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Created June 12, 2022 19:30
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Pixel-wise breadth-first search that not only traverses pixels but also returns the corresponding tree. Includes convenience functions.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
Most existing breadth-first search implementations provide a solution to
*traverse* a tree, but they don't *return* that specific tree. This module
provides a tree datastructure and BFS implementation to obtain the BFS tree.
import numpy as np
# ##############################################################################
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class PixelTree:
Helper datastructure for pixel breadth-first search on images.
Acts as a node that can have pixel position, depth, one parent and multiple
Provides convenience methods to modify and traverse.
def __init__(self, yx_pos, depth=1, parent=None):
:param yx_pos: Pixel position in format ``(y, x)``.
:param int depth: Integer >= 1.
:param parent: If this node is not root. Otherwise, it will set as its
own parent.
assert depth >= 1, "Depth has to be >= 1!"
self.y, self.x = yx_pos
self.depth = depth
self.parent = self if parent is None else parent
self.children = []
def add_child(self, yx_pos):
Adds a new PixelTree instance with the given y,x values to this
instance's children and increments its depth by one.
:returns: The newly created child.
child = PixelTree(yx_pos, self.depth+1, self)
return child
def flatten(self, as_yxd_list=False):
Iterative depth-first traverser that returns a list with this node
and its (recursive) children, in depth-first order.
:param bool as_yxd_list: If true, the returned elements will be
triples of ``(y_pos, x_pos, depth)`` instead of class instances.
result = []
marked = set()
queue = [self]+[child for child in self.children]
while queue:
current = queue.pop(0)
if current not in marked:
queue += current.children
if as_yxd_list:
current = (current.y, current.x, current.depth)
return result
def as_array(self, depth_offset=0, dtype=np.float32):
Converts this node and all its recursive children into a numpy array
with minimal shape to contain all nodes.
Each node is then assigned to a corresponding ``(y, x)`` array index,
and the node depth is written at that index.
:param depth_offset: Optionally adds this extra depth to the in case
more depth contrast against the background (zero depth) is needed.
:param dtype: Numeric type of the returned array.
:returns: A tuple ``(arr, min_y, min_x, max_y, max_x)``. Since the
array is minimal-shape (i.e. it doesn't contain empty margins),
the min and max ranges provide context for the array location.
:raises: ``IndexError`` if any of the ``(y, x)`` positions is not a
non-negative integer that is a valid array index.
yxd_list = self.flatten(True)
y_list, x_list, _ = zip(*yxd_list)
min_y, max_y = min(y_list), max(y_list)
min_x, max_x = min(x_list), max(x_list)
result = np.zeros((1+max_y-min_y, 1+max_x-min_x), dtype=dtype)
for y, x, d in yxd_list:
result[y-min_y, x-min_x] = d + depth_offset
return result, min_y, min_x, max_y, max_x
def __len__(self):
return len(self.flatten())
# ##############################################################################
# # BFS
# ##############################################################################
class PixelBFS:
Parses a binary mask image via breadth-first search for neighbouring pixels
and returns the parsed forest.
:cvar NEIGH_DELTAS: Dictionary mapping neighbouring relationships to the
corresponding ``(y, x)`` offsets.
:cvar NEIGH_DELTAS: Dictionary mapping neighbouring relationships to the
corresponding binary codes.
:cvar NEIGH_DTYPE: Data type capable of containing the sum of all codes.
NEIGH_DELTAS = {"b": (1, 0), "r": (0, 1), "l": (0, -1), "t": (-1, 0),
"br": (1, 1), "bl": (1, -1), "tr": (-1, 1), "tl": (-1, -1)}
NEIGH_CODES = {"b": 1, "r": 2, "l": 4, "t": 8,
"br": 16, "bl": 32, "tr": 64, "tl": 128}
NEIGH_4 = ("b", "r", "l", "t")
NEIGH_8 = ("b", "r", "l", "t", "br", "bl", "tr", "tl")
NEIGH_DTYPE = np.uint8
def get_neighbour_map(cls, y_indexes, x_indexes, with_8con=False):
:param y_indexes: Integer array of shape ``(N,)`` containing the
y-indexes of the pixels.
:param x_indexes: Integer array of shape ``(N,)`` containing the
x-indexes of the pixels.
