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Created October 20, 2023 06:49
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Demi Nix

Demi Nix:

  • build1 + build2 vms
    • Reduce bare-metal code to something very small, perhaps just vagrant
      • That probably means no vagrant for demi1 + demi2
  • Build the whole VM with nix
  • Split the VM image/OS build, and the Demi build
    • Perhaps split the VM image build and OS build as well, somehow
      • E.g. build grub/initrd into the image, but the rootfs outside
    • This will allow rebuilding Demi stuff without rebuilding the OS
    • Likely using an external mount
      • Or collecting modules into mini-disk-drives
  • Updates are runtime data, not buildtime
    • That means the VM image can be deterministically built from a setup .iso file
    • It means OSes should regularly update (unattended)
    • It also means rebuilds will be rare
  • Alternative: store1 + store2 vms
    • All builds happen here, no builds allowed on demi1 + demi2
    • demi1 + demi2 can still install, but with store1 + store2 as stores/build
  • Alternative (sketchy): build1 + build2 are used for short-lived scripts in qemu
  • Alternative: keys1 + keys2 vms
    • What if the private CA keys were behind a signing API server?
    • Gunicorn+Flask: receives CSR, returns signed certificate
    • What are the disadvantages?
  • Alternative: short-lived microvm
    • Perhaps using the host kernel + Debian image

Debian Cloud image:



  • Install something on metal hosts (manually)
    • Ansible, or qemu, or make, or vagrant
  • Generate secret SSH/SSL keys (perhaps on both hosts)
    • This cannot be done with Nix, but Ansible should be okay
  • Generate public SSH/SSL keys basd on secret keys
    • This cannot be done with Nix, but Ansible should likewise be okay
    • Wait... what? Do I put private SSH host keys in the Nix store?
      • Do I mount the private SSH host keys from the actual host?
      • Do I make a .qcow2 of the private SSH host keys?
      • Do I pass it through cloud-init metadata (top-level ssh_keys, sibling to users)
        • That won't work for SSL keys; but is that important?
  • Create a VM
    • Set up ansible user with sudo and local .ssh/ in authorized_hosts
    • Set up /etc/hosts
    • Does it need /mnt/persistent?
  • Set up SSH CAs
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