These are multiple feature proposals to have a better compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
- Right of Data Portability
- Right to be Forgotten
- Unmark "receive information" by default on user creation
- Pages version control
- TOS accepted at field for users
- Unbundled consent on user registration
This is a feature proposal to have a better compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Controllers must make the data available in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable and interoperable format that allows the individual to transfer the data to another controller.
As an user, I should have a button to download all the data that I've uploaded to the platform. For instance, all my personal data (like email) or the proposals that I've created. A safe bet would be almost every content with a user_id relationship. This dump should be sent by email on a background task for better performance.
This development should extend the decidim-core module.
This is a feature proposal to have a better compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
We need to track every deleted user id, so if we have to restore the database there is a procedure where an admin check that this users don’t get recreated.
This is a feature proposal to have a better compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
We need to change the opt-out nature of our newsletter at the moment. We need to have it unchecked by default and it's also important to have a test so we don't have a regression with this feature.
User Story: As a non registered user, when I go to user registration form, I shouldn't see any checkbox marked by default.
- #1280
This is a feature proposal to have a better compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
We need to have version control for a few pages, like Terms Of Services. It'd be better to have it on all kind of pages, to track changes on this kind of content.
This development should extend the decidim-pages module.
This is a feature proposal to have a better compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
We need to track when a user has accepted the TOS (Term Of Service), so if it gets changed we should show the TOS page to accept again. Also on this special page with the TOS we need to have a checkbox unmarked by default.
This is a feature proposal to have a better compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
We need to separate better on the user registration page what belongs to the TOS (Terms Of Service) and what belongs to the newsletter.
This gist was migrated to an issue on decidim/decidim#3320