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Created June 1, 2021 22:46
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The type of bit streams is uncountable.
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Empty
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
open import Agda.Builtin.Sigma
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
module Corey where
-- streams of bits
record Stream : Set where
hd : Bool
tl : Stream
open Stream
-- the n-th term of a Stream
infix 5 _‼_
_‼_ : Stream → Nat → Bool
s ‼ zero = hd s
s ‼ (suc n) = tl s ‼ n
-- the tail of a sequence
shift : ∀ {A : Set} → (Nat → A) → (Nat → A)
shift e n = e (suc n)
-- convert a sequence to a stream
str : (Nat → Bool) → Stream
hd (str f) = f zero
tl (str f) = str (shift f)
-- str respects positions
str-‼ : ∀ (e : Nat → Bool) (n : Nat) → str e ‼ n ≡ e n
str-‼ e zero = refl
str-‼ e (suc n) = str-‼ (shift e) n
-- Cantor's diagonalization of a sequence of streams
diagonalize : (Nat → Stream) → Stream
diagonalize e = str (λ n → not (e n ‼ n))
-- This probably exists in a library somewhere
not-≢ : ∀ b → b ≢ not b
not-≢ false ()
not-≢ true ()
-- Streams cannot be exhausted by a sequence
cantor : ∀ (e : Nat → Stream) → ∀ n → e n ≢ diagonalize e
cantor e n ξ =
(e n ‼ n)
(trans (cong (_‼ n) ξ) (str-‼ (λ n → not (e n ‼ n)) n))
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