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Last active February 4, 2017 12:23
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Elimination of constants and function symbols from set theory

Official Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory only has the elementhood relation symbol ∈, and nothing else. Other constants, such as ∅, ⊆, ∩, ∪, f[x], etc. can be mechanically eliminated. The result of the elimination is a formula which is logically equivalent to the original, but is more complicated.

This program eliminates constants and function symbols, and generates LaTeX showing the formula before and after the elimination.

(* Elimination of constant and function symbols from first-order logic and set theory. *)
(* A variable name. *)
type name = string * int
(* A term, possibly with defined symbols *)
type 'a term =
| Var of 'a
| EmptySet
| BigUnion of 'a term
| Couple of 'a term * 'a term (* unordered pair *)
| Singleton of 'a term
| Apply of 'a term * 'a term
| Intersection of 'a term * 'a term
| Union of 'a term * 'a term
| Succ of 'a term
(* Logical formulas. *)
type 'a prop =
| True
| False
| And of 'a prop * 'a prop
| Or of 'a prop * 'a prop
| Imply of 'a prop * 'a prop
| Iff of 'a prop * 'a prop
| Not of 'a prop
| Exists of ('a -> 'a prop)
| Forall of ('a -> 'a prop)
| Elem of 'a term * 'a term
| Equal of 'a term * 'a term
(* Bounded quantifiers *)
let forall_in t p = Forall (fun x -> Imply (Elem (Var x, t), p x))
let exists_in t p = Exists (fun x -> And (Elem (Var x, t), p x))
(* Various abbreviations *)
let pair x y = Couple (Singleton x, Couple (x, y))
let subset u t = forall_in u (fun x -> Elem (Var x, t))
let inhabited u = Exists (fun x -> Elem (Var x, u))
let empty u = Forall (fun x -> Not (Elem (Var x, u)))
(* Convenience functions which optimize formulas a bit *)
let mk_and p q =
match p, q with
| True, q -> q
| p, True -> p
| False, _ -> False
| _, False -> False
| p, q -> And (p, q)
let mk_or p q =
match p, q with
| True, _ -> True
| _, True -> True
| False, q -> q
| p, False -> p
| p, q -> Or (p, q)
let mk_imply p q =
match p, q with
| True, p -> p
| _, True -> True
| False, _ -> True
| p, False -> Not p
| p, q -> Imply (p, q)
let mk_iff p q =
match p, q with
| True, q -> q
| p, True -> p
| False, q -> Not q
| p, False -> Not p
| p, q -> Iff (p, q)
let mk_not p =
match p with
| True -> False
| False -> True
| Not q -> q
| q -> Not q
(* Eliminate all defined symbols from a formula. *)
let rec elim = function
| True -> True
| False -> False
| And (p, q) -> mk_and (elim p) (elim q)
| Or (p, q) -> mk_or (elim p) (elim q)
| Imply (p, q) -> mk_imply (elim p) (elim q)
| Iff (p, q) -> mk_iff (elim p) (elim q)
| Not p -> mk_not (elim p)
| Exists p -> Exists (fun x -> elim (p x))
| Forall p -> Forall (fun x -> elim (p x))
| Elem (s, t) ->
elimTerm s (fun s -> elimTerm t (fun t -> Elem (s, t)))
| Equal (s, t) ->
elimTerm s (fun s -> elimTerm t (fun t -> Equal (s, t)))
(* Eliminate all defined symbols from a term *)
and elimTerm t =
match t with
| Var x -> (fun k -> k (Var x))
| EmptySet -> nullary (fun z -> False)
| BigUnion t ->
unary t
(fun x t ->
Exists (fun y -> mk_and (Elem (Var x, Var y)) (Elem (Var y, t))))
| Singleton t ->
unary t
(fun x t -> Equal (Var x, t))
| Couple (t1, t2) ->
binary t1 t2
(fun x t1 t2 -> mk_or (Equal (Var x, t1)) (Equal (Var x, t2)))
| Apply (f, x) ->
binary f x
(fun z f x ->
Exists (fun y ->
mk_and (Elem (pair x (Var y), f))
(mk_and (Elem (Var z, Var y))
(Forall (fun y' ->
(Elem (pair x (Var y'), f))
(Equal (Var y, Var y')))))))
| Intersection (t1, t2) ->
binary t1 t2
(fun x t1 t2 -> mk_and (Elem (Var x, t1)) (Elem (Var x, t2)))
| Union (t1, t2) ->
binary t1 t2
(fun x t1 t2 -> mk_or (Elem (Var x, t1)) (Elem (Var x, t2)))
| Succ t ->
unary t
(fun x t -> mk_or (Elem (Var x, t)) (Equal (Var x, t)))
and nullary p k =
(Exists (fun x -> mk_and (Forall (fun y -> mk_iff (Elem (Var y, Var x)) (p x))) (k (Var x))))
and unary t p k =
elimTerm t (fun t ->
(Exists (fun x ->
mk_and (Forall (fun y -> mk_iff (Elem (Var y, Var x)) (p y t))) (k (Var x)))))
and binary t1 t2 p k =
elimTerm t1 (fun t1 ->
elimTerm t2 (fun t2 ->
(Exists (fun x ->
mk_and (Forall (fun y -> mk_iff (Elem (Var y, Var x)) (p y t1 t2))) (k (Var x))))))
(** Production of LaTeX expressions *)
(* Generate a fresh name, avoid forbidden ones *)
let rec fresh forbidden =
let names = [|"x"; "y"; "z"; "a"; "b"; "c"; "r"; "s"; "t"; "u"; "v"; "w" ;
