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Created February 28, 2015 00:18
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AngularJS | Directive | Collapsable section
'use strict'
# Usage:
# <collapsable-section section="'Support pages settings *'" description="'Placeholders: {{c}} - Calendar name, {{n}} - Landing name, {{l}} - Landing title'" start-collapsed="true">
# I am the content of this section!
# </collapsable-section>
app = angular.module 'app'
app.directive 'collapsableSection', ->
restrict : 'E'
replace : true
transclude : true
scope :
startCollapsed : '='
section : '='
description : '='
template : [
'<h4 ng-click="collapse = !collapse">'
'<i class="text-center fa" style="width: 25px" ng-class="{ \'fa-chevron-down\': !collapse, \'fa-chevron-right\': collapse }"></i>'
'{{ section }}'
'<div class="help-block">'
'{{ description }}'
'<div collapse="collapse">'
link: ($scope, element, attrs) ->
$scope.collapse = $scope.startCollapsed;
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