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Last active October 31, 2022 23:45
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AHK script for adding various keyboard shortcuts to Raven Pro
;; Raven Shortcuts
;; Intro:
;; install AHK if you haven't already
;; save this script, make sure it has extension .ahk
;; double click to run the script. you should see it running in your task bar
;; icons
;; Usage note: this script works by moving your mouse to predefined positions,
;; clicking a button, and then returning your mouse.
;; i have tested this with raven 1.6.1, with the default window arrangement.
;; if the hotkeys do not work as expected, or click different things, or nothing,
;; then perhaps your window arrangement / arrangement of icons is different.
;; in this case, you will need to modify the X and Y settings in this file.
;; you can find those values using the Window Spy tool that comes with AHK
;; Customisation:
;; Change any of the hotkeys to whatever you like
;; E.g. F3:: in this script moves to next selection
;; If you change this to Right::
;; Then the right arrow key would be used to move to next selection instead.
;; See the full keylist here:
;; If you do make changes to this script (using a text editor), then you will have to
;; save the script, and re-run it, before the change take effect.
;; General script settings
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#SingleInstance, force
;; Set the script to only work when Raven is active
;; these hotkeys will only work when a Raven Pro window is detected
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, Raven Pro
;; Zoom in and out of sound when holding down ctrl and using the scroll wheel
;; Specifying ctrl means you preserve ability to scroll the selection table
^WheelUp:: ;; Zoom in when pressing ctrl + wheel up.
;; the ^ means ctrl key, ^ plus mouse scroll = execute this action
Sleep, 5
MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY ;; saves the current mouse position coordinates
CoordMode, Mouse, Window ;; use window mode setting,
; the x and y coordinates that are entered will be relative to the current
; working window (e.g. Raven) therefore if you resize raven or use different
; monitor size (laptop vs desktop), the script should still work
x := 299
y := 101
;; these are the x and y coordinates of the zoom in button in raven. if the
;; button is in a different position on your raven version, you can adjust these
;; coordinates using window spy which comes with AHK
Click %x% %Y%
Click %x% %Y% ;; I have mine set to click twice
MouseMove, StartX, StartY ;; this moves mouse back to starting position
^WheelDown:: ;; Zoom out
MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY
CoordMode, Mouse, Window
x := 326
y := 102
Click %x% %Y%
Click %x% %Y%
MouseMove, StartX, StartY
;; Navigating through selections
F1:: ;; zoom to all
MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY
CoordMode, Mouse, Window
x := 271
y := 102
Click %x% %Y%
MouseMove, StartX, StartY
F2:: ;; zoom to selection
MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY
CoordMode, Mouse, Window
x := 244
y := 102
Click %x% %Y%
MouseMove, StartX, StartY
F3:: ;; activate next selection
MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY
CoordMode, Mouse, Window
x := 646
y := 102
Click %x% %Y%
MouseMove, StartX, StartY
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