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Last active March 12, 2024 16:50
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  • Save andrefcdias/bc6d65f5ffa427cb0905873345a7d7eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andrefcdias/bc6d65f5ffa427cb0905873345a7d7eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Setup GitHub's SSH and GPG keys for WSL and ZSH environments
# For WSL environments only
npm install --global yarn
echo "Please provide your Git commit info"
read -p "Full name: " fullName
read -p "Email: " email
read -p "Key password: " -s password
echo ""
echo "Setting up global Git identity"
git config --global $fullName
git config --global $email
echo "Setting up SSH key"
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C $email -f ~/.ssh/$key_name -N $password
# Add to .zshrc (required?)
# TODO: Remove this requirement
# echo "# ssh" >> ~/.zshrc
# echo 'eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"' >> ~/.zshrc
# echo "ssh-add ~/.ssh/$key_name" >> ~/.zshrc
# echo "" >> ~/.zshrc
# echo "> SSH key will be added on ZSH session start. Dont forget to run 'source ~/.zsrhc' after the script finishes."
# Copy .pub and open GitHub
ssh_key=$(cat ~/.ssh/$
echo $ssh_key | clip.exe 2>/dev/null
# Mac
echo $ssh_key | pbcoby 2>/dev/null
echo "SSH key copied. Please paste it to your GitHub account's SSH keys"
explorer.exe 2>/dev/null
# Mac
open 2>/dev/null
read -p "Press any key to resume..."
echo "Setting up GPG key"
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
# Generate GPG key
keyComment="Github key for $email"
cat >keyConfig <<EOF
Key-Type: default
Key-Length: 4096
Subkey-Type: default
Subkey-Length: 4096
Name-Real: $fullName
Name-Comment: $keyComment
Name-Email: $email
Expire-Date: 0
Protection: $password
echo "Generating GPG key... (this might take a lot of time)"
gpg --batch --generate-key keyConfig
rm -rf keyConfig
# Get pub key id
keyId=$(gpg --list-secret-keys $keyComment | sed -n 2p | xargs)
# Set signing key on Git
git config --global user.signingkey $keyId
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
# Copy pub key and open GitHub
gpg_key=$(gpg --armor --export $keyId)
echo $gpg_key | clip.exe 2>/dev/null
# Mac
echo $gpg_key | pbcoby 2>/dev/null
echo "GPG key copied. Please paste it to your GitHub account's GPG keys."
explorer.exe 2>/dev/null
# Mac
open 2>/dev/null
read -p "Press any key to resume..."
# Create SSH config file
touch ~/.ssh/config
echo "Host *" >> ~/.ssh/config
echo " IdentityFile ~/.ssh/$key_name" >> ~/.ssh/config
# Add SSH key to agent
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/$key_name
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