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Last active April 7, 2021 19:35
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Graph theory in Coq
(** An attempt to formalize graphs. *)
Require Import Arith.
(** In order to avoid the intricacies of constructive mathematics,
we consider finite simple graphs whose sets of vertices are
natural numbers 0, 1, , ..., n-1 and the edges form a decidable
relation. *)
(** We shall work a lot with statements of the form
[forall i : nat, i < V -> P i], so we introduce a
notatation for them, and similarly for existentials. *)
Notation "'all' i : V , P" := (forall i : nat, i < V -> P) (at level 20, i at level 99).
Notation "'some' i : V , P" := (exists i : nat, i < V /\ P) (at level 20, i at level 99).
Structure Graph := {
V :> nat ; (* The number of vertices. So the vertices are numbers 0, 1, ..., V-1. *)
E :> nat -> nat -> Prop ; (* The edge relation *)
E_decidable : forall x y : nat, ({E x y} + {~ E x y}) ;
E_irreflexive : all x : V, ~ E x x ;
E_symmetric : all x : V, all y : V, (E x y -> E y x)
(** Let us define some graphs. *)
(* Empty graph on [n] vertices *)
Definition Empty (n : nat) : Graph.
refine {| V := n ;
E := (fun x y => False)
|} ; auto.
(* Complete graph on [n] vertices *)
Definition K (n : nat) : Graph.
refine {| V := n ;
E := (fun x y => x <> y)
- intros.
destruct (Nat.eq_dec x y) ; tauto.
- intros x H L.
absurd (x = x) ; tauto.
- intros ; now apply not_eq_sym.
(** Path on [n] vertices. *)
Definition Path (n : nat) : Graph.
(* We will do this proof very slowly by hand to practice. *)
refine {| V := n ;
E := fun x y => S x = y \/ x = S y
- intros.
destruct (eq_nat_dec (S x) y).
+ tauto.
+ destruct (eq_nat_dec x (S y)).
* tauto.
* { right.
intros [ ? | ? ].
- absurd (S x = y) ; assumption.
- absurd (x = S y) ; assumption.
- (* This case we do by using a powerful tactic "firstorder".
We tell it to use the statement [n_Sn] from the [Arith] library.
To see what [n_Sn] is, run command [Check n_Sn].
To find [n_Sn], we ran the command [Search (?m <> S ?m)]. *)
firstorder using n_Sn.
- intros ? ? ? ? [?|?].
+ right ; now symmetry.
+ left; now symmetry.
(** [Cycle n] is the cycle on [n+3] vertices. We define it in a way
which avoids modular arithmetic. *)
Definition Cycle (n : nat) : Graph.
refine {| V := 3 + n ; (* Do not forget: we have [3+n] vertices 0, 1, ..., n+2 *)
E := fun x y =>
(S x = y \/ x = S y \/ (x = 0 /\ y = 2 + n) \/ (x = 2 + n /\ y = 0))
- intros.
destruct (eq_nat_dec (S x) y) ;
destruct (eq_nat_dec x (S y)) ;
destruct (eq_nat_dec x 0) ;
destruct (eq_nat_dec y 0) ;
destruct (eq_nat_dec x (2 + n)) ;
destruct (eq_nat_dec y (2 + n)) ;
- intros ? ? H.
destruct H as [?|[?|[[? ?]|[? ?]]]].
+ firstorder using Nat.neq_succ_diag_l.
+ firstorder using Nat.neq_succ_diag_r.
+ apply (Nat.neq_succ_0 (S n)) ; transitivity x.
* now symmetry.
* assumption.
+ apply (Nat.neq_succ_0 (S n)) ; transitivity x.
* now symmetry.
* assumption.
- intros ? ? ? ? [?|[?|[[? ?]|[? ?]]]].
+ right ; left ; now symmetry.
+ left ; now symmetry.
+ tauto.
+ tauto.
(* We work towards a general theorem: the number of vertices with odd degree is odd. *)
(** Given a decidable predicate [P] on [nat], we can count how many numbers up to [n] satisfy [P]. *)
Definition count:
forall P : nat -> Prop,
(forall x, {P x} + {~ P x}) -> nat -> nat.
intros P D n.
induction n.
- exact 0.
- destruct (D n).
+ exact (1 + IHn).
+ exact IHn.
(** Given a function [f : nat -> nat] and number [n], compute
the sum of [f 0, f 1, ..., f (n-1)]. *)
Fixpoint sum (f : nat -> nat) (n : nat) :=
match n with
| 0 => 0
| S m => f m + sum f m
(** The number of edges in a graph. *)
Definition edges (G : Graph) : nat :=
sum (fun x => sum (fun y => if E_decidable G x y then 1 else 0) x) (V G).
(* An example: calculate how many edges are in various graphs. *)
Eval compute in edges (Cycle 2). (* NB: This is a cycle on 5 vertices. *)
Eval compute in edges (K 5).
Eval compute in edges (Empty 10).
(** The degree of a vertex. We define it so that it
return 0 if we give it a number which is not
a vertex. *)
Definition degree (G : Graph) (x : nat) : nat.
destruct (lt_dec x (V G)) as [ Hx | ? ].
- { apply (count (fun y => y < G /\ G x y)).
- intro z.
destruct (lt_dec z G) as [Hz|?].
+ destruct (E_decidable G x z).
* left ; tauto.
* right ; tauto.
+ right ; tauto.
- exact (V G). }
- exact 0.
(* Let us compute the degree of a vertex. *)
Eval compute in degree (K 6) 4.
Eval compute in degree (Cycle 4) 0.
Eval compute in degree (Cycle 4) 2.
(* If we sum up all the degress we get twice the edges. *)
Theorem sum_degrees (G : Graph) : sum (degree G) (V G) = 2 * (edges G).
(* We give up and go to lunch. *)
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