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Last active July 6, 2024 20:38
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A visual representation of a simple CPU architecture, demonstrating the fetch-decode-execute cycle. Features a programmable RAM, step-by-step execution via clock ticks, and real-time updates of CPU components. To play with this code, follow this link:…
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Enhanced CPU Simulator with Collapsible Explanation</title>
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<div class="container">
<div class="simulator">
<div class="cpu">
<div class="register">
<h3>Programme Counter</h3>
<div id="pc" class="register-value">0</div>
<div class="register">
<h3>Instruction Register</h3>
<div id="ir" class="register-value"></div>
<div class="register">
<div id="accumulator" class="register-value">0</div>
<div id="execution-phases">
<div class="execution-phase active-phase">► Fetch</div>
<div class="execution-phase">Decode</div>
<div class="execution-phase">Execute</div>
<button id="clockTick" onclick="clockTick()">Clock Tick</button>
<div class="ram">
<div class="mode-switch">
<button id="modeToggle" onclick="toggleMode()">
<svg id="editIcon" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
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<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="3"></circle>
<div class="ram-table-container">
<table id="ram-table">
<th class="edit-column hidden">Edit</th>
<!-- RAM content will be populated here -->
<button id="explanationToggle" onclick="toggleExplanation()">Show Explanation</button>
<div id="explanation" class="explanation">
<h2>What is this and how does it work?</h2>
<p>This simulator demonstrates the basic functioning of a Central Processing Unit (CPU) in a computer. At its core, every modern computer operates on similar principles, no matter how complex its tasks may seem.</p>
<p>The simulation shows three main components:</p>
<li><strong>CPU:</strong> The brain of the computer, containing registers for temporary data storage and processing.</li>
<li><strong>RAM (Random Access Memory):</strong> Where instructions and data are stored for quick access.</li>
<li><strong>Clock:</strong> Represented by the "Clock Tick" button, it drives the CPU through its cycle.</li>
<p>The CPU operates in a continuous "Fetch-Decode-Execute" cycle:</p>
<li><strong>Fetch:</strong> The CPU retrieves an instruction from RAM.</li>
<li><strong>Decode:</strong> The CPU interprets the instruction.</li>
<li><strong>Execute:</strong> The CPU carries out the instruction.</li>
<p>In this simulator, you can see this cycle in action. The program loaded into RAM is a simple counting program. With each complete cycle, it increments a value stored in RAM.</p>
<p>While this simulation runs at a speed we can observe, real CPUs execute billions of instructions per second. This incredible speed allows computers to perform complex tasks like playing video games or displaying this web page.</p>
<p>You can interact with this simulator by clicking the "Clock Tick" button to step through each phase of the cycle, or by switching to "Edit Mode" to modify the instructions in RAM.</p>
let pc = 0;
let ir = '';
let accumulator = 0;
let ram = [
{ address: 0, value: 'LOAD 6' },
{ address: 1, value: 'ADD 7' },
{ address: 2, value: 'STORE 6' },
{ address: 3, value: 'JUMP 1' },
{ address: 4, value: '0' },
{ address: 5, value: '0' },
{ address: 6, value: '1' },
{ address: 7, value: '1' },
{ address: 8, value: '0' },
{ address: 9, value: '0' },
{ address: 10, value: '0' },
{ address: 11, value: '0' },
{ address: 12, value: '0' },
{ address: 13, value: '0' },
{ address: 14, value: '0' },
{ address: 15, value: '0' },
let executionPhase = 'Fetch';
let currentMode = 'display';
const instructions = ['', 'LOAD', 'ADD', 'STORE', 'JUMP'];
function updateDisplay() {
document.getElementById('pc').textContent = pc;
document.getElementById('ir').textContent = ir;
document.getElementById('accumulator').textContent = accumulator;
const phases = document.getElementById('execution-phases').children;
for (let i = 0; i < phases.length; i++) {
phases[i].textContent = phases[i].textContent.replace('► ', '');
const activePhase = Array.from(phases).find(phase => phase.textContent.includes(executionPhase));
activePhase.textContent = '► ' + activePhase.textContent;
function updateRAMTable() {
const ramTable = document.getElementById('ram-table').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
ramTable.innerHTML = '';
for (const item of ram) {
const row = ramTable.insertRow();
row.insertCell(0).textContent = item.address;
if (currentMode === 'edit') {
const cell = row.insertCell(1);
const [instruction, operand] = item.value.split(' ');
const select = document.createElement('select');
instructions.forEach(instr => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = instr;
option.textContent = instr || '(empty)';
option.selected = instr === instruction;
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'text';
input.value = operand || '';
const editCell = row.insertCell(2);
const saveButton = document.createElement('button');
saveButton.textContent = 'Save';
saveButton.onclick = () => saveInstruction(item.address, select.value, input.value);
} else {
row.insertCell(1).textContent = item.value || '0';
function executeInstruction() {
switch (executionPhase) {
case 'Fetch':
ir = ram[pc].value;
executionPhase = 'Decode';
case 'Decode':
executionPhase = 'Execute';
case 'Execute':
const [operation, operand] = ir.split(' ');
switch (operation) {
case 'LOAD':
accumulator = parseInt(ram[parseInt(operand)].value) || 0;
case 'ADD':
accumulator += parseInt(ram[parseInt(operand)].value) || 0;
case 'STORE':
ram[parseInt(operand)].value = accumulator.toString();
case 'JUMP':
pc = (parseInt(operand) - 1 + ram.length) % ram.length; // Ensure PC stays within bounds
pc = (pc + 1) % ram.length;
executionPhase = 'Fetch';
function clockTick() {
if (currentMode === 'edit') {
function toggleMode() {
currentMode = currentMode === 'display' ? 'edit' : 'display';
const editColumns = document.getElementsByClassName('edit-column');
for (let col of editColumns) {
col.classList.toggle('hidden', currentMode === 'display');
document.getElementById('editIcon').classList.toggle('hidden', currentMode === 'edit');
document.getElementById('viewIcon').classList.toggle('hidden', currentMode === 'display');
function saveInstruction(address, instruction, operand) {
if (instruction) {
ram[address].value = `${instruction} ${operand}`.trim();
} else {
ram[address].value = operand.trim() || '0';
function toggleExplanation() {
const explanation = document.getElementById('explanation');
const button = document.getElementById('explanationToggle');
if (explanation.classList.contains('visible')) {
button.textContent = 'Show Explanation';
} else {
button.textContent = 'Hide Explanation';
function updateRAMTable() {
const ramTable = document.getElementById('ram-table').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
ramTable.innerHTML = '';
for (const item of ram) {
const row = ramTable.insertRow();
row.insertCell(0).textContent = item.address;
if (currentMode === 'edit') {
const cell = row.insertCell(1);
const [instruction, operand] = item.value.split(' ');
const inputGroup = document.createElement('div');
inputGroup.className = 'input-group';
const select = document.createElement('select');
instructions.forEach(instr => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = instr;
option.textContent = instr || '(empty)';
option.selected = instr === instruction;
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'text';
input.value = operand || '';
const editCell = row.insertCell(2);
const saveButton = document.createElement('button');
saveButton.textContent = 'Save';
saveButton.onclick = () => saveInstruction(item.address, select.value, input.value);
} else {
row.insertCell(1).textContent = item.value || '0';
// Initialize the display
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