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Last active March 15, 2016 05:15
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Simple particle system written in Elm. Must edit Graphics.Collage source to expose sprite function.
import List exposing (map, head, concatMap, concat, append)
import Color exposing (..)
import Graphics.Collage exposing (..)
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Mouse
import Window
import Random exposing (generate, list, float)
import Debug
import AnimationFrame
zip4 : List a -> List b -> List c -> List d -> List (a,b,c,d)
zip4 ws xs ys zs =
case (ws, xs, ys, zs) of
( w :: ws', x :: xs', y :: ys', z :: zs' ) ->
(w,x,y,z) :: zip4 ws' xs' ys' zs'
(_, _, _, _) ->
particleCount = 15
xBounds = 200
yBounds = 200
spritesheet = "imgs/sprites/particle_o_2x.png"
frameCount = 11
maxFrame = frameCount - 1
type alias Particle =
{ x: Float
, y: Float
, speed: Float -- responsbile for velocity and frame change frequency
, frame: Float
xs = generate (list particleCount (float -xBounds xBounds)) <| Random.initialSeed 0
ys = generate (list particleCount (float -yBounds yBounds)) <| (snd xs)
speeds = generate (list particleCount (float 0 2)) <| (snd ys)
framePointers = generate (list particleCount (float 0 maxFrame)) <| (snd speeds)
zippedProperties = zip4 (fst xs) (fst ys) (fst speeds) (fst framePointers)
particles : List Particle
particles = map (\(x, y, speed, frame) -> { x = x, y = y, speed = speed, frame = frame}) zippedProperties
update : (Int, Int) -> List Particle -> List Particle
update mousePosition particles =
map (\p -> step p mousePosition) particles
step : Particle -> (Int, Int) -> Particle
step p (mouseX, mouseY) =
velocityX = p.speed + ((toFloat mouseX) / 300)
velocityY = p.speed + ((toFloat mouseY) / 300)
newX = p.x + velocityX
newY = p.y + velocityY
newFrame = if p.frame + p.speed > maxFrame then 0 else p.frame + (p.speed / 40)
{ p |
x <- if newX > xBounds then -xBounds else newX,
y <- if newY > yBounds then -yBounds else newY,
frame <-newFrame
showParticle : Particle -> Form
showParticle p =
sprite 40 40 ((floor p.frame) * 40, 0) spritesheet
|> move (p.x, p.y)
view : (Int, Int) -> List Particle -> Element
view (w, h) particles =
collage w h <| map showParticle particles
main : Signal Element
main =
Signal.map2 view Window.dimensions (Signal.foldp update particles input)
input : Signal (Int, Int)
input =
Signal.sampleOn AnimationFrame.frame Mouse.position
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