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Last active May 17, 2018 17:31
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Why is this sometimes wrong?

Junk drawer

Specifically the "last published on... by..." can be old or incorrect.

This is how it gets populated, for that view:

hymnal_ads_controller.rb L268

@latest_published_version = @hymnal_ad.published_versions.last

And let's look at a single published_versions.last....

> ad = ad
=> 60571

Okay. Sure, why not?

Let's check them all:

> ad.published_versions.pluck(:id)
=> [60571, 60680, 60850, 63085]

Well, that seems a bit suspicious; I would have thought 63085 was the last one.

Hrm, let's try sorting explicitly...

> ad.published_versions.sort_by { |pv| pv.created_at }
=> 63085

Oh, well...that's the one we really want.

Well, fine, we can explicitly order in the relation, to make sure we're sorting by PublishedAd.created_at

has_many :published_versions,
         -> { order(:created_at => :asc, :id => :asc) }

But... why is .last wrong? What else is going on?

=> 60571
=> 60571


Well, that's just weird.

What about this?

> ad.published_versions.last(1).map(&:id)
=> [63085]

Why is that different?! Why is .last different than .last(1)?

Seriously, what?!

Let's go spelunking!

Let's start looking into .published_versions, and what happens with .last:

> ad.published_versions.class
=> PublishedAd::ActiveRecord_Associations_CollectionProxy

So we start at CollectionProxy

collection_proxy.rb L226-228

def last(*args)

Then we head into Association:

collection_association L128-130

def last(*args)
  first_nth_or_last(:last, *args)

collection_association L632-640

# Fetches the first/last using SQL if possible, otherwise from the target array.
def first_nth_or_last(type, *args)
  args.shift if args.first.is_a?(Hash) && args.first.empty?

  collection = fetch_first_nth_or_last_using_find?(args) ? scope : load_target
  collection.send(type, *args).tap do |record|
    set_inverse_instance record if record.is_a? ActiveRecord::Base

We're calling this method, and type is :last; and args is either [], or [1]; depending on whether we're calling .last or .last(1)

Then we're calling send on whatever collection is; either scope or load_target. (I'm exhausted already.)

Which is it? What does that fetch_first_nth_or_last_using_find? return? Let's use some ruby magic to find out (if you think calling private methods using .send(:symbol) is hacking ruby, have fun with instance_variable_get).

> ad.published_versions.instance_variable_get("@association").send(:fetch_first_nth_or_last_using_find?, [:last])
=> true

Let's not worry about why; let's just keep digging. So it returns true, and collection = scope, and so we're (essentially) calling scope.last(*args)

and if we look at scope, it's:

> ad.published_versions.instance_variable_get("@association").send(:scope).class
=> PublishedAd::ActiveRecord_AssociationRelation

Confirmed, then: We're .sending [:last] (or [:last, 1], depending) to ActiveRecord_AssociationRelation.

And that looks like this:

finder_methods.rb L152-162

def last(limit = nil)
  if limit
    if order_values.empty? && primary_key

(which we can find by doing grep -r 'def last(' inside the active_record gem.)

So, when we call .published_versions.last(1), we go into the first branch. Let's just have a quick check on order_values.empty? (which I assume has something to do with whether or not the relation is already ordered):

> ad.published_versions.send(:order_values).empty?
=> false

We end up with just: .published_versions.to_a.last(1), which is how we get the "right" answer:

> ad.published_versions.to_a.last(1).map(&:id)
=> [63085]


But, when we call .published_versions.last, we're calling the finder_method above, with a nil param, so we take the second branch to find_last:

finder_methods.rb L503-514

def find_last
  if loaded?
    @last ||=
      if limit_value

And here, we just end up in the last branch because of reasons:

> ad.published_versions.loaded?
=> false
> ad.published_versions.send(:limit_value)
=> nil

So .published_versions.last is the same as .published_versions.reverse_order.limit(1).to_a.first

Which makes sense abstractly: the "last" object is the same as the "first" object after you reverse them all.

...except it isn't; we saw that and were the same.


=> [60571, 60680, 60850, 63085]
=> [60571, 60680, 60850, 63085]

The list is the same when it's reversed! Palindrome-tastic!


But, why?

> ad.published_versions.to_sql
=> "SELECT `published_ads`.* FROM `published_ads` INNER JOIN `operations` ON `published_ads`.`last_operation_id` = `operations`.`id` WHERE `operations`.`hymnal_ad_id` = 1337  ORDER BY `operations`.`created_at` ASC, `operations`.`id` ASC"
> ad.published_versions.reverse_order.to_sql
=> "SELECT `published_ads`.* FROM `published_ads` INNER JOIN `operations` ON `published_ads`.`last_operation_id` = `operations`.`id` WHERE `operations`.`hymnal_ad_id` = 1337  ORDER BY `operations`.`created_at` DESC, `operations`.`id` DESC"

That seems sensible, we're (by default) using the order specified on HymnalAd.operations.

=> [26549, 26549, 26549, 26549]

Ah, all of the published versions are from the same version of the ad!

So... if we sort them using the default ordering (via the operations), then they're essentially not being ordered at all, because they all relate to the same Operation.

So... even if we "reverse the order", they stay the same.

So... when we call .last (which is the same as .reverse_order.first), it's as if we're calling .first

So... and are the same, and we get the value we don't expect for .last.

So... we needed to be explicit about the ordering anyway, but now we see why: because we need to be able to sensibly order published_versions that correspond to the same Operation.)

Case closed!

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