:param bool with_8con: If true, diagonal neighbours will also be
:returns: Array of shape ``(1+ymax-ymin, 1+xmax-xmin)``, where
``result[0, 0]`` encodes the neighbouring relationships for the
pixel at position ``(ymin, xmin)`` in the form of an encoding.
This encoding is the sum of the active ``NEIGH_CODES``.
y_min, y_max = min(y_indexes), max(y_indexes)
x_min, x_max = min(x_indexes), max(x_indexes)
yyy1 = 1 + (y_indexes - y_min) # starts on 1
xxx1 = 1 + (x_indexes - x_min) # starts on 1
# vectorized hist to store neigh rels (+2 margins, +1 zero-idx)
result = np.zeros((3 + y_max - y_min, 3 + x_max - x_min),
# populate histogram following binary code from NEIGH_MASK
# Check with e.g. check with x&0b100!=0
neighs = cls.NEIGH_8 if with_8con else cls.NEIGH_4
for n in neighs:
delta_y, delta_x = cls.NEIGH_DELTAS[n]
code = cls.NEIGH_CODES[n]
result[(yyy1 - delta_y, xxx1 - delta_x)] += code
# remove margins and return
result = result[1:-1, 1:-1]
return result
def __call__(cls, yyy_xxx, with_8con=False):
:param yyy_xxx: Pair of integer arrays of same shape ``(yyy, xxx)``,
containing the pixel locations to be traversed.
:param bool with_8con: If true, diagonal neighbours will also be
:returns: A list of disjoint ``PixelTree`` objects, each one composed
of neighbouring pixels arranged in breadth-first order.
# convenience aliases
neighs = cls.NEIGH_8 if with_8con else cls.NEIGH_4
yyy, xxx = yyy_xxx
y_min, x_min = min(yyy), min(xxx)
# Prepare globals for the BFS:
bfs_forest = []
marked = set()
# compute pixel neighbour map and start BFS
neigh_map = cls.get_neighbour_map(yyy, xxx)
for i, yx in enumerate(zip(yyy, xxx)):
if yx not in marked:
tree = PixelTree(yx) # start a new tree
# queue won't be empty until all adj. pixels have been explored
tree_queue = [tree]
# hashable copy of tree queue needed for faster lookup
queue_hash = {yx}
while tree_queue:
node = tree_queue.pop(0)
current_yx = (node.y, node.x)
if current_yx not in marked:
# if current is newly visited, mark and fetch neighs
queue_hash.remove(current_yx) # will never visit again
yy, xx = current_yx
neigh_code = neigh_map[yy - y_min, xx - x_min]
for n in neighs:
delta_y, delta_x = cls.NEIGH_DELTAS[n]
neigh_idx = (yy + delta_y, xx + delta_x)
# check if neigh_code contains this neighbour
is_neigh = neigh_code & cls.NEIGH_CODES[n]
if (is_neigh and (neigh_idx not in tree_queue) and
(neigh_idx not in marked)):
# if new+valid, create and queue new node
child = node.add_child(neigh_idx)
# add tree to forest
return bfs_forest
# ##############################################################################
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def make_cyclic_contour(pixel_tree):
Assuming we extracted a BFS tree from a ring-shaped 1D object, the tree
will have 2 main deep branch. This function gathers the 2 deepest paths,
flips one of them and concatenates them, resulting in a cyclic list of
# find out 2 deepest leaves
leaves_by_depth = sorted([node for node in pixel_tree.flatten()
if not node.children], key=lambda x: x.depth)
assert len(leaves_by_depth) >= 2, \
"We assume contours have 2 deep leaves! This shouldn't happen"
leaf_a, leaf_b = leaves_by_depth[-2:]
# traverse up leaf until reaching root and collect path
path_a, path_b = [(leaf_a.y, leaf_a.x)], [(leaf_b.y, leaf_b.x)]
while leaf_a.parent != leaf_a:
leaf_a = leaf_a.parent
path_a.append((leaf_a.y, leaf_a.x))
while leaf_b.parent != leaf_b:
leaf_b = leaf_b.parent
path_b.append((leaf_b.y, leaf_b.x))
# finally append both paths in circular form
result = path_a + list(reversed(path_b))
return result
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