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Last active September 2, 2019 18:58
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import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
const Winner = (props) => (
<div className="winner-section">
<img src="" width="50" height="50" />
Winner: {props.winnerName}
class App extends React.Component{
this.state = {
// each match inside matches contain player1, player2 and a flag called played indicading if that match was played or not
matches: [],
player1: '', // will hold the value inside the input of player1
player2: '', // will hold the value inside the input of player2
previousWinner: null // will hold the value of the winner of the previous match
// called when the input of player1 is changed
this.setState({ player1: })
// called when the input of player2 is changed
this.setState({ player2: })
// called when the form containing inputs for player1 and player2 is submitted
this.addMatch(this.state.player1, this.state.player2)
this.setState({ player1: '', player2: '' }) // resets player1 and player2 to empty string
event.preventDefault(); // prevents the form submission from causing a page reload
// receives 2 players as parameters
addMatch = (player1, player2) => {
const newMatch = {
player1: player1,
player2: player2,
played: false
const newMatches = this.state.matches.concat(newMatch)
this.setState({ matches: newMatches })
markMatchAsPlayed = (playedMatch) => {
// iterate over the matches to find what match is the played one
// once it finds it, it sets its played attribute to true and retur => {
if(match !== playedMatch) {
// if the match we are iterating on is not equal to playedMatch
// we simply return it, as it's not the match we're looking for
return match
} else {
// if it reaches here, it means the current match is the one we're looking for
// so we set its played attribute to true and return it
playedMatch.played = true
return playedMatch
// play receives the match being played and its winner
play = (match, newWinner) => {
// if there's no previous winner we set it to be the newWinner
if(this.state.previousWinner === null) {
this.setState({ previousWinner: newWinner })
} else {
// if there's a previous winner already, we simply create a new match
// passing the previousWinner and the newWinner
this.addMatch(this.state.previousWinner, newWinner)
// since we created a new match, we need to "forget" what the previousWinner was by setting it to null
this.setState({ previousWinner: null })
// finally, we need to mark the current match as played
<form onSubmit={this.onAddGame}>
<input className="player-input" placeholder="Player 1" onChange={this.handleChangePlayer1} value={this.state.player1} />
<input className="player-input" placeholder="Player 2" onChange={this.handleChangePlayer2} value={this.state.player2} />
<input className="player-input" type="submit" value="Add Match" />
{ => (
<li key={match.player1+match.player2}>
disabled={match.played === true}
onClick={() =>, match.player1)}>Win!</button>
<span> VS </span>
<span>{match.player2} <button disabled={match.played === true} onClick={() =>, match.player2)}>Win!</button></span>
<Winner winnerName={this.state.previousWinner} />
export default App;
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