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Last active August 11, 2017 02:04
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Quickly login to the Django Admin screen
# Python standard library
import os
import getpass
from urlparse import urlparse
# Third-party libraries
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
__author__ = 'Andy Burton'
# The id used in a django suit admin login form.
FORM_ID = 'login-form'
# Holds the data from the program that will go in the POST request.
def env_or_getpass(var_name, msg):
""" Check to see if the env var exists. If not let the user type it in. """
if os.getenv(var_name):
return os.getenv(var_name)
return getpass.getpass(msg)
def generate_login_post_data(form_obj):
""" Create the data that with be sent to the login form as a POST. """
for tag in [input for input in form.find_all('input') if input.get('name')]:
REQUEST_DATA[tag['name']] = FILL_OUT_FORM.get(tag['name'], tag.get('value'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Get the needed information from the environment or user.
ADMIN_ID = env_or_getpass('ADMIN_ID', 'Enter your admin username:')
ADMIN_PW = env_or_getpass('ADMIN_PW', 'Enter your admin password:')
ADMIN_URL = env_or_getpass('ADMIN_URL', 'Enter the admin login URL:')
# Set the initial state of the data that will go into the request
'username': ADMIN_ID,
'password': ADMIN_PW,
s = requests.Session()
html = s.get(ADMIN_URL, verify=False)
print('Completed GET request {}.'.format(ADMIN_URL))
# If you can't GET to the login form initially then there's no need to proceed.
if html.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError('Status should be 200, but it is {}.'.format(html.status_code))
bs = BeautifulSoup(html.content, 'html.parser')
# Grab the <form>...</form> section of the page.
form = bs.find(id=FORM_ID)
# Replace the initial path with the action from the form tag.
url_parts = urlparse(ADMIN_URL)
post_url = '{}://{}{}'.format(url_parts.scheme, url_parts.netloc, form.get('action'))
print('Starting POST request {}.'.format(post_url))
REQUEST_DATA = generate_login_post_data(form)
# Post the login data. Django wants a referer address as a security feature.
resp =, headers={'referer': html.url}, data=REQUEST_DATA, timeout=15, verify=False)
print('Finished with status code {}.'.format(resp.status_code))
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