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Last active June 1, 2020 22:32
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  • Save andredeo/54f18c4eca060334e0140864a3cf1fbc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andredeo/54f18c4eca060334e0140864a3cf1fbc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var Jira = {
params: {},
setParams: function (params) {
if (typeof params !== 'object') {
Jira.params = params;
if (typeof Jira.params.url === 'string') {
if (!Jira.params.url.endsWith('/')) {
Jira.params.url += '/';
Jira.params.url += 'rest/api/latest/';
setProxy: function (HTTPProxy) {
Jira.HTTPProxy = HTTPProxy;
setTags: function(event_tags_json) {
if (typeof event_tags_json !== 'undefined' && event_tags_json !== ''
&& event_tags_json !== '{EVENT.TAGSJSON}') {
try {
var tags = JSON.parse(event_tags_json),
Jira.labels = [];
tags.forEach(function (tag) {
if (typeof tag.tag !== 'undefined' && typeof tag.value !== 'undefined' ) {
label = (tag.tag + (tag.value ? (':' + tag.value) : '')).replace(/\s/g, '_');
if (label.length < 256) {
catch (error) {
// Code is not missing here.
escapeMarkup: function (str) {
var length = str.length,
result = '',
markup = ['{', '|', '}', '~', '_', '\\', '[', ']', '^', '<', '>', '?', '!', '#', '+', '*', '&'];
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var char = str[i];
result += (markup.indexOf(char) !== -1) ? ('&#' + str[i].charCodeAt() + ';') : char;
return result;
addCustomFields: function (data, fields) {
if (typeof fields === 'object' && Object.keys(fields).length) {
var schema = Jira.getSchema(),
path = ['projects', 0, 'issuetypes', 0, 'fields'],
while ((field = path.shift()) !== undefined) {
schema = schema[field];
if (typeof schema === 'undefined') {
schema = null;
if (schema) {
.forEach(function(field) {
data.fields[field] = fields[field];
if (typeof schema[field] === 'object' && typeof schema[field].schema === 'object'
&& (schema[field].schema.type === 'number' || schema[field].schema.type === 'datetime')) {
switch (schema[field].schema.type) {
case 'number':
data.fields[field] = parseInt(fields[field]);
case 'datetime':
if (fields[field].match(/\d+[.-]\d+[.-]\d+T\d+:\d+:\d+/) !== null) {
data.fields[field] = fields[field].replace(/\./g, '-');
else {
delete data.fields[field];
else {
Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Jira Webhook ] Failed to retrieve field schema.');
return data;
request: function (method, query, data) {
['url', 'user', 'password', 'project_key', 'issue_type'].forEach(function (field) {
if (typeof Jira.params !== 'object' || typeof Jira.params[field] === 'undefined'
|| Jira.params[field] === '' ) {
throw 'Required Jira param is not set: "' + field + '".';
var response,
url = Jira.params.url + query,
request = new CurlHttpRequest();
request.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json');
request.AddHeader('Authorization: Basic ' + btoa(Jira.params.user + ':' + Jira.params.password));
if (typeof Jira.HTTPProxy !== 'undefined' && Jira.HTTPProxy !== '') {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined') {
data = JSON.stringify(data);
Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Jira Webhook ] Sending request: ' + url + ((typeof data === 'string') ? ('\n' + data) : ''));
switch (method) {
case 'get':
response = request.Get(url, data);
case 'post':
response = request.Post(url, data);
case 'put':
response = request.Put(url, data);
throw 'Unsupported HTTP request method: ' + method;
Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Jira Webhook ] Received response with status code ' + request.Status() + '\n' + response);
if (response !== null) {
try {
response = JSON.parse(response);
catch (error) {
Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Jira Webhook ] Failed to parse response received from Jira');
response = null;
if (request.Status() < 200 || request.Status() >= 300) {
var message = 'Request failed with status code ' + request.Status();
if (response !== null && typeof response.errors !== 'undefined'
&& Object.keys(response.errors).length > 0) {
message += ': ' + JSON.stringify(response.errors);
else if (response !== null && typeof response.errorMessages !== 'undefined'
&& Object.keys(response.errorMessages).length > 0) {
message += ': ' + JSON.stringify(response.errorMessages);
throw message + ' Check debug log for more information.';
