -> X + sum(Xs).
%% sum implementation with tail recursion (per the video)
sumT(Xs) -> sumT(Xs, 0).