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Last active January 23, 2024 14:41
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// Add test case into the Router suite
contract L1GatewayRouterTest is L1GatewayTestBase {
// ...
function testDropMessageRouter() public {
uint256 amount = 100;
uint256 gasLimit = 300_000;
amount = bound(amount, 1, address(this).balance);
// User calls the router to deposit ETH
router.depositETH{value: amount}(amount, gasLimit);
// skip message 0
messageQueue.popCrossDomainMessage(0, 1, 0x1);
assertEq(messageQueue.pendingQueueIndex(), 1);
uint256 balance = address(this).balance;
// Router reverts as it cannot handle the hook call
// Comment the following line when adding the router.onDropMessage() hook
hevm.expectRevert(new bytes(0));
l1Messenger.dropMessage(address(router), address(this), amount, 0, new bytes(0));
// Passes when the hook is not implemented
assertEq(balance, address(this).balance);
// Passes with hook implemented
// assertEq(balance + amount, address(this).balance);
// ----------------------------
// Add the following lines to the Router contract to test it with a hook
contract L1GatewayRouter is OwnableUpgradeable, IL1GatewayRouter {
// ...
address internal user;
// ...
function depositETHAndCall(...) {
// ...
user = _msgSender();
// ...
// Adding a simple hook to handle the refund
function onDropMessage(bytes calldata _message) external payable virtual {
address _receiver = user;
(bool _success, ) ={value: msg.value}("");
require(_success, "ETH transfer failed");
emit RefundETH(_receiver, msg.value);
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