"p"; "q"; "d"; "e"; "f"; "g"; "h"; "i"; "j"; "k"; "l"; "m"; "n" |] in
let mk_name k = names.(k mod (Array.length names)), k / (Array.length names) in
let rec search k =
let x = mk_name k in
if List.mem x forbidden
then search (k+1)
else x
search 0
let rec latexTerm t ppt =
match t with
| Var (x, 0) -> Format.fprintf ppt "%s" x
| Var (x, k) -> Format.fprintf ppt "%s_{%d}" x k
| EmptySet -> Format.fprintf ppt "\\emptyset"
| BigUnion t -> Format.fprintf ppt "\\bigcup (%t)" (latexTerm t)
| Couple (t1, t2) -> Format.fprintf ppt "\\{%t, %t\\}" (latexTerm t1) (latexTerm t2)
| Singleton t -> Format.fprintf ppt "\\{%t\\}" (latexTerm t)
| Apply (t1, t2) -> Format.fprintf ppt "%t [%t]" (latexTerm t1) (latexTerm t2)
| Intersection (t1, t2) -> Format.fprintf ppt "(%t) \\cap (%t)" (latexTerm t1) (latexTerm t2)
| Union (t1, t2) -> Format.fprintf ppt "(%t) \\cup (%t)" (latexTerm t1) (latexTerm t2)
| Succ t -> Format.fprintf ppt "(%t)^{+}" (latexTerm t)
let rec latex ?(max_level=9999) xs p ppt =
let at_level, fmt =
match p with
| True -> 0, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "\\top"
| False -> 0, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "\\bot"
| Elem (s, t) ->
40, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "%t@ \\in@ %t"
(latexTerm s)
(latexTerm t)
| Not (Elem (s, t)) ->
40, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "%t@ \\not\\in@ %t"
(latexTerm s)
(latexTerm t)
| Equal (s, t) ->
40, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "%t@ =@ %t"
(latexTerm s)
(latexTerm t)
| Not (Equal (s, t)) ->
40, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "%t@ \\neq@ %t"
(latexTerm s)
(latexTerm t)
| Not p ->
30, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "\\lnot@ %t"
(latex ~max_level:29 xs p)
| And (p, q) ->
50, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "%t@ \\land@ %t"
(latex ~max_level:50 xs p)
(latex ~max_level:50 xs q)
| Or (p, q) ->
60, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "%t \\lor %t"
(latex ~max_level:60 xs p)
(latex ~max_level:60 xs q)
| Imply (p, q) ->
70, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "%t@ \\Rightarrow@ %t"
(latex ~max_level:69 xs p)
(latex ~max_level:70 xs q)
| Iff (p, q) ->
70, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "%t@ \\Leftrightarrow@ %t"
(latex ~max_level:69 xs p)
(latex ~max_level:69 xs q)
| Exists p ->
let x = fresh xs in
let xs = x :: xs in
80, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "\\exists %t \\,.\\,@ %t"
(latexTerm (Var x))
(latex ~max_level:80 xs (p x))
| Forall p ->
let x = fresh xs in
let xs = x :: xs in
80, fun ppt -> Format.fprintf ppt "\\forall %t \\,.\\,@ %t"
(latexTerm (Var x))
(latex ~max_level:80 xs (p x))
if at_level > max_level
then Format.fprintf ppt "(%t)" fmt
else fmt ppt
(* Print a formula p before and after elimination. *)
let eliminate t p =
Format.printf "%s:@\n@\n" t ;
Format.printf "* before elimination: $%t$@\n" (latex [] p) ;
Format.printf "* after elimination: $%t$@\n@." (latex [] (elim p))
(* Examples. *)
(* {z, z} = {z} *)
let couple_singleton =
Forall (fun z -> Equal (Couple (Var z, Var z), Singleton (Var z))) ;;
"The couple $\\{z,z\\}$ equals the singleton $\\{z\\}$"
couple_singleton ;;
(* {x, y} = {y, x} *)
let couple_commutes =
Forall (fun x ->
Forall (fun y ->
Equal (Couple (Var x, Var y), Couple (Var y, Var x)))) ;;
"Couple commutes"
couple_commutes ;;
(* the union of {x, x} is x *)
let union_couple =
Forall (fun x -> Equal (BigUnion (Couple (Var x, Var x)), Var x)) ;;
"The union of $\\{x,x\\}$"
union_couple ;;
(* Function application: empty set applied to anything is empty set *)
let apply_emptyset =
Forall (fun x -> Equal (Apply (EmptySet, Var x), EmptySet)) ;;
"Application of the empty set"
apply_emptyset ;;
(* Axiom of choice *)
let ac =
Forall (fun x ->
(forall_in (Var x) (fun y -> inhabited (Var y)))
(Exists (fun f ->
forall_in (Var x) (fun y -> Elem (Apply (Var f, Var y), Var y))))) ;;
"The axiom of choice"
ac ;;
(* Axiom of regularity *)
let reg =
Forall (fun x ->
mk_imply (inhabited (Var x))
(exists_in (Var x) (fun y -> empty (Intersection (Var x, Var y))))) ;;
"The axiom of regularity"
reg ;;
(* Axiom of infinity *)
let inf =
Exists (fun w ->
mk_and (Elem (EmptySet, Var w))
(forall_in (Var w) (fun x -> Elem (Succ (Var x), Var w)))) ;;
"The axiom of infinity"
inf ;;
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