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Forked from drolfe/
Last active January 23, 2020 05:55
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Obserivum Client Setup Script
## Obserivum Client Setup Script
## v.0.5 - 12/15/13 -
## Tested on Debian 6/7 & Ubuntu 12.04+ - CentOS 5.8/6.4
## Useage: ./ <Community> <Contact Email>
## check if root
if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then
echo "You need to run this script as root."
echo "Use 'sudo ./' then enter your password when prompted."
exit 1
## set community
## set contact email
## set hostname
#HOSTNAME=$(hostname -f)
## set distro
DISTRO=`cat /etc/*-release | grep -m 1 CentOS | awk {'print $1}'`
## check if community set
if [ -z "$COMMUNITY" ] ; then
echo "Community is not set"
echo "Please run the script again with ./ <Community> <Contact Email>"
## check if contact email is set
if [ -z "$CONTACT" ] ; then
echo "Contact Email is not set"
echo "Please run the script again with ./ <Community> <Contact Email>"
## set server location
read -p "Please enter where the server is physically located: " LOCATION
## check distro
if [ "$DISTRO" = "CentOS" ] ; then
# clear yum cache
yum clean all
# install snmp daemon
yum -y install net-snmp
# set SNMP Daemon options
sed -i.bak '/OPTIONS=/c\OPTIONS="-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -p /var/run/"' /etc/sysconfig/snmpd
# update package list
apt-get update
# install snmp daemon
apt-get -y install snmpd
# setup daemon options
sed -i.bak "/SNMPDOPTS=/c\SNMPDOPTS='-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -p /var/run/'" /etc/default/snmpd
#setup /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
cat > /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf <<END
com2sec readonly default $COMMUNITY
group MyROGroup v1 readonly
group MyROGroup v2c readonly
group MyROGroup usm readonly
view all included .1 80
access MyROGroup "" any noauth exact all none none
syslocation $LOCATION
syscontact $CONTACT
#This line allows Observium to detect the host OS if the distro script is installed
extend . distro /usr/local/bin/distro
#get distro checking script
wget -O /usr/local/bin/distro
#mv distro /usr/bin/distro
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/distro
#restart snmpd
/etc/init.d/snmpd restart
/bin/systemctl restart snmpd.service
echo "#########################################################"
echo "## !! !! Installation Complete !! !! ##"
echo "#########################################################"
echo "#You may add this server to your Observium installation #"
echo "# using $COMMUNITY as the Community #"
echo "#########################################################"
echo "## Install Script by ##"
echo "#########################################################"
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