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Created October 23, 2011 19:15
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Save andres-erbsen/1307745 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bash script to install firefox extension xpi (for all users by default)
[ x"$1" == "x" ] || [ ! -f $1 ] && echo "Specify valid .xpi file as argument." && exit 1
sudo rm -rf $TMP 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p "$TMP"
trap "sudo rm -rf $TMP 2>/dev/null" 1 2 3 15
unzip "$1" -d "$TMP" &> /dev/null
for token in `cat $TMP/install.rdf` ; do
echo "$token" | grep "urn:mozilla:install-manifest" &> /dev/null && after_manifest_declaration=true
if $after_manifest_declaration; then
if echo "$token" | grep 'em:id=\"' ; then
extension_id=`echo "$token" | sed 's/.*em:id="\(.*\)".*/\1/'`
elif echo "$token" | grep '<em:id>' ; then
extension_id=`echo "$token" | sed 's#.*<em:id>\(.*\)</em:id>.*#\1#'`
[ x"$extension_id" == "x" ] || break
rm -rf "$EXTENSIONSDIR/$extension_id" 2>/dev/null
[ x"$extension_id" == "x" ] && echo "Could not determine extension id" && exit 1;
sudo mkdir -p "$EXTENSIONSDIR"
sudo mv "$TMP" "$EXTENSIONSDIR/$extension_id" && echo "$(basename $1) installed to $EXTENSIONSDIR/$extension_id"
sudo rm -rf $TMP 2>/dev/null
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