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Last active October 1, 2023 18:30
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List database schema
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
class ListDbSchema extends Command
protected $signature = 'app:db_schema {search? : Search by table name}';
protected $description = 'List the tables of the app and their fields';
protected $excluded_table_names = [
protected $table_headers = ['table', 'column', 'type', 'required'];
protected $schema_manager;
public function __construct()
$this->schema_manager = DB::connection()->getDoctrineSchemaManager();
protected function allTables(): array
return Schema::getAllTables();
protected function business_tables(): array
return array_filter($this->allTables(), function ($table) {
return ! in_array($table->tablename, $this->excluded_table_names);
* This is a sample function that adds two numbers.
* @param string $table
protected function render_table($table): void
$name = $table->tablename;
$columns = Schema::getColumnListing($name);
$data = array_map(function ($column) use ($name) {
$details = $this->schema_manager->listTableDetails($name);
$type = Schema::getColumnType($name, $column);
$is_nullable = $details->getColumn($column)->getNotnull();
return [$name, $column, $type, $is_nullable];
}, $columns);
$this->table($this->table_headers, $data);
* Filter the tables based on the input from user
* @param string $search
* @param array $all_tables
protected function grep_tables($all_tables, $search): array
$all_tables = $this->business_tables();
$escaped_search = preg_quote($search, '/');
$pattern = "/$escaped_search/i";
$tables = array_filter($all_tables, function ($table) use ($pattern) {
return preg_match($pattern, $table->tablename);
if (empty($tables)) {
$this->error('No tables found for: '.$search);
return $tables;
public function handle(): void
$search = $this->argument('search');
$all_tables = $this->business_tables();
if ((bool) $search) {
$tables = $this->grep_tables($all_tables, $search);
} else {
$tables = $all_tables;
foreach ($tables as $table) {
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Any improving and suggestions on my PHP code will be super welcome. For example. Is there a better way of declaring schema_manager without the __construct?

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