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Last active September 5, 2017 15:01
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  • Save andres-erbsen/5674565 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andres-erbsen/5674565 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
LWW Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signature for Ad Hoc Groups (LSAGS) | From: "Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signature for Ad Hoc Groups" | Published in: | Available from: | Notes: Implemented in one night by one person, so probably NOT good enough * type: signature * setting: cyclic groups of pr…
from charm.toolbox.ecgroup import ECGroup
from charm.toolbox.PKSig import PKSig
from charm.toolbox.ecgroup import G
LWW Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signature for Ad Hoc Groups (LSAGS)
| From: "Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signature for Ad Hoc Groups"
| Published in:
| Available from:
| Notes: Implemented in one night by one person, so probably NOT good enough
* type: signature
* setting: cyclic groups of prime order where the decisional Diffie–Hellman problem is hard
class LWW(PKSig):
>>> from charm.toolbox.eccurve import secp256k1
>>> group = ECGroup(secp256k1)
>>> lsags = LWW(group, group.random(G))
>>> [(A, a), (B, b), (C, c)] = [lsags.keygen() for _ in 'abc']
>>> msg = b'Hi!'
>>> L = [group.random(G)] + [A] + [group.random(G)] + [B] + [group.random(G)]
>>> sig_a, sig_b = lsags.sign(L, a, msg), lsags.sign(L, b, msg)
>>> lsags.verify(L, sig_a, msg) and lsags.verify(L, sig_b, msg)
>>> lsags.sign(L, c, msg)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Cannot sign as somebody else
>>> sig_bad = (group.random(G), group.random(), [group.random() for _ in L])
>>> lsags.verify(L, sig_bad, msg)
>>> sig_prim = lsags.sign(L, a, b'Bye!')
>>>, sig_b)
>>>, sig_prim)
>>> sig_hidden = lsags.sign(L, a, b'Nothing', b'HIDDEN')
>>>, sig_hidden)
def __init__(self, groupObj, g_):
global group
group = groupObj
global g
g = g_
def keygen(self,_=0):
x = group.random()
y = g**x
return (y, x)
def sign(self, L, x_pi, m, tag=b''):
""" Sign message m anonymously as one of L with private key x_pi"""
pi = L.index(g**x_pi)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Cannot sign as somebody else")
h = group.hash((tag,repr(L)), G)
y_tilde = h**x_pi
hLym = group.hash(( repr(L), y_tilde, m ))
u = group.random()
c = [None for _ in L]
s = [None for _ in L]
i = (pi + 1) % len(L)
c[i] = group.hash(( hLym, g**u ,h**u ))
while i != pi:
s[i] = group.random()
c[(i+1)%len(L)] = group.hash(( hLym,
g**s[i] * L[i]**c[i],
h**s[i] * y_tilde**c[i]
i = (i + 1) % len(L)
s[pi] = (u - x_pi*c[pi]) % group.order()
return (y_tilde, c[0], s)
def verify(self, L, sig, m, tag=b''):
y_tilde, c0, s = sig
h = group.hash((tag,repr(L)), G)
hLym = group.hash(( repr(L), y_tilde, m ))
c_i = c0
for i in range(len(s)):
c_i = group.hash(( hLym,
g**s[i] * L[i]**c_i,
h**s[i] * y_tilde**c_i
return c0 == c_i
def link(self, sig1, sig2):
return sig1[0] == sig2[0]
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