return {
status: request.Status(),
response: response
getSchema: function() {
var result = Jira.request('get', 'issue/createmeta?expand=projects.issuetypes.fields&projectKeys=' +
Jira.params.project_key + '&issuetypeNames=' + Jira.params.issue_type);
return result.response;
createIssue: function(summary, description, fields) {
var data = {
fields: {
project: {
key: Jira.params.project_key
issuetype: {
name: Jira.params.issue_type
summary: summary,
description: description
if (Jira.labels && Jira.labels.length > 0) {
data.fields.labels = Jira.labels;
var result = Jira.request('post', 'issue', Jira.addCustomFields(data, fields));
if (typeof result.response !== 'object' || typeof result.response.key === 'undefined') {
throw 'Cannot create Jira issue. Check debug log for more information.';
return result.response.key;
updateIssue: function(summary, fields, update) {
var data = {fields: {}};
if (summary) {
data.fields.summary = summary;
Jira.request('put', 'issue/' + Jira.params.issue_key, Jira.addCustomFields(data, fields));
commentIssue: function(update) {
var data = {};
if (typeof update === 'string') {
data.body = update;
Jira.request('post', 'issue/' + Jira.params.issue_key + '/comment', data);
else if (update.status === '1') {
data.body = update.user + ' ' + update.action + '.';
if (update.message) {
data.body += '\nMessage: {quote}' + Jira.escapeMarkup(update.message) + '{quote}';
Jira.request('post', 'issue/' + Jira.params.issue_key + '/comment', data);
closeIssue: function() {
var data = {transition:{id:41}};
Jira.request('post', 'issue/' + Jira.params.issue_key + '/transitions', data);
try {
var params = JSON.parse(value),
fields = {},
jira = {},
update = {},
result = {tags: {}},
required_params = ['alert_subject', 'summary', 'event_recovery_value', 'event_source', 'event_value'];
.forEach(function (key) {
if (key.startsWith('jira_')) {
jira[key.substring(5)] = params[key];
else if (key.startsWith('customfield_')) {
fields[key] = params[key];
else if (key.startsWith('event_update_')) {
update[key.substring(13)] = params[key];
else if (required_params.indexOf(key) !== -1 && params[key] === '') {
throw 'Parameter "' + key + '" can\'t be empty.';
if ([0, 1, 2, 3].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_source)) === -1) {
throw 'Incorrect "event_source" parameter given: ' + params.event_source + '\nMust be 0-3.';
// Check {EVENT.VALUE} for trigger-based and internal events.
if (params.event_value !== '0' && params.event_value !== '1'
&& (params.event_source === '0' || params.event_source === '3')) {
throw 'Incorrect "event_value" parameter given: ' + params.event_value + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';
// Check {EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} only for trigger-based events.
if (params.event_update_status !== '0' && params.event_update_status !== '1' && params.event_source === '0') {
throw 'Incorrect "event_update_status" parameter given: ' + params.event_update_status + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';
if (params.event_source !== '0' && params.event_recovery_value === '0') {
throw 'Recovery operations are supported only for trigger-based actions.';
// Create issue for non trigger-based events.
if (params.event_source !== '0' && params.event_recovery_value !== '0') {
Jira.createIssue(params.alert_subject, params.alert_message);
// Create issue for trigger-based events.
else if (params.event_value === '1' && update.status === '0' && !jira.issue_key.startsWith(jira.project_key)) {
var key = Jira.createIssue(params.alert_subject,
(Object.keys(fields).length ? params.trigger_description : params.alert_message), fields);
result.tags.__zbx_jira_issuekey = key;
result.tags.__zbx_jira_issuelink = params.jira_url +
(params.jira_url.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') + 'browse/' + key;
// Update created issue for trigger-based event.
else {
if (!jira.issue_key.startsWith(jira.project_key)) {
throw 'Incorrect Issue key given: ' + jira.issue_key;
Jira.updateIssue(params.alert_subject, fields,
((params.event_value === '0' && !Object.keys(fields).length)
? params.alert_message : update));
return JSON.stringify(result);
catch (error) {
Zabbix.Log(3, '[ Jira Webhook ] ERROR: ' + error);
throw 'Sending failed: ' + error;
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