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Last active September 18, 2021 00:01
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Require Coq.Init.Byte Coq.Strings.String. Import Init.Byte(byte(..)) String.
Require Import coqutil.Datatypes.List. Import Lists.List List.ListNotations.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt. Import Zdiv. Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Require Import coqutil.Byte coqutil.Word.LittleEndianList.
(* reference: *)
Definition poly1305 (p:=2^130-5) (k : list byte) (m : list byte) : list byte :=
let r := (le_combine (firstn 16 k)) 0x0ffffffc0ffffffc0ffffffc0fffffff in
let t := fold_left (fun a n => (a+le_combine(n++[x01]))*r mod p) (chunk 16 m) 0 in
le_split 16 (t + le_combine (skipn 16 k)).
Local Notation "a + b" := ( (a+b) (Z.ones 32)).
Local Notation "a ^ b" := (Z.lxor a b).
Local Notation "a <<< b" := (Z.shiftl a b + Z.shiftr a (32-b))
(at level 30).
Definition quarter '(a, b, c, d) :=
let a := a + b in let d := d ^ a in let d := d <<< 16 in
let c := c + d in let b := b ^ c in let b := b <<< 12 in
let a := a + b in let d := d ^ a in let d := d <<< 8 in
let c := c + d in let b := b ^ c in let b := b <<< 7 in
(a, b, c, d).
Definition quarterround x y z t (st : list Z) :=
let '(a,b,c,d) := quarter (nth x st 0, nth y st 0, nth z st 0, nth t st 0) in
upd (upd (upd (upd st x a) y b) z c) t d.
Definition chacha20_block (*256bit*)key (*32bit+96bit*)nonce :=
let st := (*512bit*)
map le_combine (chunk 4 (list_byte_of_string"expand 32-byte k"))
++ map le_combine (chunk 4 key)
++ map le_combine (chunk 4 nonce) in
let ss := Nat.iter 10 (fun ss =>
let ss := quarterround 0 4 8 12 ss in
let ss := quarterround 1 5 9 13 ss in
let ss := quarterround 2 6 10 14 ss in
let ss := quarterround 3 7 11 15 ss in
let ss := quarterround 0 5 10 15 ss in
let ss := quarterround 1 6 11 12 ss in
let ss := quarterround 2 7 8 13 ss in
let ss := quarterround 3 4 9 14 ss in
ss) st in
let st := map (fun '(s, t) => s + t) (combine ss st) in
flat_map (le_split 4) st.
Definition chacha20_encrypt key start nonce plaintext :=
flat_map (fun '(counter, ck) =>
zip byte.xor (chacha20_block key (le_split 4 (Z.of_nat counter) ++ nonce)) ck)
(enumerate start (chunk 64 plaintext)).
Definition chacha20poly1305_aead_encrypt aad key iv constant plaintext :=
let pad16 xs := repeat x00 (Nat.div_up (length xs) 16 * 16 - length xs) in
let nonce := constant ++ iv in
let otk := firstn 32 (chacha20_block key (le_split 4 0 ++ nonce)) in
let ciphertext := chacha20_encrypt key 1 nonce plaintext in
let mac_data := aad ++ pad16 aad in
let mac_data := mac_data ++ ciphertext ++ pad16 ciphertext in
let mac_data := mac_data ++ le_split 8 (Z.of_nat (length aad)) in
let mac_data := mac_data ++ le_split 8 (Z.of_nat (length ciphertext)) in
let tag := poly1305 otk mac_data in
(ciphertext, tag).
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