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Last active April 12, 2019 04:27
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  • Save andreigec/1c6672e679cec71efb9568cadf85b132 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Assume or switch between aws roles, and generate aws keys for use with bash
Assumes an AWS role based on the name configured in your ~/.aws/credentials file
Assumes an AWS role based on the name configured in your ~/.aws/credentials file
.PARAMETER profile
The name of the profile to assume (the item in your credentials file that has source_profile set)
.PARAMETER RoleSessionName
The name of the role to assume for that profile. Eg Admin
Call this script with the parameters separated by spaces
[string]$profile = "profile NOT SET",
[string]$RoleSessionName = "RoleSessionName NOT SET",
[string]$ARN = "ARN NOT SET"
$baseProfile = aws configure get "${profile}.source_profile"
echo "profile:$profile"
echo "RoleSessionName:$RoleSessionName"
echo "baseProfile:$baseProfile"
echo "ARN:$ARN"
Set-AWSCredential -ProfileName $baseProfile
Remove-Item -Path Env:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
Remove-Item -Path Env:AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
$Creds = (Use-STSRole -region ap-southeast-2 -RoleArn $roleArn -RoleSessionName $RoleSessionName).Credentials
Set-Item -Path Env:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -Value $Creds.AccessKeyId
Set-Item -Path Env:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -Value $Creds.SecretAccessKey
Set-Item -Path Env:AWS_SESSION_TOKEN -Value $Creds.SessionToken
Remove-Item -Path Env:AWS_PROFILE
Get-ChildItem Env:AWS_*
echo "-----copy below to auth in linux/bash-------`n`n"
Write-Host ("export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={0}`nexport AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={1}`nexport AWS_SESSION_TOKEN={2}`n" -f $Creds.AccessKeyId,$Creds.SecretAccessKey,$Creds.SessionToken)
echo "Finished, press any key"
$KeyPress = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
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