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Created September 21, 2018 16:29
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} = require 'react-native'
getBottomTabsHeight = ->
if Platform.OS is 'android'
return 56
if Platform.OS is 'ios'
return if isIphoneX() then 84 else 50
module.exports = getBottomTabsHeight
# Based on
} = require 'react-native'
isIphoneX = ->
if Platform.OS isnt 'ios'
return no
if Platform.isPad or Platform.isTVOS
return no
dimensions = Dimensions.get 'window'
if (dimensions.height is 812 or dimensions.width is 812)
# iPhone X, XS
return yes
if (dimensions.height is 896 or dimensions.width is 896)
# iPhone XR, XS Max
return yes
return no
module.exports = isIphoneX
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