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Created August 20, 2021 16:28
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Haskell req multi-part upload, observed
import Control.Exception.Safe (throwString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TxtE
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HC
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.MultipartFormData as MFD
import Network.HTTP.Req ((/:))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Req as R
import qualified System.FilePath as Fp
import qualified Text.URI as URI
upload :: Text -> Map Text Text -> FilePath -> Maybe ((Int64, Int64) -> IO ()) -> IO Text
upload url extraOpts path onProgress' = do
let opts = Map.toList extraOpts <&> \(k, v) -> R.header (TxtE.encodeUtf8 k) (TxtE.encodeUtf8 v)
rb <-
case onProgress' of
Nothing -> HC.RequestBodyLBS <$> BSL.readFile path
Just onProgress -> HC.observedStreamFile (\s -> onProgress (HC.fileSize s, HC.readSoFar s)) path
rbp <- R.reqBodyMultipart [ MFD.partFileRequestBody "file" (Fp.takeFileName path) rb ]
(URI.mkURI url <&> R.useURI) >>= \case
Nothing -> throwString . Txt.unpack $ "Unable to parse url for file link: " <> uf ^. ufForm . uffUrl
Just u ->
case u of
Right (httpUrl, httpOptions) -> go httpUrl (httpOptions <> mconcat opts) rbp
Left (httpsUrl, httpsOptions) -> go httpsUrl (httpsOptions <> mconcat opts) rbp
go :: (R.HttpBody body) => R.Url s -> R.Option s -> body -> IO BSL.ByteString
go url' options body = do
R.runReq R.defaultHttpConfig $ do
r <- R.req R.POST url' body R.lbsResponse options
pure (R.responseBody r)
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