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Last active January 28, 2016 15:27
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  • Save andres-torres-marroquin/d40e4feabb93c2267bbe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andres-torres-marroquin/d40e4feabb93c2267bbe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
window.addSnapScroll = ($element) ->
width_of_two_columns = 550 # (Width of column 270 + padding of column 10) * 2 - 10
data = {}
$element.bind 'touchstart', (e) ->
if document.width > width_of_two_columns
page_x = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX
page_y = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY
$this = $ this
data.x = page_x
data.y = page_y
data.last_x = page_x
data.last_y = page_y
data.direction = 0
data.orientation = null
data.time = +new Date()
data.scroll = $this.scrollLeft()
$element.bind 'touchmove', (e) ->
if document.width > width_of_two_columns
page_x = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX
page_y = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY
delta_x = data.x - page_x
delta_y = data.y - page_y
last_delta_x = data.last_x - page_x
last_delta_y = data.last_y - page_y
data.last_x = page_x
data.last_y = page_y
abs_last_delta_x = Math.abs last_delta_x
abs_last_delta_y = Math.abs last_delta_y
if not data.orientation
if abs_last_delta_x > abs_last_delta_y
data.orientation = 'horizontal'
data.direction = if last_delta_x > 0 then 1 else -1
data.orientation = 'vertical'
data.direction = if last_delta_y > 0 then 1 else -1
if data.orientation is 'vertical'
$this = $ this
scroll_to = data.scroll + delta_x
requestAnimationFrame ->
$this.scrollLeft scroll_to
$element.bind 'touchend', (e) ->
if document.width > width_of_two_columns
$this = $ this
scroll_left = $this.scrollLeft()
column_width = 280
padding_width = (window.innerWidth - column_width) / 2
delta_time = +new Date() - data.time
# If there is a flick, just move to the column
if delta_time < 250
if data.orientation is 'horizontal'
scroll_left += data.direction * column_width / 2
# Basically we calculate where the scroll should snap to
if (scroll_left %% column_width) > (column_width - padding_width * 2) / 2
scroll_left += column_width
scroll_to = (scroll_left // column_width) * column_width
scroll_to -= padding_width
scrollLeft: scroll_to
, 200
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