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Last active March 15, 2021 18:13
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  • Save andrespch/d81a72eb145109b11562f6fcebfb6129 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"locationActivityMetrics" : {
"cumulativeBestAccuracyForNavigationTime" : "20 secs",
"cumulativeBestAccuracyTime" : "30 secs",
"cumulativeHundredMetersAccuracyTime" : "30 secs",
"cumulativeNearestTenMetersAccuracyTime" : "30 secs",
"cumulativeKilometerAccuracyTime" : "20 secs",
"cumulativeThreeKilometersAccuracyTime" : "20 secs"
"cellularConditionMetrics" : {
"cellConditionTime" : {
"histogramNumBuckets" : 3,
"histogramValue" : {
"0" : {
"bucketEnd" : "1 bars",
"bucketCount" : 20,
"bucketStart" : "1 bars"
"1" : {
"bucketEnd" : "2 bars",
"bucketCount" : 30,
"bucketStart" : "2 bars"
"2" : {
"bucketEnd" : "3 bars",
"bucketCount" : 50,
"bucketStart" : "3 bars"
"metaData" : {
"appBuildVersion" : "1",
"osVersion" : "iPhone OS 14.4 (18D52)",
"regionFormat" : "DE",
"platformArchitecture" : "arm64e",
"deviceType" : "iPhone13,4"
"gpuMetrics" : {
"cumulativeGPUTime" : "20 secs"
"memoryMetrics" : {
"peakMemoryUsage" : "200.000 kB",
"averageSuspendedMemory" : {
"averageValue" : "100.000 kB",
"standardDeviation" : 0,
"sampleCount" : 500
"applicationExitMetrics" : {
"backgroundExitData" : {
"cumulativeAppWatchdogExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeMemoryResourceLimitExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeBackgroundURLSessionCompletionTimeoutExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeBackgroundFetchCompletionTimeoutExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeAbnormalExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeSuspendedWithLockedFileExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeIllegalInstructionExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeMemoryPressureExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeBadAccessExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeCPUResourceLimitExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeBackgroundTaskAssertionTimeoutExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeNormalAppExitCount" : 1
"foregroundExitData" : {
"cumulativeBadAccessExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeAbnormalExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeMemoryResourceLimitExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeNormalAppExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeCPUResourceLimitExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeIllegalInstructionExitCount" : 1,
"cumulativeAppWatchdogExitCount" : 1
"displayMetrics" : {
"averagePixelLuminance" : {
"averageValue" : "50 apl",
"standardDeviation" : 0,
"sampleCount" : 500
"signpostMetrics" : [
"signpostIntervalData" : {
"histogrammedSignpostDurations" : {
"histogramNumBuckets" : 3,
"histogramValue" : {
"0" : {
"bucketEnd" : "100 ms",
"bucketCount" : 50,
"bucketStart" : "0 ms"
"1" : {
"bucketEnd" : "400 ms",
"bucketCount" : 60,
"bucketStart" : "100 ms"
"2" : {
"bucketEnd" : "700 ms",
"bucketCount" : 30,
"bucketStart" : "400 ms"
"signpostCumulativeCPUTime" : "30.000 ms",
"signpostAverageMemory" : "100.000 kB",
"signpostCumulativeLogicalWrites" : "600 kB"
"signpostCategory" : "TestSignpostCategory1",
"signpostName" : "TestSignpostName1",
"totalSignpostCount" : 30
"signpostIntervalData" : {
"histogrammedSignpostDurations" : {
"histogramNumBuckets" : 3,
"histogramValue" : {
"0" : {
"bucketEnd" : "200 ms",
"bucketCount" : 60,
"bucketStart" : "0 ms"
"1" : {
"bucketEnd" : "300 ms",
"bucketCount" : 70,
"bucketStart" : "201 ms"
"2" : {
"bucketEnd" : "500 ms",
"bucketCount" : 80,
"bucketStart" : "301 ms"
"signpostCumulativeCPUTime" : "50.000 ms",
"signpostAverageMemory" : "60.000 kB",
"signpostCumulativeLogicalWrites" : "700 kB"
"signpostCategory" : "TestSignpostCategory2",
"signpostName" : "TestSignpostName2",
"totalSignpostCount" : 40
"cpuMetrics" : {
"cumulativeCPUTime" : "100 secs",
"cumulativeCPUInstructions" : "100 kiloinstructions"
"networkTransferMetrics" : {
"cumulativeCellularDownload" : "80.000 kB",
"cumulativeWifiDownload" : "60.000 kB",
"cumulativeCellularUpload" : "70.000 kB",
"cumulativeWifiUpload" : "50.000 kB"
"diskIOMetrics" : {
"cumulativeLogicalWrites" : "1.300 kB"
"applicationLaunchMetrics" : {
"histogrammedTimeToFirstDrawKey" : {
"histogramNumBuckets" : 3,
"histogramValue" : {
"0" : {
"bucketEnd" : "1.010 ms",
"bucketCount" : 50,
"bucketStart" : "1.000 ms"
"1" : {
"bucketEnd" : "2.010 ms",
"bucketCount" : 60,
"bucketStart" : "2.000 ms"
"2" : {
"bucketEnd" : "3.010 ms",
"bucketCount" : 30,
"bucketStart" : "3.000 ms"
"histogrammedResumeTime" : {
"histogramNumBuckets" : 3,
"histogramValue" : {
"0" : {
"bucketEnd" : "210 ms",
"bucketCount" : 60,
"bucketStart" : "200 ms"
"1" : {
"bucketEnd" : "310 ms",
"bucketCount" : 70,
"bucketStart" : "300 ms"
"2" : {
"bucketEnd" : "510 ms",
"bucketCount" : 80,
"bucketStart" : "500 ms"
"applicationTimeMetrics" : {
"cumulativeForegroundTime" : "700 secs",
"cumulativeBackgroundTime" : "40 secs",
"cumulativeBackgroundAudioTime" : "30 secs",
"cumulativeBackgroundLocationTime" : "30 secs"
"timeStampEnd" : "2021-03-14 22:59:00 +0000",
"animationMetrics" : {
"scrollHitchTimeRatio" : "1.000 ms per s"
"applicationResponsivenessMetrics" : {
"histogrammedAppHangTime" : {
"histogramNumBuckets" : 3,
"histogramValue" : {
"0" : {
"bucketEnd" : "100 ms",
"bucketCount" : 50,
"bucketStart" : "0 ms"
"1" : {
"bucketEnd" : "400 ms",
"bucketCount" : 60,
"bucketStart" : "100 ms"
"2" : {
"bucketEnd" : "700 ms",
"bucketCount" : 30,
"bucketStart" : "400 ms"
"appVersion" : "1.0",
"timeStampBegin" : "2021-03-13 23:00:00 +0000"
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