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Andrej Bauer andrejbauer

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andrejbauer / mandelbrot.c
Created December 11, 2013 22:23
A simple program for computing the Mandelbrot set.
This program is an adaptation of the Mandelbrot program
from the Programming Rosetta Stone, see
Compile the program with:
gcc -o mandelbrot -O4 mandelbrot.c
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andrejbauer /
Last active August 23, 2024 08:47
Playing around with Miquel's theorem
andrejbauer / LaTeX.inputplugin
Last active June 28, 2024 12:09
LaTeX symbols input method for MacOS
ENCODE: Unicode
VALIDINPUTKEY: ^,.?!:;"'/\()[]{}<>$%&@*01234567890123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
alpha α
andrejbauer / AgdaSolver.agda
Last active April 22, 2024 18:20
How to use Agda ring solvers to prove equations?
{- Here is a short demonstration on how to use Agda's solvers that automatically
prove equations. It seems quite impossible to find complete worked examples
of how Agda solvers are used.
Thanks go to @anormalform who helped out with these on Twitter, see
I welcome improvements and additions to this file.
This file works with Agda and standard-library-1.7.1
andrejbauer /
Created August 14, 2019 12:47
Pictures of algebraic numbers
# Compute algebraic numbers in the complex plane and draw a nice picture
import numpy
import sys
import argparse
import math
import cairo
import pickle
andrejbauer / example.m31
Last active February 19, 2024 09:02
Example of Andromeda ML-programming
(* In Andromeda everything the user writes is "meta-level programming. *)
(* ML-level natural numbers *)
mltype rec mlnat =
| zero
| succ of mlnat
(* We can use the meta-level numbers to define a program which computes n-fold iterations
of f. Here we give an explicit type of iterate because the ML-type inference cannot tell
andrejbauer / Primrec.agda
Created July 6, 2021 10:21
Primitive recursive functions in Agda
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin as Fin
module Primrec where
-- The datatype of primitive recursive function
data PR : ∀ (k : ℕ) → Set where
pr-zero : PR 0 -- zero
pr-succ : PR 1 -- successor
pr-proj : ∀ {k} (i : Fin k) → PR k -- projection
andrejbauer / MPimpliesPost.v
Created December 3, 2023 09:26
Markov's principle implies Post's theorem, constructively.
(* Post's theorem in computability theory states that a subset S ⊆ ℕ is
decidable if both S and its complement ℕ \ S are semidecidable.
Just how much classical logic is needed to prove the theorem, though?
In this note we show that Markov's principle suffices.
Rather than working with subsets of ℕ we work synthetically, with
semidecidable and decidable truth values. (This is more general than
the traditional Post's theorem.)
andrejbauer /
Last active November 29, 2023 22:05
A bijection between numbers and pairs of numbers.

A bijection between numbers and pairs of numbers

Every once in a while I am faced with someone who denies that the rational numbers (or fractions, or pairs of integers) can be put into a bijective correspondence with natural numbers. To deal with the situation, I coded up the bijection. So now I can just say: "Really? Interesting. Please provide a pair of numbers (i,j) which is not enumerated by f, as defined in my gist." I am still waiting for a valid counter-example.

Anyhow, here is a demo of f and g at work. I am using the Python version, but a Haskell variant is included as well.

The 100-th pair is:

>>> f(100)

(10, 4)