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Created September 15, 2018 02:35
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Código que calcula o valor líquido final de um valor inicial indexado a uma taxa pré-fixada ao ano. Como forma de aplicar o que venho aprendendo em Python, desenvolvi esta calculadora simples utilizando tkinter para construção da tela e datetime para calculo entre duas datas.
import tkinter
except ImportError: # python 2
import Tkinter as tkinter
from tkinter import *
from datetime import date, timedelta
mainWindow = tkinter.Tk()
mainWindow.title("Calculadora de Renda Fixa")
# funcoes de calculo
def calcular():
# Retornando as datas
datainicio = date(int(yearinSpin.get()), int(monthinSpin.get()), int(dayinSpin.get()))
datavencimento = date(int(yearoutSpin.get()), int(monthoutSpin.get()), int(dayoutSpin.get()))
difference = datavencimento - datainicio
days = difference.days
taxaget = taxa.get()
taxaget = float(taxaget.replace(',', '.'))
valoringet = valorin.get()
valoringet = float(valoringet.replace(',', '.'))
valorfin.delete(0, END)
IR.delete(0, END)
valorli.delete(0, END)
taxadia = ((1 + (float(taxaget) / 100)) ** (int(days) / 360)) - 1
calc = (float(taxadia) * float(valoringet)) + float(valoringet)
valorfin.insert(0, round(calc, 2))
# CALCULO IR e Valor Liquido
irfin = ''
ir225 = round(((round(calc, 2) - float(valoringet)) * 0.225), 2)
ir20 = round(((round(calc, 2) - float(valoringet)) * 0.20), 2)
ir175 = round(((round(calc, 2) - float(valoringet)) * 0.175), 2)
ir15 = round(((round(calc, 2) - float(valoringet)) * 0.15), 2)
if days <= 180:
IR.insert(0, ir225)
irfin = float(ir225)
elif days > 180 and days <= 360:
IR.insert(0, ir20)
irfin = float(ir20)
elif days > 360 and days <= 720:
IR.insert(0, ir175)
irfin = float(ir175)
elif days > 720:
IR.insert(0, ir15)
irfin = float(ir15)
IR.insert(0, 0)
# CALCULO Valor Liquido
calcli = calc - irfin
valorli.insert(0, round(calcli, 2))
title = tkinter.Label(mainWindow, text='CDB Pré-Fixado')
title.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3)
# Taxas
taxaLabel = tkinter.Label(mainWindow, text="Taxa Fixa")
taxaLabel.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w', columnspan=3)
taxa = tkinter.Entry(mainWindow)
taxa.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='ew', columnspan=3)
taxap = tkinter.Label(mainWindow, text='% a.a.')
taxap.grid(row=2, column=4, sticky='w')
# Date spinners
datainLabel = tkinter.Label(mainWindow, text="Data Inicial")
datainLabel.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='w', columnspan=3)
dataoutLabel = tkinter.Label(mainWindow, text="Vencimento")
dataoutLabel.grid(row=3, column=5, sticky='w', columnspan=3)
dayinSpin = tkinter.Spinbox(mainWindow, width=5, from_=1, to=31)
monthinSpin = tkinter.Spinbox(mainWindow, width=5, values=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12))
yearinSpin = tkinter.Spinbox(mainWindow, width=5, from_=2000, to_=3000)
dayinSpin.grid(row=4, column=0)
monthinSpin.grid(row=4, column=1)
yearinSpin.grid(row=4, column=2)
dayoutSpin = tkinter.Spinbox(mainWindow, width=5, from_=1, to=31)
monthoutSpin = tkinter.Spinbox(mainWindow, width=5, values=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12))
yearoutSpin = tkinter.Spinbox(mainWindow, width=5, from_=2000, to_=3000)
dayoutSpin.grid(row=4, column=5)
monthoutSpin.grid(row=4, column=6)
yearoutSpin.grid(row=4, column=7)
# Valor Inicial
valorinLabel = tkinter.Label(mainWindow, text="Valor Inicial")
valorinLabel.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky='w', columnspan=3)
valorin = tkinter.Entry(mainWindow)
valorin.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky='ew', columnspan=3)
# Botao calcular
botaocalcular = tkinter.Button(mainWindow, text='Calcular', command=calcular)
botaocalcular.grid(row=7, column=0, columnspan=3)
# Valor Final, IR, Valor Líquido
valorfinLabel = tkinter.Label(mainWindow, text="Valor Final")
valorfinLabel.grid(row=8, column=0, sticky='w', columnspan=3)
valorfin = tkinter.Entry(mainWindow)
valorfin.grid(row=9, column=0, sticky='ew', columnspan=3)
IRLabel = tkinter.Label(mainWindow, text="Imposto de Renda")
IRLabel.grid(row=8, column=4, sticky='w', columnspan=3)
IR = tkinter.Entry(mainWindow)
IR.grid(row=9, column=4, sticky='ew', columnspan=3)
valorliLabel = tkinter.Label(mainWindow, text="Valor Liquido")
valorliLabel.grid(row=8, column=7, sticky='w', columnspan=3)
valorli = tkinter.Entry(mainWindow)
valorli.grid(row=9, column=7, sticky='ew', columnspan=3)
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