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Last active June 19, 2023 04:40
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A formal proof that weak excluded middle holds from the familiar facts about real numbers.
Weak excluded middle states that for every propostiion P, either ¬¬P or ¬P holds.
We give a proof of weak excluded middle, relying just on basic facts about real numbers,
which we carefully state, in order to make the dependence on them transparent.
Some people might doubt the formalization. To convince yourself that there is no cheating, you should:
* Carefully read the facts listed in the RealFacts below to see that these are all
just familiar facts about the real numbers.
* Verify that there are no postulates or holes (unproved statements).
* Carefully read the statement of WLEM to see that it matches the informal statement.
* Run the file with Agda.
© 1 April 2023 -- Andrej Bauer
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit hiding (_≤_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary
module wlem where
open Σ
record RealsFacts : Set₁ where
ℝ : Set
𝟘 : ℝ
𝟙 : ℝ
_<_ : ℝ → ℝ → Set
𝟘<𝟙 : 𝟘 < 𝟙
<-irref : ∀ {x} → ¬ (x < x)
<-trans : ∀ {x y z} → x < y → y < z → x < z
-- The following property is valid intuitionistically, see HoTT book Definition 11.2.7 (iv).
cover : ∀ x → 𝟘 < x ⊎ x < 𝟙
_≤_ : ℝ → ℝ → Set
≤-refl : ∀ {x} → x ≤ x
≤-trans : ∀ {x y z} → x ≤ y → y ≤ z → x ≤ z
≤-antis : ∀ {x y} → x ≤ y → y ≤ x → x ≡ y
<⇒≤ : ∀ {x y} → x < y → x ≤ y
<-≤⇒< : ∀ {x y z} → x < y → y ≤ z → x < z
≤-<⇒< : ∀ {x y z} → x ≤ y → y < z → x < z
is-bound : ∀ (S : ℝ → Set) (x : ℝ) → Set
is-bound S x = ∀ y → S y → y ≤ x
is-inhabited : ∀ (S : ℝ → Set) → Set
is-inhabited S = Σ[ x ∈ ℝ ] S x
is-bounded : ∀ (S : ℝ → Set) → Set
is-bounded S = Σ[ x ∈ ℝ ] is-bound S x
is-supremum : ∀ (S : ℝ → Set) (x : ℝ) → Set
is-supremum S x = is-bound S x × (∀ y → is-bound S y → x ≤ y)
-- A bounded inhabited subset of reals has a supremum, see
sup : ∀ (S : ℝ → Set) → is-inhabited S → is-bounded S → ℝ
sup-supremum : ∀ (S : ℝ → Set) (i : is-inhabited S) (b : is-bounded S) → is-supremum S (sup S i b)
-- Some derived facts
<⇒≢ : ∀ {x y} → x < y → x ≢ y
<⇒≢ {x} {y} x<y x≡y = <-irref (subst (x <_) (sym x≡y) x<y)
𝟘≤𝟙 : 𝟘 ≤ 𝟙
𝟘≤𝟙 = <⇒≤ 𝟘<𝟙
𝟘≢𝟙 : 𝟘 ≢ 𝟙
𝟘≢𝟙 p = <-irref {x = 𝟙} (subst (_< 𝟙) p 𝟘<𝟙)
¬𝟙≤𝟘 : ¬ (𝟙 ≤ 𝟘)
¬𝟙≤𝟘 p = 𝟘≢𝟙 (≤-antis 𝟘≤𝟙 p)
module _ (ℛ : RealsFacts) where
open RealsFacts ℛ
-- The main theorem
WLEM : ∀ (P : Set) → ¬ ¬ P ⊎ ¬ P
WLEM P = wlem-proof
-- Consider a proposition P.
-- Let S := {x ∈ ℝ | x = 0 ∨ (x = 1 ∧ P) }
S : ℝ → Set
S x = (x ≡ 𝟘) ⊎ (x ≡ 𝟙 × P)
-- S is inhabited by 0
S-inhabited : is-inhabited S
S-inhabited = 𝟘 , inj₁ refl
-- S is bunded by 1
S-bounded : is-bounded S
S-bounded = 𝟙 , λ { _ (inj₁ refl) → 𝟘≤𝟙 ; _ (inj₂ (refl , _)) → ≤-refl}
-- ¬P holds if, and only if, 0 is an upper bound for S
¬P⇒S≤𝟘 : ¬ P → is-bound S 𝟘
¬P⇒S≤𝟘 _ _ (inj₁ refl) = ≤-refl
¬P⇒S≤𝟘 ¬p _ (inj₂ (refl , p)) = ⊥-elim (¬p p)
S≤𝟘⇒¬P : is-bound S 𝟘 → ¬ P
S≤𝟘⇒¬P b p = ¬𝟙≤𝟘 (b 𝟙 (inj₂ (refl , p)))
-- S is inhabited and bounded, so it has a supremum u
u : ℝ
u = sup S S-inhabited S-bounded
-- If P holds then 1 ≤ u
P⇒𝟙≤u : P → 𝟙 ≤ u
P⇒𝟙≤u p = proj₁ (sup-supremum S S-inhabited S-bounded) 𝟙 (inj₂ (refl , p))
-- If ¬p holds then u ≤ 0
¬P⇒u≤𝟘 : ¬ P → u ≤ 𝟘
¬P⇒u≤𝟘 ¬p = proj₂ (sup-supremum S S-inhabited S-bounded) 𝟘 (¬P⇒S≤𝟘 ¬p)
-- Proof of WLEM
wlem-proof : ¬ ¬ P ⊎ ¬ P
wlem-proof with cover u
-- either 0 < u or u < 1
... | inj₁ 𝟘<u =
-- if 0 < u then ¬¬P: if ¬P were the case, we would get u ≤ 0 < u
inj₁ (λ ¬p → <-irref {x = u} (≤-<⇒< (¬P⇒u≤𝟘 ¬p) 𝟘<u))
... | inj₂ u<𝟙 =
-- if u < 1 then ¬P: if P were the case, we woudl get u < 1 ≤ u
inj₂ λ p → <-irref (<-≤⇒< u<𝟙 (P⇒𝟙≤u p))
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